Hero Rouge?

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Hi, i'm Hana. I hope you enjoy this book. Sorry the 1st chapter is VERY long. The others won't be, but please comment.
Ash's pov
Silence fills the atmosphere, leaving a sense on tranquility in its wake. Not even the crunch of leaves under my feet could be heard as i drift through the woods in a haze of wonder. I know these woods like the back of my hand, yet the silence of the cold night is something to marvel on.
Suddenly an ear-piercing scream shatters the sound-less woodland; the cry coming from a far, yet without a second thought i rush to it.
Sprinting past trees with in-human speed, dodging branches quickly, worry fills me when the coppery scent of blood fills my nostrills. Border patrol where suprisingly not in sight. Normaly a minimum of 10 men per mile is assigned but the woods a vacent today. It's probably the cause of the intruder, they'll be out hunting for them now instead of standing ground. My mind flies, registering the subtle wolfy aroma engraved in the DNA. That means the injured is a wolf. Hmmm...
Stopping for a second i lift my head into the air, my brown and gold locks falling down my back, and sniff the air. My sence of smell is better than most wolves, so tracking comes naturally to me. I pick up on the scent and turn in a 360° motion to see the which way has the strongest scent. Damn it. Thoughts of my stupidity fill my brain, but i discard them and follow the trach back to the suvillian. I'd gone too far foward, my adrenalin blocking my sense. The odour of blood is back and to the left. Chasing after it with new found need, the smell becomes almost too strong to handle and my snesitive ears pick up on whimpers. The trees space out more, meaning i have a clearer path to run. After about 10 minutes of sprinting a movement ahead brings me to a halt.
About 60 meters away from the murderious scene, i take cover behind a thick tree, and carefuly spy on the woman who lays clutching at her stomach. There is no blood pouring out of he abdomen, but muscles around the stomach and organs could have been damaged if her attacker had beaten her repeatidly. She looks helpless; curled up in a ball with tears streaming down her olive coloured skin. Blood pours from her temple and deep scratches run across the womans dainty frame. The girls body is barely covered, a yellow floral dress ripped into shreds, the poor wolfs decensy bairly covered. She has her arms wrapped around her bleeding legs, trying to protect herself in a defensless manner.
I'm snapped out of my faze when a man enters my view. He is average height with long greasy black hair, wearing only a pair of jeans. His chest is bare, showing a tattoo that writes in stiff, block like letters: Savage. Sweat drips down his form and i can smell it's pungent stench from my position. The sight repulses me, the preditor reeks of villainous doings. By his musky scent i can the man is a stereotypical rogue; violent and untamed. Yet i musn't be so quick to judge my own kin, as i've been pack-less for 5 years now.
A glinting light catches my attention and in his hand i see the source of the shine; a knife coated in blood is clutched by the womans attacker. The male wolf strides foward slowly, i can only see his back and a fraction of his side but i notice the weapon is held with precision infront of the 6'1 male, aimed towards the sobbing casualty.
I knew this wasn't going to end well as i had already passed onto Cresent Wolf Pack, and i particulary wasn't welcomed to packs as i have a reputation for trouble. But it seems my reputation is about to stay true to it's words.
Concentrating on the knife, my hand reaches out and power floods out of my finger tips towards the object. In seconds a flame appears, spreading over the blade like wild fire.
I watch as the man jumps back in fear, and the teenagers screams die into a gasp of shock. Her head whips upto the mans but all he does is try and stomp out the increasing red flickers.
Treking towards the man, not bothering to run as he can't do anything to the distressed wolf now, i watch through anger filled eyes as two heads pivot to me. I met the mans glare, and we stare at each other in pure hatred, his brown mud-coloured eyes meeting my gold ones.
A smirk plasters his face, i would question why but i've met enough arrogant men to know that in his ignorant brain he is underestimating me.
"Come to join the fun? Sorry bitch but this ones taken. Find your own whore to toy with." Outrage pools into me like sand. Did he just call me a bitch? I have a high tolarance for people, however i have a personal disliking for names intended to insult me.
Breathing in the fresh air, i savour it before letting my breath escape me. This succesfuly calms me, so i state loudly "I will give you one chance to go back to whatever hell-hole you came from." It's a simple truth that hopefully he will accept, as i'm not in the mood to fight.
