Treasure Hunt | Epilogue

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     The doctors weren't completely sure about how they would do while they were home, all three babies were now home, and thriving. Everett and Eleanor had hit their weight marker to five pounds and were able to keep it, so they were able to come home within a week of birth. Little Everleigh needed a little bit more care, though. She was able to get to five pounds no problem, but she wasn't able to keep her body tempurature regular, so she came home a week later than the others. It was hard to keep Everett and Eleanor content without her, but once she was able to come home, the three of them were inseparable.

     It was August 31st, and they were twenty-six days old. They were still obviously, itty bitty, and all of their clothing practically swallowed them whole. Much to Loran's and I's intial fear, the three of them had Zach wrapped around their tiny little fingers. He loved them to death. If he could hold them all at one time, he would gladly try. Everett so far seemed to love it the most Zach held him. Treasure was all over them as well, often trying to feed them or change them by herself.

     But now that the babies were here and home safe and sound, there was still one matter to attend to. Treasure meeting Adam. She begged every single day until we were able to find a day that worked with both our schedules. School was starting in just a few days, and I wanted to get it done before then. We had decided to meet up at the park. Loran and I, with the kids, and him and Harper with their two.

     It was a little chilly, as September started tomorrow, so we bundled the triplets up and put them in the stroller. It was a twin stroller, with the girls on one side, seeing as they were still tiny enough to fit together, and Everett was on his own side, too chunky for the three of them to sit comfortably with each other.

     "Daddy, look, my friends are here!" Treasure yanked on my shirt as she spotted Aubree and Ariya. 

     Oh, she was in for the surprise of her life.

     "Go ahead, go play." I nodded her onwards.

     "Dad, can we go kick my soccor ball around?" Zach stopped Loran as we sat under the gazeebo. 

     Loran looked at me and I nodded. "Go spend sometime with him."

     He kissed me and then gave each of the babies a quick peck, the only one to stir in their sleep was Everett, but that wasn't surprising, he was the lightest sleeper of them. I watched as Zach and Loran ran off to an open area in the park and as Treasure was playing with the girls. Adam and Harper were watching them, too, until they caught sight of me. Harper waved and Adam nodded her to follow him. She looked back at the girls before the two of them walked towards me.

     "Oh, look at the babies!" She gushed as soon as she looked inside the stroller. "Adam, there's three of them!" She covered her hands over her mouth to stifle her squeal but I could still hear it. "Adam, let's have another baby."

     He looked at her like she was crazy but he hugged me, my chest feeling funny. "How are you feeling?" He ignored her.

     She wasn't even paying him any attention, cooing at Everett as he opened his eyes. "Just a little sore, still. Other than that, I feel great."

     "They're so beautiful, they all look like your husband." She sobbed. "Aubree and Ariya look just like Adam."

     "We do all the hard work and they don't even look a smidge like us." I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "Treasure doesn't even look like me," I looked at Adam.

     "I can't help it that my genes are that strong," He raised his hands in defense.

     "A little too strong," I lifted Everett up at he started to get fussy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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