Treasure Hunt | Chapter Ten

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When I returned home, I wasn't sure where my siblings were, as their cars weren't home, but both my parent's where.


I entered the house to find my parents sitting at the table, both looking miserable. When they heard me, they both turned to me.

"And you were?" Mom asked, quietly as she was reading a book and sipping coffee while Dad was looking through the news section of the paper.

"Ariel's." I said.

"Well sit," Dad looked at me. "We need to have a family talk."

"In case you haven't realized, four/sevenths of this family isn't here."

"Dalton, just sit." Mom snapped but didn't look up from her book.

"What do we have to talk about?"

"Your mother and I talked a lot of things over, Dalton." Dad sighed. "You're due somewhere in May, correct?"

"May 15th."

"Okay, Dalton, we're doing this because there isn't room in this house for this baby. And in all honesty, it's not fair for everyone to have to deal with your irresponsibility. So, a month after you have the baby, you've got to move out."

"I'm six–fucking–teen! Where the hell do you expect me to go?" I demanded.

Dad simply shrugged. "We've agreed to rent you a place and pay the bills only up to a year."

"One condition."

"And that is?" He raised a brow.

"I get to choose this place, no matter what."

He hesitated, silent for a while. "Deal."

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