|Chapter One|

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“Louis!” I scream.

“What’s wrong Love?” he asks as he walks into our bedroom.

“What’s wrong?” the other boys ask frantically running through the door falling, stumbling and jumping over each other as they come towards mine and Lou’s bed.

“Well I did only want to talk to Louis but since you’re all here I mays well kill two birds with one stone” I say smiling at my boys. Louis and I have been together for almost 3 years when I was first introduced to the four other boys they automatically became like my brothers. I do their laundry cook them food and clean the house they all help of course after all they make the mess. In return I got the four older brothers my mother couldn’t give me. They’re all very protective of me and they’re even worse when Louis isn’t with me.

“So what is it?” Harry asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Jess I still don’t understand what you meant about the birds and the stones” Niall asks.

“It means I am going to tell all of you instead of just Lou” I say.

“We’re going out” Harry shouts.

“No Harry it’s better than that” I smile holding up the test. There was a collective gasp from all of the boys as they see the two pink lines and I see tears spring to Louis eyes. Harry squeals like a girl and runs over and hugs me so tight I fight for breath.

“I’m going to be an uncle” he says spinning me in circles. I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

“All of you are but will you be the godfather?” I ask.

“But he’s Lux’s godfather” Niall says standing up.

“Well that’s the thing I want all of you to be its godfathers” I say. Niall runs up and hugs me as do all the boys.

“Is that ok with you guys?” I ask.

“YES!” they all reply in unison.

“Well I’m glad we have that settled” I reply giving each of them a hug after they break off after a good three minute hug.

“Well um guys would you mind leaving now so I can talk to Lou please?” I ask.

“You mean so you can screw Lou” Harry says giving me a look. I reach over and slap him on the arm hard enough to leave a red mark.

“Oww!” he whines.

“Don’t Harry” I chastise. He knows I’m annoyed because of the look that crosses his face.

“Sorry” he says softly giving me his puppy dog face and ducks to kiss my cheek and another hug.

“Ok all of you out” I command after Harry stops hugging me. They all give me a quick hug before they leave and Lou gets a few pats on the back. He still hasn’t moved from his position on the bed. Harry stops in front of me and rubs my belly looks me in the eye.

“This baby is going to be so spoiled” I laugh softly put my hand on his cheek look him in the eye and say.

 “Of course it is it has us for a family” he laughs softly and runs out of the room. I close the door after him and walk over to the bed and put my arms around Lou’s waist.

“Say something” I ask in a whisper the tears starting to stream down my cheeks.

“Something” he replies laughing softly as he turns around pushing me down and holding himself over me in the same motion.

“I’ll love you and this baby no matter what” he whispers and kisses me softly then deepens the kiss.

“They’re here!” harry screams excitedly. Louis pulls back startled.

“Alex, Jayde, Perrie and Mj must be back” I laugh rolling out from under his body “I forgot they were getting back today”.

“Ugh just when things where getting good” he whines flopping on his back. I laugh and throw a pillow off the single chair in the corner at him.

“Argh I’m hit” he yells laughing I run down the stairs towards the front door.

“Slow down before you hurt you and my baby” Louis yells after me. The boys were already outside when I got to the front door.

“Hurry up slow poke!” I yell up to Louis who is only half way down the stairs.

“c’mon c’mon move a little closer now” I sing impatiently shifting from one foot to the other. Finally he reaches the door and grabs my hand. I try to pull him into a run out the door and down the front stairs but he just holds tight and laughs.

“No babe you know how clumsy you are I and I don’t want you to hurt yourself” he says kissing you lightly.

“Please they’ve been gone for like a month my sister and my best friend’s Lou do you understand how long that is?” I reply in a whiney voice.

“I know, speak of the devil’s” he laughs as the four girls come running up the stairs and crashing towards us.

“I missed you guys!” I scream letting go of Louis hand and running to meet my girls and we all end up in a heap at the door. We disentangle ourselves we are all pretty much blubbering messes by now when we hear the other boys coming up the stairs whining at the top of their lungs.

“Why do I get stuck carrying your bags?” Harry calls out to Jayde. She in turn turns around and yells back holding up her left hand

“Because I said yes”

“So?” he replies.

“Because you love me?”

“Fair enough” he shouts smiling.

“Wait so why do I get stuck carrying MJs bags?” Niall shouts.

“Um I don’t know because you’re awesome” MJ says to him as the boys reach the top of the stair and drop the girl’s luggage.

“Still not good enough” Niall replies smiling. MJ walks over kisses him on the cheek and says,

“Thanks Niall you’re the best and I owe you Nando’s” and walks inside while he blushes bright red. I laugh as Liam grabs my sisters hand pulls her in for a kiss.

“Um Liam I’m still her big sister” I laugh.

“Oh um sorry Jess, will you ever forgive me?” he says dramatically.

“Maybe but in in order for me to do so you must prove yourself by making lunch” I reply in a fake British accent.

“Yeah I’m starving” Niall replies rubbing his stomach and walking inside.

“Niall you’re always starving you act like I don’t feed you, let’s go inside, I’m actually hungry plus Lou and I have something to tell you guys” I say smiling at the girls and taking Louis hand.

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