Sarcasm comes naturally to me

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Ash's POV
The whole world stops spinning, everything becoming clearer through my eyes. Peace settles through me as i look into those captavating depths.
"Mate." I reply back, my voice sounding like a whisper compaired to his husky one. I take in his beauty; a full head of dark brown hair, smooth skin, dark chocolate eyes. And those pink, full lips. It's almost unfare how hot he is.
"What is your name?" My mate asks, his silky voice cutting throught the silence.
"Ash." I drag my eyes away from his, keeping my dissapointment at bay. Hanging my head low to cover my features, i make my way to the chair, taking confident strides. I don't want the Alpha to think of me as weak. Mate or not, i've learnt looking weak doesn't get me anywhere. So making sure that i seem as if i'm telling the truth is crucial now, starting off as being known for assualting a pack member isn't the best way to meet your mate.
"And yours?" I ask back, taking a seat in the hard metal chair. I cross my legs in a failing attempt to get compfy.
"Blake." The name is like music to my ears. I couldn't think of a better, more fitting name if i tried. "So, we have a few questions for you."
"Of course you do, doesn't everone?" It is a little bit of a mean reply, but my emotions got the better of me. I just met the person i'm destand to spend my life with and after a name exchange he gets right down to business.
Reality sucks.
I look at his framed face and see a look of shock and guilt flash through it. I couldn't hold in a smug smirk. Hows that business mindset working out for you now?
"Sorry if i offended you." My heart flutters at his appology. I'm probably just being selfish, if one of my pack mates had been hurt i'd want answers to.
"It's ok." I remove my hand from my lap and make a sweeping gesture. "Ask away." I look up in time to see him nod.
"Well, your heratige is... questionable. Your mums name doesn't registor as existing. Even if she was born rogue, there'd be a birth certificate with her name on. And your farther, well he's a 26 year old man, so i'm going to take a guess that he's not of your blood." Lying on that sheet probably wasn't the best idea. However my "Dad" is a powerful asswhole of a man. In fact, his strength could be seen as equal to God's, but they sit on opposite sides of the table, as sone with decadence would say. He abuses his position as ruler, always putting his self first and making deals that have no benefit over the safety of his followers. That man is a heartless monster, when my mama needed him most, he banished her without a second thought. Thomas White may be my farther by blood but my love for him is non-exsistent.
"I never lied about my mama. She lived in Greece though, so that may answer your questions. I moved here when i was a child." Contenplating what to say about Thomas, i start to tap my fingers on the rough metal of the table. "My farther is Tom Jones." This time i make sure there is no problems with my lie. Tom may as well my Dad, he raised me from the age of 8 through to 12. By my early teen years i became restless, at heart i was a rogue. Most people don't like the lifestyle, too dangerious for their liking. But i love to travel, to see the world. I love the rush i get when i'm in dangers wake; be it running from a pack of wolves or making a deal with the devil; or in most cases a deal with my friend Misty. The girl is like Hades daughter, she's practicaly Queen of gambling, truth or dare (don't ask me how) and any other illigal game. So at the young age i became rogue again, traveling around the country freely. I still visit Tom, i couldn't just leave hin, he'd be heart broken.
"Tom Jones?" I think the question is more aimed at himself, a confused mask sets in place over Blake's features, a frown line appearing on his tanned skin. Then as quick as the look came it dissapears and is replaced with a look of understanding. "He's Alpha of the Waning Moon pack." I nod my head, and silence falls upon the room. Not an uncomfortable silence, the kind that is soundless and speaks a thousand words. My eyes travel up and down Blake's blue checkered top and jeans. His muscles can be seen through the tight sleeves. Annoyingly, because of the table i can't see much of his dark hugging trousers, only the top that covers his hips.
Drifting my sight back up to his chocolate depths, my mouth becomes dessert dry at my mates cocky smirk and arched eyebrow. I've been caught checking him out.
Clearing my throat, i attempt to calm my flared up cheeks. "Is the woman and her baby ok?" I refer to the lady from yesterday. I'd been able to heal some of her wounds, but i hadn't completed the check down.
"Yes, Lily is fine. I'm going to need your statement about what happened." My eyes catch his again, and an idea pops into mind.
Reaching across the table to were his hand lays, i take it in mine. Sparks fly up my arm, egnighting an unrulling happiness in me. I gasp, as the tingles carry on, and my eyes widen, looking into Blake's shocked ones.
Using my over hand, i take two of his fingers and gently place them on my pulse. The waves of fireworks travel up both my arms, making it difficult to retreat my right hand back to my lap.
