Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey! Okay so let's start with a huge huge giant thank you to everyone who has been reading and voting! And another even bigger thank you to the people who gave us feedback! We appreciate it so much you don't even know! I'll try to make this a short a/n so lastly guys were almost at 2K reads. SERIOUSLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM THANK YOU WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. XOXO

Louis’ POV

    I woke up and my mind immediately took me back to my night with Marcel. A smile spread across my face and I stretched my arms. I could see the colors of his eyes in my mind. The oceanic green with specks of gray. It never ceased to amaze me how beautiful he was. I went through my morning routine without thinking, but my eyes went wide as I was about to walk out the door without my bracelets. I’ve never done that before, the scars had always been on my mind, so I never forgot my bracelets. I slid them smoothly onto my wrist and drove down the highway to the wretched hell hole known as school.


I knew it was coming, but not like this. The laughing and talking of students turned to muffled whispers when I entered through the silver doors. People immediately became fascinated with anything else except me. I stared at the floor as I walked down the seemingly never ending hallway. People thought their whispers were low enough, but they weren’t. I could hear everything they were saying and it hurt more than I thought possible.

“Louis and Marcel…”

“I heard he was gay.”

“Zayn didn’t tell you?”

“Shut up he’s right there…” followed by suspicious stares in my direction.

I felt my breath hitch in the back of my throat as I passed Zayn. He was leaning against the gray metal of his locker and talking to a face I didn’t recognize. His eyes went straight to mine and for a mere second I thought I saw something I knew. I could look into Zayn’s eyes and see who I thought he was, but I had a feeling I wasn’t going to see that Zayn anytime soon. We locked eyes and I saw his disgust beneath the layer of brown specks. His mouth curled into an evil smirk before he turned away to continue his conversation. I instinctively reached down to fumble with my bracelets and I felt my eyes water. No. I am not going to do this here. I lifted my head up and went to my class early, trying to walk as confident as I could muster, but my stomach was coiling and the whispers seemed to get louder and louder.

Marcel’s POV

    Sure I had noticed, how could I not? The people here aren’t exactly discreet, but I was accustomed to the ridicule and the detestation. However, this time was different. This time I have the panging feeling of guilt and worry. I have something to fight for. Someone to fight for. It was only the  middle of the day, but by now the whole school knew my name. Well, technically they knew the nerd “dating” Louis Tomlinson.

    I rushed to my next class and my heart lifted a little, as this was when I got to see Louis. I pulled the door open and my eyes were drawn to the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen. Louis was perched on the top of his desk talking to the circle of students surrounding him. They were all laughing pretty hard until they noticed me. I quietly smiled at Louis, but he turned away. What was that about it? As I set my binder on my desk, the silence from Louis’ group was broken when an obnoxious voice shouted, “Hey! Marcel! You and Lou make such a cute couple!” My eyes widened and I blushed hard and I managed to ignore him, but I heard Louis’ harsh whispers. “Shut your fucking mouth Horan”

Then, the kid I knew as Niall shouted again. “Aw Lou come on! Everyone knows!” Niall made sure his shouts were loud enough so I could hear and I’m pretty sure people in the next country could as well.

“Niall we are not fucking dating.” Louis said in a harsh tone. “Zayn is just a bloody liar. I hardly even know him.” Louis adjusted his body on the desk to look towards me, but refused to make eye contact. “Marcel right? That’s your name? I hear faggot a lot, but I’m pretty sure that can’t be your real name. I’m Louis and this is Niall.” He smiled at Niall and turned away as if it was nothing. I meant nothing. My chest burned and my throat felt thick. I watched him blankly for a few seconds just to see if he would face me again and apologize, but the bell rang and he receded into his seat.  I couldn’t stop the tear that fell from my eye, but I quickly swooped my hand up under my glasses to wipe it away. I wasn’t going to let Louis see me cry. Or Niall or any of them. Our teacher rushed in with a quick “Sorry I’m late class!” and just like that, I meant nothing.

    The rest of my day went by in a haze of quiet taunts. “Marcel right? That’s your name?” repeated over and over in my mind. I could hear his high-pitched but sweet and innocent voice in my mind so clearly. The last period bell sharply rang and I was walking down the hall towards the parking lot when I glanced into Zayn and Louis’ last class and saw a circle of students. The door was shut, so I backed against the wall and leaned in to get a view through the window. There were about ten students still in class, two of them being Zayn and Louis.

“So? Are you going to answer my question?” I heard the coarse tone and Bradford accent and I knew it was Zayn. He pushed Louis, but not hard enough to knock him down. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach and I wanted to leave. I wanted to run, so I wouldn’t have to watch Louis suffer through Zayn's torment . But my feet wouldn’t let me leave. “Don’t just ignore me! I know you left with him! Where did you two go? Out on a little date? Who would’ve guessed?” He shoved Louis until he was almost cornered. I was extremely compelled to go in and beat the shit out of Zayn, but I had the feeling that would only make things worse for Louis.

“Goddammit Zayn! I am not bloody dating him! I know him as well as you do! He’s just some faggot okay? So leave me the fuck alone!” Louis shouted and I could hear the harshness of his voice. The tears began to well in my eyes again, almost brimming over with his hurtful words. I watched as he slid out from under Zayn's menacing gaze and out the door. The other students were laughing at something Zayn had muttered under his breath. Louis stomped down the hallway without noticing me. I watched his hips sway smoothly until he came to a sudden stop. He turned slightly and gave a swift and seemingly painful kick to the wall. Louis grabbed a fistful of his hair and yelled out in frustration. He exhaled and quickly walked out the front door of the school with his fists in the pockets of his jeans. It was hard to believe that my hands had once held a spot on those swaying hips. I started to flashback to the night of Harry’s party and for the second time that day I had to push back the lump forming in my throat.

My mind was running with all the things that had happened today, but standing alone in the now empty hallway, I realized that I really had meant nothing to Louis. When we kissed, he was blackout drunk. And when he took me to the carnival it was probably just to ease his system from the fact that he was almost going to let me get attacked by his own best friend, again. I hadn’t realized how hard I had been biting my lip until I let go. It was now purple and swollen. I ran all the way home and slammed the door shut once I got to my flat. And for the first time, I let myself cry. I let myself cry in long, hard sobs that wrenched my entire body. I let my mind drift to everything I didn’t want to think of. I thought of Louis and everything I heard today. I closed my eyes and my mind took me straight to him. The picture of his perfectly sculpted features was etched into my mind. Usually the image of Louis provided comfort, but not this time, not anymore. I don’t know how long I cried, but after a while I was too tired to think and I felt like I was all out of tears. My throat felt dry and my eyes couldn’t open very far, so I closed them and fell into a shaky sleep in the warmth of my couch.

A/N: Sorry for another a/n. Also sorry because Marcel's POV was way longer than Louis'. But normally it's the other way around so it balances out in the end. If you liked it vote and leave some feedback! Thanks to everyone who votes and comments we really appreciate you going the extra mile for us! Big love to all of you! xoxo

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