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Hi! Just to say thank you everyone who has liked, commented and read this book.
Blakes POV
(The day of the attack)
Beads of sweat form on my forhead and i stare at the blurring red numbers infront of me in anger, willing them to go up. My legs felt like every cell in them had be hit with a hammer and my chest has gone past the stage of feeling as if the skin around it is slowly tightening and crushing my ribs.
Griping the bars on either side of me with enough force to turn my knuckles white.
One more mile... Steths' sarcastic voice fills my head, although i appreciate his encouragement the wolf just has a snarky way about him so most times you can't tell if he's kidding or not.
Pushing myself further i fight against my body which is begging for me to give up.
My breath comes out in pants and i stare at the neon numbers again as they threaten me. I'd sworn myself to an intense work out everyweek, including my normal daily excersise routine i think the idea is slowly killing me.
Aparenly i only have 0.7 of a mile left before i reach my 15 mile goal. As i said, this is slowly killing me.
"Alpha?" I hear my beta, James', voice ring through my head. Immediatly i press the stop button on my tread mill, holding back a sigh of relief. Concern fills me, me and James have been friends since we were pups, and he's never used mindlink unless it's for something important.
"Yes?" I question back, reaching for the towel hanging on the bar of the rowing machine. I use the soft fabric to dry of the sweat, and make a mental note to bring extra deodrant with me next time.
"We've had an atack in the east border. There was one woman harmed, the doc is with her now. There was a rogue there in wolf form, strangly he was knocked unconsious and there was a second rogue on scene." One of mine hurt? A low growl forms at the back of my throat.
"Who is the second rogue?" Turning on the shower in the bathroom next door my gym, i enjoy the cool water as it soothes my muscles. Unfortunantly this does nothing for my anger.
"I'm taking her to the fourth floor now." Her? Rogues are most commonly men, women are rare as they don't hold the same temper that gets men kicked out in the first place. I've only ever met one myself, when farther was ruling. He didn't let me see much of her but i did see her passing through the town, lashing around like a wild beast, her eyes holding an insane spark.
"Fourth?" I ask, that's our most advanced floors, used for either the mentaly unstable or for those in whom hold magic.
"Yes, it's probably nothing but the tranquilizer didn't work on her. I thought it's better to take precaution." A magic female rougue? I have never learnt of a gifted being go pack-less. Everyone is treated equaly in our pack, as well as many others, but it's an unspoken rule that people with powers don't be bannished as they can be very helpful in wars. It is only if the person leaves us no choice, then we name them rogue.
"Ok. I'm going to go and check on the victim. If she's well enough i'll get a witness statement. What's happening to the second rogue?" My bag rests on the side of the side of the door. Standing still i feel my skin pull, my bones morph and midnight black fur steadily grow out of me. I shrink slightly and lean forwards until i'm on all fours, my head raised looking around the suddenly bigger room.
Troting over to my bag i take it into my mouth, lifting it up with a strong thankfulness that it didn't contain my weights.
Then i run past the door, sprinting past the staring people to were people bow their heads in respect.
"Alpha, it's John." John is one of the guards. I've known him for 2 years. He's the cousin of my third in comand apartenly, we'd been introduced at my 17th birthday party.
"Yes?" Everyone was invited to my 17th birthday. For humans the grand celebration happens at the age of 16, however for us at 17 we gain the power to find our mates. Well that and mind-linking. Once that day paces we are officialy seen as adults in the pack, and the respect we get is much grater than when we where cubs. In hope for me to find my mate my mum and dad had invited the whole village. It wasn't likely i'd find my soul partner, but the lonliness of not left me feeling heart-broken.
"You might want to come over to the east border quickly. We're having some... issues with the male rogue." Issues? What sort of issues could be that bad that they can't sort him out?
"I'm on my way." With that ending note i sprint off towards the scene.
As i near the border shouts and screams ruthlessly fill the air. I sprint closer in my wolf form, until a my view zones in on a fight breaking out on the grass.
Eight warriors all try and restrain a rogue. He is nothing compaired to my pack however whilst my wolves our controlled, he lashes round like a beast. His mouth is open as war cries escape his cracked lips and the mans arms are being restrained by four of my guards. Two at his bare feet, one at his hairy tattood torso and another attempting to put him in choke hold.
"What's happening?" I ask my Beta, James. He is at the mands left arm, what catches my attention is the bright blue vains that pop out of his skin. That isn't normal on any standards.