"I was walking through the woods at around six o'clock yesterday. I'd been quite near border patrol at the time. It was then when i heard some noises, it had been silent in the area so to have that silence broken immediatly made me alert as to what it was. About half a mile away i was still chasing the sound, but the strange thing was that border patrol was non excistent. No one was there; this immediatly put me on edge, so i ran after the sound that was more defined by now as screaming." Pausing for a minute, i look over at James who has his arms crossed and is listening intently. "I passed onto your land, it was a stupid mistake but i'm glad i made it. I traced the scent of blood to where another rogue was standing over the woman. He held a silver knife in his hands and looked ready to stab your pack member. Immediatly i fought him off, and the rogue fell unconsious when he was served a punch to the head." The man must be almost healed by now, another day or two and there will be no evidence of attack, it'll be nothing but a memory.
"When James arrived, i was seeing how bad her injuries were." I didn't go into detail about the attack, as lying causes the heart rate to excellerate. I want my mate to trust me, and i can think of worse ways than holding his soft hand.
"The wounds to the rogue where pretty substansual, i'm sure it took more than a blow between the eyes to knock out a fully grown wolf." The beta speakes up, in the corner of my eyes i see a glare sent towards him from Blake.
"What can i say? I have a strong punch." Smirking at James narrowed eyes, obviously not believing my answer, i turn back to my mate. I could live in this pack house, and i could sleep in his bedroom, and i could get a job as a mechanic here, then Blake could introduce me to the past Luna and Alpha, and we could visit my home.... Wait? I can't just leave there. Everyone will think i'm dead.
"I need to borrow your phone, please." I ask. I already know he has it, phones send out electrical waves which effect the air around them, somehow i'm connected with the element of fire and air, so i can feel the little waves.
"Why?" Phth, why does he think? I'm about to call my evil rogue friends to say the first step in our major bombing against you is complete.
"Back home, i have a few people who will want to know i'm ok." Within seconds, an Iphone 6 is wafted infront of me. I take it with a thanks, and put in the first number that comes to mind, Misty's.
The dial beeps 7 times in my ear, as i think about what to tell her. Although i love her, if she hears that i've found my mate, the whole village will believe that i'm living my happy ever after with all the riches i want and that i'm expecting my first born as they speak. Yeah, not happening.
"Hello?" My best friends causious voice speaks roughly out of the phone. It's only been two days since we last talked, but God i missed the sound of her voice.
"Hey." I smile as i hear a squeek on the other side of the line. This is follewed by a shout of "It's Ash!" In the background. Like me, Misty works as a mechanic, so we're like a small family there.
"You better start speaking up now missy! No note, no goodbye, nothing! Just gone!" Then a gasp comes out the line, a rush of words screeching after. "Wait! Where you kidnapped? Is this a call for help!? Oh my God it is isn't it? Where are you!? We'll come save you! Like batman, and superman, and spiderman, oh and i can be catwoman! We could make a new movie! You can be superwoman! Or maybe-" Misty stops when she is interupted by a male voice saying "Misty! Give her a chance to explain!" I'm thankful for this, living with Misty is like living with a sugar addict, though i've never gotton used to her perkiness. Blake sits comfortably in the chair, his brown hair flopping over cutely as he tries to submurge his chuckles.
"Thanks Cole." I'd recognised the other voice as that of my non-blood related brother. We are super close, but could never love each other. A growl catches my attention, and i see my sore faced mate watching me. Someones jealious.
"I just called to say i'm staying with a friend, temporarily. Sorry for the short notice, um... i need you to call Triss and Pete; can you get them to look after Kide, tell them Triss can have free reign of my fridge as payment." Pausing, i think over what else i need to sort out. Kide is my dog, Triss and Pete being my naubors. Triss shares similar dietry needs to me, so as i'm not there she may as well make good use of the food.
"Consider it done. Anything else?" Tim's voice echos out the phone now. He's the second in charge at the work shop. Although Tim's not always the nost helpful, he knows his shit when it comes to engines.
"Make sure Axel doesn't touch my baby." Axel is the playboy of the group, he has a soft heart really, but he's been after my bike for ages now. I never let him near it, but knowing him he'll use the excuse of my absence to ride it. Out of all of us, he stears the worst, so the chance of my Ninja j2 coming back in one piece is non-excistent.
More growling comes from Blake. He probably thinks my babies an actual baby.
"Oh come on Ash! That's not fair!" The childish whine comes from Axel on the other end of the line.
"It's totaly fair." Chuckles crackle into my ear, they really need better connection here. "I've got to go, i'll see you soon." I press the 'end' button and turn to face my mate again.
