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Aj's P.O.V.

"Ahh!!!" I screamed again. Mia was trying to make the pain stop as much as she could but it wasn't much. This baby wanted to come out right now. I guess three months was too long for it. Vampire pregnancies only lasted for a few months because the baby grows more quickly than a human baby.

"It won't be much longer" Mia encouraged me. I tried to smile, but I was hurting too much right now.

The past three months have been awful! I've been kicked out of training, I'm not even allowed to step outside of the castle except to go to the garden. The perks of having an over-protective father I guess (note the sarcasm).

The British vampires have been strangely quiet, or at least that's what Jason has been telling me. Although he has been acting strange since he found out I was pregnant.

I breathed in deeply as another wave of pain shot through my body. Please hurry baby, I can't take much more of this.

Harry's P.O.V.

I gripped me head in my hands. This pain was awful. She was suffering from much worse. Mates can feel each other's pain. So whatever pain I was feeling, her pain was probably double.

"What's the matter Harry?" Louis asked as he came into my room.

"Somethings wrong with her." I answered.

"How do you know?"

"I can feel it. Get Zayn. I need to find out what the problem is."

Aj's P.O.V.

Two more hours and the pain was finally over. I was finally holding the cute little one that caused so much trouble. A beautiful little boy with piercing green eyes, just like his father, unfortunately. I couldn't tell yet but it looked like he was going to have curly hair too.

"What are you going to name him?" Mia asked me.

"I think I'll name him Conner."

"I like it. Do you want me to tell your dad he can come in? I don't think he can wait much longer." She laughed.

"Yeah that would probably be a good idea." I said looking down at Conner. She headed out the door and started talking to him.

A few seconds later I heard footsteps and looked up to see my father smiling down at Conner.

"He's beautiful." He said after a minute.

"He really is." He was about to say something else when James ran into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we a have a problem."

"What's wrong James? I'm sure it can wait."

"I beg your pardon, but it really can't. There are British vampires here. They got through the first section of security. There are only a few of them, but that makes them harder to catch." I watched as my fathers face turned from confused to angry.

He looked down at me and Conner. "James get them out of here. Get them somewhere safe until everything is settled." I touched his arm and he looked down understandingly. I had finally caved and told him about Harry. True to his word he didn't get angry, but he wasn't letting me near Harry or anyone who could take me to Harry.

"Yes sir." James answered as my father left the room. He held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and carefully set my feet on the floor. My entire body still hurt, and when James noticed he quickly scooped me up bridal style.

"I swear you do this just so you can be carried." He smirked down at me.

"Oh yeah because I just love being man-handled." I replied and rolled my eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I was kidding!" He started laughing.

He started walking out the door and I pulled the blanket tighter around Conner who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Where are we going?" I asked after he had walked out towards the garden.

"I guess you could call it a safe house since nobody else knows where it is."

"Why doesn't anyone else know about it?" I asked curiously.

"Because I built it way back in the woods. Its where I go when I need to think." He said as he stepped up to the edge of the woods. "Close your eyes and hold on tight." He said as he started running.

Within 5 minutes we were in front of a little wooden cottage. It was breath-takingly beautiful. He set me down and I turned to face him.

"You built this?"

"Yeah it took some time but I like how it turned out. What do you think?" He asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Its amazing! I love it!" He smiled down at me and led me inside.

"Just wait till you see the inside."

Harry's P.O.V.

The pain had stopped, but I still needed to find out what had happened to her. All the boys had insisted on coming with me and I didn't have the strength to argue with them. We were in front of a side door that led into the castle.

I looked at the boys. "You guys know the plan right?" I whispered to them.

"Yes." Louis sounded slightly annoyed. "You lead us to her room. We find her and we bring her back home with us." I nodded. I walked through the door and unlocked it for the others. We made our way through the castle without being seen. This place wasn't as guarded as I thought it would be.

We made it to the hallway and made my way to her door. I turned the knob and was surprised to find that it wasn't locked. This was strangely easy. I walked over to her bed and gently moved the covers off of her.

But it wasn't her! It was a blonde girl.

"Looking for something?" She asked innocently. I could my fangs starting to grow as I noticed the small smirk plastered on her face.

"Where is she?" I asked trying to hold back my anger.

"You mean my daughter?" A voice said from behind me. I spun around to be meet be the king of American vampires.

The boys each had a girl standing next to them with a dagger held to their throats.

"Where is she?" I asked again. My patience wearing dangerously thin.

"As you can tell she's not here. Where she is right now I don't really know. I asked Jason to take care of her for me."

Just the thought of Jason being near her was enough to make my vision flash red.

"Oh you don't like him I see." He said with a smug grin.

"I will only ask one more time. Where is she? She was in pain. I could feel it."

"So it is true." He said under his breath. "Look it was nothing. She's fine but you all should go before more guards come."

"You're letting us go?" I asked suspiciously. He had the chance and every reason to kill us or throw us in his dungeon again.

"Yes but please go for my daughter's sake. She is going through a lot right now and I don't need her stressed out."

The blonde girl behind me mumbled. "A lot is like the understatement of the century." The glared at her.

"Something is going on and I need to know what it is. She is my mate whether you like it or not. I should not be the one being kept in the dark if there is something going on with her." I finished my rant and looked at her father.

He looked surprised by my outburst. But then a small smile came over his face. "I know how you feel believe me. Trust me when I say that this is not my place to share what's going on."

"Then who can tell me?" I was getting frustrated again. He was talking in riddles.

"She's the only one that can tell you, but I can't promise you that she will want to see you." He gave me a knowing look. I looked down. He was right. This didn't exactly go well the last time I saw her.

Suddenly the girl that was guarding Liam gasped and ran from the room. Everyone just as confused as I felt.

"What just happened?" Liam asked.

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