Treasure Hunt | Chapter Thirty-Nine

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     I laid with my head in Loran's lap as he watched tv. I don't remember the last time we just sat down, just to relax. It seemed life was so hectic lately, I'd completely forgotten there was such a thing. He was engrossed in the show, and I was engrossed in him, which wasn't unusual. He was just so...beautiful. I hoped our children all took after him, not just his beautiful face, but his gorgeous soul as well. 

     "You're staring at me," He smirked, eyes still fixated on the tv. 

     I blushed and he muted his show. "Can you blame me?"

     He chuckled and lowered the tv,  craning his neck down to kiss me, "What's going on in that head of yours, hm?" He played with my hair, his nails massaging my scalp and I had to make sure I wasn't drooling from how nice it felt.

     I shrugged. "A little of everything I guess."

     He opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by his phone ringing, "Hold that thought," My head was still in his lap as he leaned forward, so my face was partially squished into his stomach, and he grabbed his phone from off the coffee table. "Sorry," He mouthed to me as he answered it and placed it to his ear. "Hello? Oh, yeah..." Whoever was on the other end was talking much too fast for me to try and listen. All I could tell from Loran's eyes growing wide, was that it was something good. "This is...I can't even believe this! Did she say why she was doing this -- you know what, forget it, I don't even care why she did it, all I care about is that she did it!" He was quiet for a few more minutes, eagerly listening to what was being said. "I'll be there first thing in the morning to sign." It was still a few more minutes before he hung up, but once he did, he practically exploded with joy.

      He pulled my up to kiss him, and I melted, before he stood up, and brought me along with him. "Ava dropped out of the custody battle. She's releasing all her rights and Zach's all ours! I go tomorrow to fill out forms or whatever they need me to!" 

     "Really?" My chest swelled with happiness.

     He nodded and hugged me tightly, kissing me again and again. "How should I tell Zach? Should I surprise him? Or should I tell him outright?"

     "However you think is special, Loran." 

     "Maybe we should go out as a family, do something fun and then go to dinner, and then tell him that way, yeah? Yeah, I like that. I'm gonna go ask him what his favorite place is." With another round of excited kisses, he jogged up the stairs.

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