A booming laughter escapes the preditor, but this turns into a howl as his clothes are shredded and a wolf takes his form. I've seen bigger, however the dirty brown mutt is of impressive size. In a quick movement the 5'7 tall beast lunges at me, teeth ready to snap through me.
Dodging quickly to the side, i secure my arms around the wolfs furry neck, my fingers fastening together, and forcefully swing my body sideways, using his weight as leverege. This action prevents him from landing where i origionaly stood. Unfastening my death grip i let my hands slide away and fall limp at my sides, whilst the heavy animal starts plumating down, then within a millisecond the 400 pound lump of muscle crashes to the ground, a brutal crunch ringing throught the air.
"I'll take that as a no then." I smirk, looking down at the large animal as he struggles to get up on all fours, one of his paws obviously injured. After  steadying himself onto three legs, his form starts to shake and i see both of the animals back legs bend, right before the wolf jumpes at me, but i have my eyes trained on him so I am expecting it.
This time instead of dodging i ball my hand into a fist and let my power consume me for a moment, a barier of fire circling my balled up hand.
I stare at the attacker as time seems to slow.  Plain hot fury lays in the mans shallow eyes, leaving no room for forgiveness or mercy. The beings face is rough, coated in messy brown fur and a scar lays on his left cheek. On his ear a bite mark can be seen where the skin is missing.
Fight. Gathering all the energy i have, as the wolfs presence nears to about half a meter away and his mouth opens to bite; all his sharp yellow teeth showing, i swing my fiery fist. It soars through the air so fast any human would've got whip lash, and my knuckle connects with the centre of his head, between his two dark eyes, with a loud crack. A deathly howl escapes the animal, as his form slacks a little and falls to the ground. The pety being whimpers away, when his form starts to sway and as anticipated he hits the ground heavily, every inch of his wolf sagging into the grass as sleep over took him. The mans growls of pain can still be heard but he is no longer a threat as it will take a minimum of an hour for him to gain consiousness, even with warewolf healing.
I hear a moan and i am promptly drawn out of my after-fight daze by the victim of the attack, who hasn't changed position from when i first sighted her.
Walking the dozen metres to the girls side my two fingers immediatly go to her neck, and i am thankful to find a steady pulse thumping against the artery. Stepping back i take a minute to look at her. She has dark straight hair that has a few knots in, next to her smudged-eyeliner eyes is a graze caused by a punch to the temple. The wound seems to be healing quickly, which is good. My eyes skim over her body, there is no major injuries but her wrist seems to be in a strange position.
The memory of her clutching her stomach comes to mind, surprisingly the dress still covers that part of her body, so grasping the top of a pre-exsisting tear with slightly shaky hands, i rip the material until the garment lays open. I made sure to slit the dress from just below her ribs so the girls decency is covered, minus the fact i can now see the womans pants.
Shockingly there doesn't seem to be much wrong with her stomach; there is a long slash that goes across the right side of her abdomin, about and inch from her tummy button.
The cut doesn't look deep, which leads me to question why she was so protective of her stomach.
A sound catches my attention. It isn't a noise created by birds, animals or humans snapping branches in their wake, but more of a thump.
I quietly listen, extending my hearing with wolf abilities.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Two heartbeats hammer, one of them belonging to the lady in front of me and another belonging somewhere near her.
My thoughts connect together and the reason behind the mystery is reveiled. The stomach clutching, motherly instincts to protect her womb, not being able to change into wolf form, two heartbeats.
The woman is pregnant.
A smile creeps up onto my face and i can't help but rest my pale hand on the girls flat stomach. She looks about 17-18, which is the usual age to mate for a wolf.
As if in answer to my conclusion a small bubble like movement waves under my palm. It's so soft a human wouldn't pick up on it, but i felt it.
Reluctantly i remove my left hand and reach out for the mother-to-be's hand.
Ever since i was eight i learnt about my healing abilities, it came as a shock at first but the more powerful i became and the more knowledge i earned, the better i became at controlling my magic.
A gentle wave of green light transfers itself from my finger tips and into the ladies being. Almost instantly a visual change can be seen, the mothers once scrunched up features become calm and pain-free and the gash starts to heal as the blood gradually evapourates.