"I need to make another call, if that's ok?" Tom will want to know i'm ok. Amy, his daughter, is probably stressing about it already. We chat over the phone every night, so for me to miss a call will have her on edge.
"Sure." Typing in Tom's number, i wait for two short beeps when he answers.
"Hello." I smile at his serious Alpha tone. When ever i'm around he's always so fun, hearing him like this is strange.
"Dude, you can ease up on the Alpha voice. You'll get perminant frown lines from that much seriousness." I joke, playing with the hem of my cloak.
"Ash?" Well duh. Maybe i can play around with him a bit.
"No silly! It's your mate Carol. I'm here because, because-" I start fake crying, my bad acting obvious "i just want to have another pup! And i miss you so much! And i'm having a bad day and all i want is your company! We should be together; re-living your BDSM fantasies by now, after all i put into this relationship and all you do is work! Work! Work! Work!" Laughter booms through the room, and i stare at my mate as his laughter is muffled by his hand. My own laughs soon join his. I can hear Tom growling.
"Ash! Don't make fun of my mate!" It's almost creepy how protective alphas are of their mates. I wonder if Blakes like that. He huffs, before saying in a calm tone "Eleta's been worried about you. When you didn't call she acted as if the world was ending. Carop had to lock her spell room or else she was going to go on a witchy track-down-Ash hunt."
"Ahh... glad to know she cares. Tell her i said vous aime trop soeur." Eleta is learning french, so i always test her when i'm around, and we play language games over the phone. "I actually called to say i'm not going to be at home for a while. I'm staying with a friend."
"A friend? Ok. Do you need help with anything?" I think this over, turning the idea in my head. I've sorted all my jobs at home, he just needs to get the word out.
"I'm good thanks. Just wanted to check in."
"Sure thing. Goodbye, kiddo." The line beeps before i can scream at Tom. Ever since i was little he called me that, and i hate it. The name just makes me sound like a lame child.
"I'm done." I throw the phone to Blake, who catches it with ease.
"Ok. Well i'm going to take you to the pack house, to get some new clothes and some food." Food! I'm starved, however the idea of the pack house daunts me a bit.
My mate gets up and i follow, my butt thanking me for getting out that stupid chair. The same guard stards at attention in the elevator, the only movement he makes is a nod of respect.
"When would you like to interview the rogue, Alpha?" James asks. He seems more relaxed now he knows i'm not a phyco killer.
"Later, i'm going to spend today with my mate." My heart flutters at his words, a meek grin forming on my face. Aware of his hand next to mine, i slowly move mine closer to his, so they brush. The sparks egnite again, and Blake wraps his hand around mine. They fit like a puzzle piece together, and we both stand in content.
Soon enough the doors swing open, and fresh air blasts in, it calms my nerves about enteting a house full of wolves, a bit.
"How long have you been Alpha?" I ask, trying and failing to start a conversation.
"Three years. I was officially named Alpha when i was 19, but my brother had been ill when i was 18, so i ran the pack then whilst my parents cared for him. How long have you been rogue?" That meams he's 22, 3 years older that me. How long i've been rogue is a difficult question, it shouldn't be but it is. I've bounced around from being a rogue and staying with my family in their packs.
"I was born rogue, a woman took care of me from birth, she had to give me up so i spent a few years as a rogue. I spent some time with Tom when i was 10. I chose to be rogue at 12 joining a village of rogues three years later. I still live in the village, but i travel alot." I left out the part about me staying in my fathers pack when i was 14, but i wasn't ready to tell him that yet.
"How old are you now?"
"I'm 19. Have you ever travelled around America?" I ask. I'd been all over the country, as well as some of the naubouring countries and some of the islands. Somehow i always end up back here, but whether i like to admit it or not, i have too many strings connecting me back to this place not to.
"Not much, but on business and school trips. My favourite was a place between the Lycan manes, and the Silent moon pack. Me and a few pack mates went, we ran through the woods and marvelled over all the amazing views. The waterfalls where amazing, a whole afternoon was spent just diving into the clear blue water." Blake says whistfully, the emotion running thick in his deep voice.
"That sounds amazing. You'll have to take me some time." I'd been to many places under that description, but going with my mate would be a whole different experience. I've learnt from experience that traveling is great, but it's even better with someone by your side.
"It's a date." My heart does flips, excitement filling me.
We continue to walk, holding hands, down the path upto the pack house. It's only a short distance, but the setting is nice. Only a few wolves plot around, and it's quite calm except for a few birds. Autumn is heating up the weather, making it a comfortable average heat.
