|Chapter Five|

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“Jess baby can you hear me?” I hear a familiar female voice asks. I open my eyes the light burns so I close them and cringe.

“Sweet heart can you hear me” she asks again I know that voice its Jayde.

“C’mon Jessie I know you can hear me now wake your ass up” a gruff voice says. I hear a few people chuckle at his abruptness.

“Hunter you’re such a dick? And what are you doing here?” I ask in a whisper my eyes still closed.

“Winner winner chicken dinner” I hear Alex say. I slowly open one of my eyes slightly to see the room littered with all of the guys and girls Hunter my friend Tahnee and even Cynthia Niall’s girl is here the only ones that are missing are Louis and Harry as well as Perrie and MJ.

“Where are they?” I ask wide awake now.

“They’re upstairs in the nursery” Alex replies knowing who I was talking about straight away. My hands fly to my belly to find nothing there but gauze that’s painful to the touch.

“Where’s my baby” I ask panicked. Hunter catches my hand as everyone starts to stir.

“Don’t worry Jess she’s fine they had to give you an emergency C-section when you came in before they could operate on the stab wound the good thing is the fucker that did this didn’t hit anything major” Hunter says pulling my hand away from my belly.

“Wait you said she so I had a girl what did he name her how long have I been out?” I ask so many scenarios running through my head.

“You’ve only been under for two days” Hunter replies pressing the button to call the nurses in “We haven’t named her because there were too many arguments and Louis and I said you would like to name her” he finishes just as two nurses burst into the room.

“Is something wrong?” the short one with a blonde bob asks.

“Yeah” I reply in an angry tone “you are in here and my baby and fiancé aren’t” she looks at me wide eyed and shocked then everyone starts laughing including me before I cringe because of the pain.

“Was that a joke because it wasn’t very funny” the older nurse says in a snarky voice.

“Well to be honest with you no one gives a fuck what you think Mrs I’m too good for you” Hunter replies. I laugh at the shocked look on her face and instantly regret it the pain shoots up into my ribcage and winds me.

“Its ok sweetie I’ll give you some medication that’ll put you back to sleep” the older nurse says venom dripping from her voice.

“Like fuck you will” I say “Get the fuck out I would like a nice nurse not some old hag that wants to drug me to death”

“Well that was extremely rude” the old nurse says walking out as everyone erupts into laughter. Liam stands and walks over to by bed side.

“We missed you and your sassiness Louis hasn’t been the same since you know” he says his voice turning sad at the last part. I reach out and take his hand with my free one.

“Hey its ok everything’s going to turn out fine” I reassure him smiling. He smiles back a sad look in his eyes. “Hey I’m making a declaration there is to be no sadness in this room I might be in this really uncomfortable bed but at least I’m not dead and the baby is fine and I have my whole family here with me” I say smiling around the room at all of my friends.

“Oh and Louis mum and sisters area at your place to” Hunter says smiling down at me.

“Wait which ones?” I ask not knowing whether it was just the twins and Jay or all of them.

|Forever and Always| - |Louis Tomlinson|Where stories live. Discover now