"We don't know. He woke up and started lashing out. We tried to tranquilize him but his vains darkened and a shock wave sent us all flying back." James answers. This must be some kind of spell, not being effected by the dosage i can pass. The shock wave means he's protected against any poisons.
"Magic." I strut over to where the rogue is lashing out, like an animal caught in a snare. Shifting back into human form i stare at the scene before me. Slipping on the shorts quickly that had ddopped to the floor when i shifted, i take another step towards the man.
"Stand down!" I shout, using all my alpha tone. Everyone stops, my men don't let go of the rogue but stare a bit with wide eyes.
"No. The bitch hit me! She fucking hit me! I swear i'm gonna-" The shouting is cut off when my balled up fist meets his stomach. The being concaves from the punch, making him arch away, the guards holding him in place.
I don't know why but a protective feeling swept over me when he curses the other rogues name. She is probably just as bad as him, wishing for a fight. So why do i feel like it's something else?
The rogue starts attempting to free his hands from my guards hard grasp. In a quick action he flings all his weight to the ground, and unfortunantly my beta and the other seven men didn't see it coming so go toppling down with him. Little does the stupid rogue know that he just did us a favor. He's in a weaker position now where all my men are toppled ontop of him.
"Enough!" I boom sternly, everyone immediatly gets up, still holding onto the man, who struggles against them to no use.
"Cuff him!" I walk to where i'm infront of the wolf and put my hands around his dirty scratched neck. I'm not going to kill him, but the lack of oxygen will cause his form to weaken and enough time to have him chained.
Spit flies to my face as the black haired man sputters with a furious look in his eyes. My hands tighten in warning, and i smirk as colour drains from his face. Slowly applying pressure it comes to my appeal as his eyes swim with dizziness and the rogues head starts to loll.
"Finished!" Zac shouts, i don't spare a glance to them. Leave him. Seph tells me. My hand drops and the rogue staggers back, catching his breath in big gulps as the guards try and hold him up.
"Take him to the dungeons. I don't care which level just get him out of here." Turning around i walk off. The shouting starts again in the background but this time it holds a raspy element to it which makes the mans screams less irritating.
"What are you going to do?" James asks through mindlink, as i carry on walking away.
"I'm going to wait until morning to interview them both. I need to wait until he's sane enough to answer my questions. And once i've got an idea of what happened from him i'll interview the over one." I couldn't interview the second rogue now, as she is some form of mystery. She's a rogue, yet she fought off another rogue to protect my pack. Rogues are pack-less for a reason so she obviously isn't the warm hearted samaritan she's framing herself to be. What's the chance that during a rogue attack, the girl just so happens to be 'around' to save the day. I would of been alerted the moment she passes my border, so she was on the other side of the border and in coinsidence headed in the direction of the fight. No ones hearing or smell is good enough to pick up on the fight from outside the border. Between the otherside of the border, between a mile and a half of my land AND border patrol as well as the extra space added between the woods and patrol, there is no way she would've been able to hear that. It's about two-three miles of space.
"Ok." My beta answers. We'd been friends since we where pups, and we may as well be brothers. I'd taken the place of Alpha three years ago, now i'm twenty. I'd searched everywhere for my mate. Normaly they are about a year or two younger than the male in the relationship. I'd travelled from pack to pack on buisness, always having an eye out for young women incase they where my mate.
I'd never been sucessful.
My night had been rough. For some reason my wolf has been on edge, he won't tell me why. Maybe i'll meet my mate today.I think this through, and no that can't be it. I've met EVERY girl in my pack, 467 to be presise, and neither one of them is my mate.
My fingers glide across the keyboard lazily, as hard as i try to be interested my mind keeps wondering to other things. This should be fun, atleast as fun as work can be, i'm answering the emails from my pack members. To others this may sound boring but normaly i have to arrange duties, look at statistics to know how we can improve and try and find new equipment, as my men go through a lot of punching bags. So for me this is normaly a pleasurable task; getting to know my pack mates better and helping them.
However today nothing is spiking my interest.
Dear Alpha....
I was wondering if....
Hi, do you....
Omg! The worlds about to....
Hey sexy....
Banging my head on the desk in annoyance, i slump down. I'd answered all of their questions, each ranging from an elderly lady not knowing where her pet gold fish had gone, to a the pack slut trying to get in my pants.