"What do you like to eat? Whilst you get dressed i can make you something." To say my diet was confusing is an understatement. My mama was a beautiful creature of much grace, but she fell for a monster. She would watch my father from a far, but once she had enough she went in search for a witch. The witch made a potion that would give her a human form. However the spell came with the cost of part of my mothers life. Although my mama took the form of a human, she was neither dead or human, she was living the life imbetween. As a vampire. Mama had her moment of happiness with Thomas, but that came to an end when he found out she was concieving. The spell was running out, so during birth, the rest of her life was taken. Now i'm stuck with a diet to out do all others. I am a vegetarian who also survives off blood. The winged beauty my mama was ate only vegetables, whilst the vampire side lived off blood. Of course, i'm half wolf, who are meat eaters, but i get my protien from blood. I tried eating meat when i was younger, but i was severly sick for days. It seems my mothers genetics and my fathers have a dissagreement over anything McDonalds related.
"I'll eat anything, i'm starved. But you should know i'm vegetarian." At the word vegetarian, Blake stops still and turns to me. His chizzled features look at me with curiosity, as if i'm a new species. I guess in some cases i am.
"A vegetarian wolf?" I nod my head, and he mumbles "well that's new."
We carry on strolling, and i realise we are almost at the oak door. I find myself clutching Blakes hand a bit harder in fear. I'm about to enter a mantion filled with over 100 wolves, all within reach of weapons. Not good.
"Don't worry, they won't hurt you. I won't let them hurt you." As we walk nearer, well Blake walk and me shuffle, the wolves chatting stop and stare. It wasn't my mate they where looking at, but me. Most looks where enquizive, a few admirable, some thankful and only one or two whose face showed dissaproval over me being a rogue. To those couple i gave a challenging glare.
"Alpha." A group of teenage boys say, they are about 16 or 17. It doesn't go un-noticed that Blake pulls me closer to him, away from the boys. I look up at his before soft features to see a glare in place.
Blake rests his hand on the shiny handle, and with a reassuring hand squeeze, pushes it open. I stay slightly closer to him, but not in the same almost uncomfortable position i was in a moment ago.
I start to panick, my palms becoming sticky and my heart rate picks up. I step onto the polished wooden floor, taking in the atmosphere.
The walls are plain white, pictures decorated across it.
Rooms attach onto the large square hall, a staircase on the back right side. A rug for cleaning your shoes lays infront of the door. The vacant room holds little amount of furniture, paintings or anything really, but it's nice. It holds that pretty simplicity. Chatter comes from the rooms, and the distinctive sound of Black Ops transmits through the fourth room on the left.
"I'll show you to your room, you can have the grand tour after." I feel slighly more confident about being in here knowing most the wolves are in their rooms. It's morning so most people are either outside or getting ready.
"Ok." Blake leads me in the direction of the stairs. "Your pack house seems nice."
My mate chuckles, then responds with: "This place used to have vaces and paintings, fancy nables and shit like that. Then my parents went to visit a pack on buisness. My brother threw a huge party, everything in here was destroyed. The other rooms didn't suffer as much, but this was used as the main dancing place." Laughing, we climb up the stairs.
"Your brother sounds...troublesome." Upstairs is painted the same white, but paintings hang imbetween the doors. Each door has a number on, at the top of the stairs in two golden plates the door is named '22.' Looking down each side, the multicoloured openings.
"We are on the third floor, it's more spacious than these rooms. The Alpha, Luna, Beta and Third in comand stay up their. Here is where the other rankings stay." Luxury treatment; a girl could get used to this.
"You really don't have to, i'm not Luna yet, so if you want me to stay here i can." The larger room does sound temptating, but i don't want Blake to feel as if he has to.
"No." Blake states fiercely. This shocks me a bit, he seems so nice, where'd this alternate personality come from? "You're staying with me." Oh, so he's one of the possesive Alphas.
"Hmmmm..." I tap my chin with my spare hand. "No." I would love to stay with my mate, but he needs to know that it's not ok to make demands about my life.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Blake's voice comes out as a growl, for anyone else it would of scared them into submision, however i'm not everyone else. We stop, still holding hands, and face each other. Blake's eyes are icy, his lips in a hard line. I look into the depths, trying to get him to understand he cannot control me.
"You have to ask first." Part of me feels like i'm wasting my time, that i should just forgive and forget, but another part of me wants him on his hands and knees, begging for my company.
Blake looks like he's about to growl again, but then the tips of his lips slide up into a small smirk. "Can you stay with me?" I expectantly wait, giving him the look a mother gives to her child when they won't say sorry. "Please?"
