Roadside Strangers

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Chapter 2

You stared down at the strangers helmet in your hands. Pondering the possibilities and consequences to going with him.

"what'll it be. It's kind of raining." he asked, his deep British accent was incredible sexy and inviting.

You couldnt stay here all night.

You answered by grabbing your purse from the hood of the car and slipping on his helmet.

You saw him smile as he patted the space behind him on the bike.

"hop on love."

You made your way to the bike and slid on, the helmet barely managing to stay still on your head.

"wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight." he explained as he brought the motorcycle to life.

There was a sudden clambering sound as you both took off down the road, the still wind sending a chill right to your bones. You held on like he had said, your face against his back. He had a sturdy back and you could feel his solid arms as you held him tight, not daring to look at the shadows rushing past almost so quickly that the trees appeared to be dancing.

"thank you!" you exclaimed over the noise of rain falling around and wind whipping at your exposed arms.

He nodded.

"no problem babe! Do u need a place to go? There's not much in Holmes chapel!" he hollered back.

It would be too much to ask him to take you home to London. You remberd seeing a pub on your way through the town. What was it, something with a dragon...

"could you take me to the George and the Dragon pub in town please?" you shouted Out.

He nodded. "course."

It was about another 20 minute drive into town. By the time you arrived the pub was just about to close and the rain had stopped.

The boy pulled into a spot on the curb. You slid off as he ran to the door just as a worker flipped off the lights and locked the door.

"ah! C'mon!" he groaned. He walked back to the bike and hopped on.

"they're closed get on." he motioned to the bike. You obliged.

"where to know?" you asked as he pulled out and made his way down the road and into a neighborhood area.

"my place."

You felt your stomach flop. You didn't even know his name who he was his nature nothing.

"I can't. I-I mean I couldn't."

He shrugged as he slowed down and pulled into a drive. He let you off first as you removed the helmet, your hair a mess from the moisture.

"I'll just call my bo..." you stopped. You couldn't call kale. You were running from him. The boy tool the helmet and led you to the door.

"boyfriend?" he asked as he Fiddled with the key.

"no I um I meant my brother. No I dot have a boyfriend.." you felt yourself blush as the thoughts of kale were uncaged in your mind.

The door swung open and he let me into a quaint little front room there was a clawed sofa placed against the wall underneath a Collage of family photos. One stood out in particular.

It was a little boy with barely any hair. A massive teddy bear, secured tightly by his teeny mouth, his green eyes un missable

You took off your soaked converses and pointed to the picture, a smile glued to your face.

"is that you?"

The boy shed his leather coat and tossed it over an arm chair. He made his way across the floor to the picture and pointed to it.

"yup. That's me." he shook his wad with a smile as he seemed to drift right into the happy photograph.

As you rubbed your arms he snapped back to reality.

"let me get you some towels and clothes." he disappeared down the side hall.

"oh it's ok you've done more than enough!" you called after him. But he didn't respond. You shrugged as he reappeared, his arms filled with dry articles of warmth.

"my mum and sister are visiting London so I brought you some of their clothes. They should fit you ok." you looked at the sweat clothes and noticed a pair of lacey under garments peaking out from the towels.

You smirked. "You want me to wear those?"

A rosy color grew onto his cheek bones and it was rather appealing.

"they're the first ones I saw."

You giggled quietly as he handed you the clothes and pointed to the washroom.

"you can shower if you want to."

You shut the door and locked it just in case.

"thanks I think I'll just dry off." you called as you began to strip off the t-shirt and jeans.

This guy was insanely attractive and slightly mysterious. He hadn't mentioned his name or his occupation. You figured he was single of he'd taken you a complete stranger and a women into his home. He seemed too nice to be dangerous.

As you ran your fingers through your wet hair, the inviting smell of English tea wafted through the house. It warmed you just at the thought of the soothing liquid in your throat.

As you pulled the sweatshirt over your head, the familiar stinging sensation returned. You looked down at the mark on your chest from kales angry hand.

What had you done to deserve this. You replayed the night as you stepped into the Lacey underwear and sweatpants.

He'd picked you up at 8 and taken you to the usual place. You'd ordered the fish n chips like always at the pub. You both had watched the football match with interest as you munched away at chips. After the game he'd taken you back to his place.

He'd drawn you into him with passion and you had kissed. For a long time. It had turned heated as he led you to his room. You had never gone that far and he was about to take it away when you refused.

That's when he'd hit you. Right on the chest hard and furious. You remembered the eager years that were just anxious to flood your emotions but you had held them back. He'd hit you again and again with more rage each strike. You somehow managed to escape away. Rushing down the street, through back alley ways and and yards to your house. Jumping into uour car. And just driving and driving and driving.

That's when he'd brought you here.

You felt yourself sobbing uncontrollably as you sunk to the floor against the door. You buried your head in your hands and cried.

A sudden vibration rang thought the walls as someone knocked on the door.

"you all right love?"

You sniffed and wiped the tears as you rose.

"ya thanks."

"I've got a fresh pot on the stove." he called. "come whenever you're ready."

You turned the knob and made your way out. He was standing there waiting. His green eyes transfixing you, almost casting you under a spell.

"you sure your all right?" he asked as he turned to lead you into the kitchen.

You nodded as you sank into a chair at the breakfast table.

"I will be thanks." you accepted the mug he handed you as he sat across the table.

"he hit you didn't he?"

Roadside StrangersWhere stories live. Discover now