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Your father gently shakes you awake and tells you to get dressed, handing you a small loaf of bread to eat. As the three of you get ready and make your way down the street to visit Lilia's family. You rub at your eyes repeatedly, trying to rub away the haze of sleep, and you try not to yawn, but it's hard not to. You can't remember the last time you woke up so early. Still, by the time you've reached Lilia's house, your lazy posture straightens and you feel a sense of clarity take over the sleepy haze. Your friend needs you.

You waltz up to the door, waiting for your father to knock. Lilia's mother answers the door. Her eyes are red and puffy, her face is stained with tears and her hands with dirt. You have no doubt that the dirt is from the burial of her son. Perhaps she couldn't bear to wash it off, knowing it was a reminder of him. Your parents greet her and the three of you go inside. Your mother takes Lilia's mom aside to a washing area and they talk in low voices. You know your mom is trying to encourage her to clean up and be strong for her other, still living child.

Your father, who is a close friend of Lilia's dad, seeks him out and finds him sitting in the bedroom. The two of them begin to talk in hushed tones, only a few words at a time. You cannot make out any of the conversation.

Lastly, Lilia is sitting at the table. She is barely awake and her eyes are almost swollen shut from sobbing. By the exhaustion on her face, you guess--correctly--that she stayed up crying all night, unable to sleep after burying her brother.


Lilia jumps at the sound of your voice. She looks up at you and her eyes glisten with fresh tears when she recognizes you. "Oh, Jace!" She gets up from the table and practically throws herself into your arms. "I... I swear, I only looked away for a few seconds, I just wanted to get him some bread, he was hungry and it was on the top shelf, so I had to climb up to get it and I thought--" She breaks off and sobs. "Jace... I promised momma I'd watch him and take care of him, and now he's--he's--" She lets out the words. "It's my fault."

You don't have the words to say to soothe her and nothing you tell her can bring her brother back. You know that she just needs to know you care and that you're supportive of her. That you won't shame her for her brother's death. You hug her and pet her hair until the tears stop. Your shirt is very wet by the end, but you decide that it was worth it. Lilia pulls back and you see that her eyes are still puffy and red, but she's calmer now.

"Thank you ... Jace." She glances out the window and sees that the sky is becoming brighter. "After sunset, I... I want to go see him. I didn't say goodbye before, but I don't want to go alone. Please, will you come with me?" You nod quietly.

Your parents and Lilia's parents return from their respective corners of the house. The four of you, all realizing what time it is, say goodbye to Lilia. You see her parents hug her tightly and you know that, somehow, they'll all heal in time. Before you go, you make sure to pick up your bag from where you dropped it when you came in.

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