Lost friend

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It is a long wait for you as you sit at home, but your mother eventually comes inside and smiles faintly with relief when she sees you. She looks exhausted. Her eyes are red and puffy, but she still does what she has to do. She turns to the stove, then begins to cook. You are about to ask what's wrong, as she looks like she might've been crying, but your father comes in shortly after with a grim look on his face. "Father...?"

He turns to you and his expression softens. "My child. Your friend, Lilia ... her little brother was playing in the streets today. She was watching him for her parents. When he saw his mother outside the gates, he ran to greet her ... "

Your eyes widen in horror. Young children are not allowed outside the gates and both Lilia and her brother are too young. Lilia is only a couple years younger than you, but she knows the laws of the city well. Her four year old brother does not. Drones who leave their place are often swiftly scolded. If not killed, they are usually seriously injured.

"Her brother was grabbed by one of the guards and thrown into the street. His head bashed against a rock on the road ... he's dead. Their parents are devastated and Lilia, poor child, blames herself. We should go and see her family tomorrow, early. The company of a friend would surely be a comfort to her."

You feel your heart wrench in your chest. You and Lilia played together as children. She is a kind and gentle soul. You can't imagine the guilt and the pain she feels right now, but you don't know what to say or do. Maybe your father is right and your company will help in some small way.

Your mother finishes preparing dinner and the three of you eat in silence and wait. When your father is certain it's safe, the lights are turned out and a single, small candle is lit. He nods to you and you smile a little. It is safe to take out the journal now.

you've finished reading, you reluctantly take the journal back into the kitchen and tuck it away into the bag of rice at the back of the cupboard. You go back to the bedroom, blow out the candle, and crawl onto your straw mattress. You lie awake for a while, just thinking about everything you've read, until sleep finally claims you.

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