My thoughts go to the rogues in the cell. I'm surpriced i've lasted this long without going in and making them suffer a painful death. The only reason i haven't is because i've seen the cells they'll stay in. The longer they stay in there the longer they rot.
I'm not usualy this cruel. That is unless you mess with my pack. Something in which both thos rogues are guilty for.
Sighing, i give into my frustration."I'm coming to interview the male rogue now." Mindlinking my third in comand, Anton, i shut down the computer.
The walk to the prison is short and filled with many nods of respects from my pack members. Through the halls at the end, near all the stock rooms is an elevator down to the interview room. Even though i'm alpha i still have to go through security. Not as much as other people though, just thumb prints and voice match.
Pressing the button on the side, next to the metal doors i hear running feet, getting louder the closer they cone to me.
Turning i look to see my beta running towards me, slightly out of breath. James' blonde hair is messed up and looking down i see his shoe lases are un-done.
"Are you ok?" I question, taking in his appearance. Nothing seemed wrong, minus the fact that he is short on breath.
"Sorry-" Gulp of air "I was trying to find out some information about the rogues. The male one was pretty easy. His name is Eli Mc Corley. Born in the Blue Moon pack. Kicked out for sadistic behaviour towards the Alpha's daughter. He is 32 and has been rogue since 24." James stops, as if trying to debate whether or not to tell me something. "The girl, there is nothing on her." What?! Of course they're is something on her. People can't just not exsist. They're has to be some type of trail of her.
"What do you mean there is nothing?" I ask, my voice stern. The elevator doors ping open, inside being a guard. I think his name is Josh. We nod in respect to one another, before James starts talking again.
"I checked all the data basis. Even our insiders don't know anything other than what she said in the form she filled out. Her name is Ash, age is unknown. We checked the names of her parents." She really is a mystery. We have people acting as rogues in the villages. Hundreds of years back a pack of rogues decided to build villages, spread across the woods so they could form communities. We put some of our people in the villages to keep track, under radar of course. They keep track on everyone.
"Yes?..." I say, waiting for him to inform me on her heratage. That would help a lot, the parents tell about a wolfs abilities and whether or not they have Alpha or Beta blood in them.
"They never exsisted. Well the farther did, but he was an 89 year old man who died 18 years ago. The mother-" He pauses, taking another breath "There is no mother." There has got to be a mother, that is unless she changed the name.
"She lied about her mothers name." I say, and the door pinged open. I turn towards Josh, who is awkrawdly holding the thumb scanner up at me. Placing my left thumb on i wait impatiently. Three seconds later it makes a pinging noise, similar to the one on a smart phone, and turns green.
"One more." Josh says, pulling out the eye scanner he holds it to me. Taking it from his grasp, i hold it upto my eyes. There is a sharp flash, and i immediatly try and blink it away. Seconds later the green light on the side of the goggle like scanner blinks.
"You can go through." Nodding my head in achnoligment i enter the plain white interview room. I walk over to where the metal chair, taking a seat. I shuffle around uncomfortably, seeking comfort in the hard furniture.
"Bring in the girl. I want to speak with her." Saying this to my beta, i rest my elbows on the table. It's ten past nine. I've been up since seven working.
When i was younger i would idolize my farther, the past Alpha. He would always come home with a smile on his face, it was only when i got older did i find the truth to bring an Alpha; the long shifts, the overall tired feeling. But then there is also the good things, being closer to your pack, helping those in need, it makes the boxes full of paper work worth something.
A smell washes over me, one so sweet i could drawl over it. Lifting my head up, i unshamefully sniff the air, dragging in the scent. Strawberries. Steph yips in my head, happily naming the lushious smell. The scent gets stronger, so much so that the need to trace after its source becomes so strong i have to grasp the chair arms not to.
Taking in a steadying breath, i release it and feel myself calm.
The elevator doors ping open and my eyes snap up. In the pressence of my beta is a beautiful yet hidden woman.
She wears a black velvet cloak that drapes around her form like silk. It stops at the floor, not exposing her feet. A hood attatches to the cloak, hiding her hair. I search her hidden face, for a second the womans eyes are down cast, but then they snap up, meeting mine.
I look into the liquid gold pools, as they search my dark brown ones. My heart rate pics up and all my senses go into ober drive.
Her scent.
Her beautiful features.
The soft swoon of her voice.
My wolf starts to pound at me, desperate to get to the girl.
Dragging in oxygen and keepng her eyes caught in mine, i release one word that will change everything.

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