History of the Hybrid

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Hey, hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This one should be shorter. Thanks to any comments left, i really appreciate them. A huge thank you to Bhbble4403 (i think thats how you spell it) they left the first comment and it urged me on to continue writing this.
To say everything hurts would be a severe under statement. It has been exactly twelve hours since i'd been thrown in here. How do i know? At around 10 o'clock a guard came in and put a clock in this cramped cell. I could easily break it or start a fire on the damn thing, but i'm not stupid enough as to miss the miniscule hidden camra in the centre. So if i want get out of here i have to behave.
Good girls get treats. Sally's Western voice rings through my head. After my mums death she took me into her care. I had to be kept a secret as her pack would shun her if they knew she was aiding a rogue. Covering my scent had been an issue and trying to contain me in her basement had been aswell. At the age of 7 was found.
It was in a the late spring afternoon and i had finished all my homework that 'Aunt S' as i called her, had set me. I'd taken to drawing from a young age so started colouring a princess using the crayons i had been given on my 5th birthday. In a little world of my own i hummed a tune gently and finished off the girls black straight hair. My crayon jolted to the side from shock as the heavy door leading down the wooden stairs to my room banged open loudly.
"Sally?" I asked timidly, shaking slightly with fear. Not hearing an answer i ran to where my bed was, climbing under it as silently as possible.
Thumps came towards me and i struggled back against the wall.
My eyes caught the shape of two leather boots that stood right next to the bed. Whimpering a tear escaped my eye.
An unexpected object flies towards me. Ducking my head a searig pain runs through me from my scalp.
I scream and my arms flail about near my head, trying to fight off the man.
Abruptly i'm dropped to the ground, the pain origionaly from my head now coming from my legs as i undelecatly land on the hard floor boards.
I look up at a very large man with steel colored eyes and a smirk on his well-shaved face. "So rumors are true." The strangers voice is rough, as though something was caught in the back of his throat. "Sally has been keeping a rogue." A growl was let off by the man. I tried to shuffle back but the bedframe got in my way. I curl my small form into a ball and stare with wide eyes at the dark haired man.
He crouches down to my level. His eyes are stormy and dark like a tornado, with stubly skin and a head full of greyish mouse brown hair.
"I'm going to give you one offer. Either leave my pack now and never return or Aunty S will be punished." At that time my small mind had trouble understanding his words, but i knew for sure that i didn't want Sally hurt.
"Punished?" I ask and look questionaly at the strong man. I know now him to be the Alpha but back then i had no recolection of higherarchy.
"Yes. It's either you go. Or you stay here, known for as an outlaw until your of the age when we can put you in jail, and Sally leaves. Or you go and Sally stays."
I thought other his words. I didn't know what outlaw meant but i didn't like the sound of jail. I'd heard the tales of the people who went crazy down there.
"I'll leave." My whisper cracks at the end and i hold back a wail. I didn't want to leave my home. Or my Aunt.
"Good girl. Now i will give you 10 minutes to oack your belongings then i want you out of my pack."

The Alpha had taught me something there. Something i'd never felt before but would live on to feel: rejection.
My thoughts come to a halt when i hear click click click.
Immediatly i stand up and stare at the door as it swings open with a loud crash. I flinch and step back before it rebounds and hits me.
James stands in a black v-neck shirt with jeans. Surprisingly formal when the pack is undergoing an investigation.
"The Alpha is ready to speak with you." He makes up for his dress code with a formal speaking voice. Any sight of kindness shown yesterday is long gone. Instead a cold hearted Beta stands inflrnt of me.
"Um.. ok." I stare at my feet as if they are the most interesting thing in the world. I trudge out the cell, the dim screaming turning into ear shattering cries as i exit the soundproof room.
We make it past the check-down point where all the chatter comes to a stop as soon as i walk past.
I falter after James, pulling my hood over my head in order to block out the stares. One of the only things my mother left me is this black velvet cloak. It's silky lining and warm, comforting feeling is enough to earn the garmet first place as far as keepsakes go. I don't keep many of them as rogues don't tend to stay in the same place at a time so forming emotions towards an item is useless. However i don't go anywhere without the silky coat.
The elevators ping open as soon as we walk up to them, this time a different guard is positioned at the corner of the metal contraption. He has the traditional Native American features but pulls the long plaited hair off well in a 21st centry style. In my opinion he reminds me of one of the Jacob brothers (even pack-less, magical beings watch Twilight. Shipping Jacob and Bella all the way.)
"Where to?" The guard asks. A sence of deja vu comes over me, the man yesterday said the same. It's probably maditory. I ponder this.
"Fifth floor." James answers back, altgough a hint of friendliness shines through in his voice the same coldness is in place.
The elevator travels and in that moment of silence i let my mind wonder. This is my one chance at proving myself, if the Altha sees me as guilty they might aswell lock me away and melt the key. And panicking isn't going to do a thing about it. Nor is crying or screaming. So get your ass into gear! Although my consiounse is annoying i know she's right. I need to put a straight face and prove my innocence so i can return home.
With that lingering thoughts the doors swing open, a sweet smell filling my nostrils as soon as it does. I'd never smelt something as nice. The scent a mixture of vanilla and trees. It welcomes me in and i have to restrain myself from running after it.
The room i am looking at it is like any other seen in movies; plain white with no windows. The floor is hard and shiny, a common trend of no carpets forming. In the centre of the average sized room is a metal table, standard and cometely fitting for the setting. Two chairs are planted on either side of the table, one empty and one filled.
In one small moment all my logic goes, leaving me clueless and shocked. And all it takes is to look into his deep chocolate brown eyes...
This chapter is meant to show a little bit of the history behind Ash's life and the start of her and Blakes relationdhip, well how they meet anyway. Next chapter is in Blakes POV.
Next slide is just a small one based on Ash. It describes her fashion, a bit of her powers, etc. Its just a few collages of pictures with a bit of information to go with it.

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