I laugh and nod my head. We carry on walking dowb the hall.
One room catches my attention, it's pink with the name Emily swirled on in gold. Unlike the other doors their is no numbers, and the letters are made of real gold instead of the painted metal the others are constructed from. The smell also catches me off guard, it creeps out the door in a sufficating manner, making my nose itchy from the artificial flower scent.
"What is that?" I ask, quickly walking out of the reach of the horrible smell.
"That would be Emily's perfume. I'm sure you'll meet her at some point, she has a way of making herself known." She must be the pack slut or something, either that or she just has a wish to kill everyone with her perfume.
"I think she's trying to kill of my nose." I state, although the smell is no longer here, my isn't that forgiving.
"Yeah, it's not as bad in person." Blake pauses before muttering "don't know what they see in her." Atleast he isn't interested.
"Pack slut?" I voice my thoughts, and we stop at the end of the hall, where another elevator awaits.
"More of, everyones fuck buddy." Pffff, everyones fuck buddy is just a polite way of saying pack slut. By everyone, does that mean he fucked her? Jealously sweeps over me, and i clench the hand not holding my mates.
"Did you ever..." I don't finish the sentence and let the unspoken question hang in the air.
"No, i didn't." I sigh in relief, and wait for the elevator doors to ping open. Blake has his thumb on the button.
I notice Blake's stare, and i turn to face him. "Jealousy suits you." He states. I shrug, not sure whether to think of that as a compliment.
The doors open and yet another guard stands inside, in the same stance as the last but with different features. His hair is bright ginger, his skin milk white and freckles dance over his thon face.
"Hi." I say, before i knew better than to talk to the guards. Now that i don't have the beta about to emprison me and i'm not in cuffs, i think it's safe to be social.
"Hello Luna." He seems too polite, as if he needs a few drinks before he'll hold a decent conversation.
"I'm not Luna, yet anyway." Awkrawdly i face the wall, Blake still next to me. I notice he stills at this, but relaxes when i say 'yet.'
"Sorry, words going round of a new Luna. A jumped to assumptions, please forgive me." Yep, could definantly do with a whiskey to loosen him up. It's almost sickening how polite he is. Back home, we act how we want; not refraining our personalities for over peoples needs. So this is completely new.
"It's ok, my names Ash by the way."
"I'm Henry." The doors open, revieling a luxorious hall. The white walls are now a silky grey, the doors all made of wood with patterns engraved into them. Name plates hang instead of numbers, and pictures as well as paintings hang.
"Our room is at the end." Thirteen doors are spaced out, six on each side and one at the very end. I read the name plates as we walk:
Third in command
Two that said Third in comands pups
Past Luna and Alpha
Another two that said Beta's pups
Three read Alpha and Luna's pups
So thats where my children will stay. Happiness envelopes me at the thought of Blake wanting children, i love children. They are my weakness.
"This is us." Blake opens the door, and i gasp in awe. The walls are plain cream with a complimemtary deep blue wall. It's huge in size, around 20 by 17 metres. A king size bed takes up the centre of the room, red silk sheets laying on it. A walk in wardrobe is on the left.
In a daze i wonder in, and the rest of this heaven comes into view. On the left wall is a balcony, a comfy looking love-heart chair in the corber next to the bed. On the wall holding the door, is a second door, one i presume leads to the bathroom. Between the door to the bathroom and the balcony is a draw holding hundreds of books. It must of been custom made as it fits the gap perfectly. I turn and see that opposite the bed is a fire place, pictures of Blake and what looks like his friends placed orderly on top.
"It's beautiful." I mutter, stopping to face a smirking Blake. I notice in the corner of my eye that half the closet is empty, he must of saved it for his mate, me.
"The showers in there if you want it. I'll bring you up some clothes." My mate watches me closely as i continue to take in my surroundings. I didn't live in a tiny apartment, but this is bigger than i wouod of ever imagioned.
"Ok, thanks." I turn and walk into the bathroom. There is a huge bath, about the size of a four man jacuzzi. A shiny ladder style heater is next to it, and a cupboard is attached to the wall, a mirror split in two for the openings. A padded mat is outside the bath, and about a meter to the side on the other corner is a shower with see-through sliding doors.
On the side next to the shower and opposite the bath is a long rail with fluffy white towels on.
I strip out of my velvet cloak, and take off the t-shirt top and shorts. My feet thank me for the removal of my Docs, i love them to death but their not so nice when i havn't taken them off since yesterday morning.
I climb into the shower and the sprays hit at me gently. I soak up the warmth and get lost in the relaxation of it, my mind lost in dreams of me and Blake.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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