I'm so lost in healing i don't notice another presence until a sharp sting awakens me to real life.
Raising my hand i feel along my neck to where the pain is and jerk out a metal object. I stare at it in shock abd amuzement, a strange combination of emotions.
In my hand lays an empty syringe, only a few drops of yellow liquid drip down drom the inside.
Sharply my head turns to where a man stands, he has blonde messy hair, piercing blue eyes, a dark green button down shirt and jeans. Any other day i would of found him cute, not mate worthy, but cute, however seeing as he holds what looks like a gun that projects very sharp syringes at people, he isn't on my best of terms.
I glare up at the man, he looks about 20, and has the traits of a strong warrior, but i could take him down easily.
"What did you just inject me with?" I ask fiercly. I visualy see a tremor travel through the wolfs body, but it's quickly masked. I retain a laugh at the fact that the strong smelling warrior (his smell holds power, that of maybe a beta or third in comand) is effected by my comanding voice.
"A tranquillizer." A small giggle escapes me. I know this isn't the best of situations to start finding comical, but how stupid can he be?
"One important fact you are missing." I smugly say, looking into his confused eyes. The man is probably puzzled as to why i am not asleep yet, but lucky for him i'm about to answer his questions. "Shit like that doesn't work on me."
Understanding dawns on him, and in a quick motion the syringe gun is on the floor and a real firearm is pointed at me. It's what looks like a standard 9mm revolver.
"This is loaded with silver lased bullets. I know for a fact your not immune to them.Surrender yourself or i will shoot." His tone is threatening but it's not him that scares me. Guns where the death of my mums species. Naturaly they brings shakes of fear to me. I cover up all signs of cowardness by putting on a blank expression. I can't use my magic, as at the sight of a flickir will cause him to start shooting. I weigh my options: run but either get shot or get caught by border patrol. Or go with him to a prison cell until they find out the truth and i can go home... Real tough desition.
Sighing in frustration at this while situation, i stand up so i am almost face to face with the sharp featured man. "Fine but i'm not wearing cuffs." I state before walking in the direction of where i assume the pack house is. I hear the warrior follow in my footsteps closely, the gun still not put away. Smart man. Out of all the things to request not wearing hand cuffs is a strange one, but i hate not being able to move freely. That and me and the restricting over-tight metal contraptions have a bad history.
I'm a wanted rogue. To them it looks like i tried to kill one of their own. My magic is running borderline low, and there is no obvious way of escaping without having a hole shot through by body.
I'm a dead girl walking.
After about 5 minutes of walking through woodland we reach the town. At the smell of me everyone stops and stares. Hundreds of eyes glare at me. I know my scent must be foreign to them, and rogues have a type of, well, rougliness about them. Everyone clears a path and i take this moment to look at the town.
There is a few shops, and some stalls selling fruit, vegetables and meat. The houses all seem to line up together, in a modern wealthy style. The buildings are huge compaired to what i'm used to, each either owning two or more floors.
The people seem nice, however they all wear the same sinful look across their face as them stare at me.
I try to smile at a child, who looks about 6 with ginger hair and a polo shirt whilst holding a dinosaw, but who i pressume to be the mother grabs his shoulder and pushes him behind her solid frame.
I try to ignore the rejected feeling that buries deep inside me. I know i shouldn't be experiencing this lonley emotion as i am just a rogue to them, but when i entered the town a sense of hope wrestled within me, as it's every outcasts wish to be excepted somewhere. And i couldn't help but dream that someday i'd live happily in a pack like this.
At the end of the town is a mansion. I hadn't noticed it before as all the other houses had intrigued me. But this house out did them all; it had two spacy floors and was all white. A giant entrance door is closed and guarded at the centre of the building. The lawn infront is precisly cut and rose bushes bloom along the path upto the house. There are no cars out front so there must be a garage somewhere.
So this is a pack house. I'd heard of their beauty but never seen one in real life. I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the rich house.
I suddenly feel myself being dragged, i glare at the blonde warrior who smirks and pulls me along the road. I wrench my arm free of his tight grasp, following after the 6'3 man instead. Male wolves where known for being tall and muscular. Unfortunantly that didn't go for women, we where a normal height, on average at about 5'5-5'6. However i'm freakishly tall at 5'9. I had loved my height up until i was 15 and whilst all the other girls had stopped growing i grew and extra 6 centimitres.
The happy seroundings of the town fade the further we walk. Darkness seems to loom here, it's a strange displeasing sensation.
The warrior takes a right turn to where a small shed-like building stands.
"I need to restrain you for this part." I'm about to object when my hands are taken and before i can registor whats going on i hear the familiar snap of the cuffs. I growl visiously, trying not to pout at the unfair game; that he used his in-human speed on me when i wasn't expecting it. I look around to see if i could take my chances and run, but then the glare of not one, but three guards catches my attention. I catch a black eyed mans look and his lips form into a snarl. I quickly avert my eyes and desperatly attempt to calm my breathing, knowing that his in-human ears can train in on my panic. I'm trapped. The blonde haired warrior presses a button on the microphone on the side of the wall.
"Hello?" A femanine voice comes out from the other end.
"Hey carol. It's me James. I'm here with a rogue found on the east-border. We're going to need a space on the fourth floor." The warrior, James, calmly states into the phone.
"Fourth?" The lady questions with a surpriced tone.
"Yes. I will fill you in on the details later." Clicks could be heard from behind the door, eight in total. After a moment the door swings open, revieling a small 5×3m elevator. Inside a man stands in a formal looking position, with his hands behind his back and his head held high.
James and the soldier-like-warrior nod their heads in a respectful manner to one another.
"Which floor?" The elevator guy asks. I stand and stare at the blank metal door, my hands annoyingly still cuffed together.
"Fourth." James states. I look up to see both james and the warriors eyes glass over, a sign that they are mind-linking.
A minute later the warrior nods his head and presses the button labelled 4 so it highlights the dark space.
A sudden movement notifies me that we are moving down. The elevator is like any other; it has a large light covering the whole of the ceiling, in which lowly lights up the room and the walls are all made of a strong looking non-reflectant metal.
"The searchers are going to be more acurate in their searching." James alerts me. I'd never heard about searchers, however it's not difficult to tell their job based on their name.
"Ok. Will i be expected to take my clothes off?" I ask. Although i don't mind my nudity, a little warning before being asked to strip would be nice.
"Yes, everything except your undergarments. Socks must be taken off too." To say i wasn't shocked would be a lie, i knew there would be a high chance as they would want to make sure i didn't carry anything on me i shouldn't be.
"The whole check shouldn't take more than 5 minutes." The man with black short hair says. I thank him, reading his name badge aparently the african-americans name is Chase.
We come to a stop and the doors open, revieling a horrifying sight.
For the firsth about 15 meters there are scanners and people in uniform but after that there are lines and lines of cages, each criminal stocked up like animals. Screams and shouts fill the hall and bloody hands desperatly try and grasp out the cages.
Keeping my head down i try hard not to look at the scene before me. James nudges my back and the movement causes me to jump up a bit from shock and fear before stumbling foward.
"New comer?" A middle aged man asks, he is surprisingly short for a wolf at around 5'7. He wears a black suit and looks rather formal with his grey hair slicked back, but i'm guessing he does the paper work and never gets his hands messy.
"Yep." James answers. I look back down at the tiled grey floor. Why did i do this? I'm going to die down here! I feel tears rise at my own moronic actions. I don't know what i was expecting, but it sure wasn't this. I wanted a taste of adventure, to try sometging abnormal and instead i end up in a dirt prison cell filled with pedophiles!
Breathing in a steadying breath i calm my racing heart beat. I try and block out the taunting whispers "Hey pretty." "Ride me." "You won't last a day." "Come here my little virgin Mary."
Luckily the slivk haired man starts talking again. "Ok, i need you to fill in this then we'll kit you up." He makes it sound like i'm about to get ready to go to pre-school. Not prison. A sheet of paper strapped to a wooden board is wafting infront of me.
Timidly i accept and a pen is handed to me aswell. Looking at the top question i start to fill in the sheet.
Name: Ash

Date of birth: 27/03/00

Pack name: I'm rogue. I have never belonged to a pack.

Do you have any pre-exsisting medical issues: No

Do you have any allergies: Not that i know of.

Mothers name: Sydney Taylor

Farthers name: Rylie Griss (Lie. He's a man i met once at a bar about a year ago.)
If in a pack what is your ranking: As far as ranking goes i'm the Alpha's daughter.

Do you have any in-human gifts: Yes

If so what are they: Where's the fun in telling you?

Emergency number: 065923811

After finishing i pass the clip board back to the grey haired man. He skims through it and raises an un-defind eyebrow.
"What is your full name?" He asks with a slight irritant tone.
"Ash." I tell him. I named myself at the age of seven and i still like it and don't wish to change it. I don't have a surname, i would pick my mothers but that doesn't suit and i refuse to state my farther as family, let alone take his name.
"Ok..." After a few seconds another question is aimed at me "What is this in-human gift you hold?" I had already guessed that the question would be bought up due to my bland answer.
"Lets hope you don't piss me off then you won't find out." Replying with a shrug, James clears his throat from behind me.
"Ok, well you have to get searched now. I have gotton word from the Alpha, he will come and interigate you tomorrow." Thats over 12 hours away...
"If you'd come with me then please." Slick hair asks, or more like demands.
7 minutes later
They'd stripped me of everything. I'd been aloud to stay in my clothes as i wasn't a certified crimonal yet, not until i have given a statement and the Alpha decides if it's true or not.
They had searched through my black hooded cloak, removing the knifes that lay inside. Also my silver enhanced string of metal had been removed. And one lady, i think her name was Sue, had been smart enough as to check between my toes and take my small penny shaped disks of silver away. Wolves cannot bare the feel of silver, it burns their skin, but the effect isn't as bad for me, only leaving a little tingle.
I timidly walk down the path to my cell. Hands try and grab at me, and whispers as well as mental shrieks are aimed at me.
The further we go, the better the security becomes. Glass in place, ceiled off by silver, cuffed to the ground, soundproof.
I catch glimse of one room, and in there is a man in there. He wears an insane expression, staring right at me, however it feels like he's looking through me. Within seconds he goes from silent to screaming, charging at me, trying to break at his chains desperatly.
"This is you." James says. I have the last cell on the left hand side. It looks small and cramped, no bigger than the elevator. On the floor there is tiles with chains clamped down into them, the chains leading up to cuffs i assume are for me. The wall made of strong metal, atleast 2 inches thick and by the quietness inside i can only guess it is sound proof.
"We have agreed that due to your, umm, helpfullness towards the situation we will leave the cuffs off." So it does pay to not freak out and run away.
"Thank you." I tell James. He nods before turning around and slamming the heavy door. The noise echos through the small room.
What have i done? With a heavy heart i give into the tears until i am crumpled on the dirty, cold floor, scared at what will happen next.

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