|Chapter Four|

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“What do you mean you have to go on tour” I yell at Lou “I’m almost nine months pregnant Lou”

“Calm down babe everything will be fine” he tries calming me.

“No Louis everything is not going to be fine I support that you need to do this and I was supposed to go on tour last month remember with my band but instead I had to be pregnant” I scream the tears I’d been choking back falling down my face.

“Don’t cry love” he says walking towards me.

“No don’t” I say pushing past him I grab my purse and head towards the front door.

“Where are you going?” he asks following me. I push my feet into my shoes and open the front door.

“I just need some time to think if I’m not home by eight I’ll be at the café where we met” I say pecking his cheek and I walk out the front door. The walk to the café is only fifteen minutes but it feels like forever and I hate walking through the one street down the road from home that has only one street light and its right down the end so it’s like walking in a tunnel.

I make it to the café without incident and order a chocolate frappe because I hate coffee the taste is just retched plus…

“Jess is that you?” I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn in my seat to see my best friends since preschool standing behind me.

“Tahnee?  Oh my god I haven’t seen you in ages” I stand up and give her a hug just as I’m about to step out of the hug the baby kicks me hard and I gasp in shock and I little bit of pain.

“Are you okay?” she asks shocked. She helps me back to my seat and sits across from me.

“Yeah I’m fine bub just got a little excited” I say rubbing my belly affectionately.

“Who did that?” she asks looking at my bump.

“Oh you know that band One Direction we were obsessed with when we were teens before me and the girls went the on the x-factor and won?” I ask smiling “well remember how that Louis Tomlinson guy was our favourite and we used to dream about marrying him and having his kids”

“No fucking way!” she says way too loud.

“Yeah we met on the show when they came to give advice and stuff and he ignored me for almost four years we only started talking when I was nineteen then we got together three years ago and he proposed the day I found out I was pregnant” I gush feeling my cheeks burn.

“Holy shit that’s huge” she says admiring my engagement ring.

“It’s not actually you should see Jaydes is massive it’s like the size of a golf ball” I giggle pulling my hand back. I have a drink and the coldness makes the baby squirm.

“So how far along are you?” Tahnee asks looking at my hand resting on my bump.

“I’m I’m due on the fifteenth of next month so I was eight month last Tuesday” I say rubbing my belly affectionately.

“Is it a girl or a boy?”

“We don’t want to know but if we have a boy Louis wants to name him Tommo but I don’t know though I’m still kind of frazzled about the whole thing” I say. She laughs and takes a drink. The time on her watch says ten past eight.

“Oh crap I have to go” I say pushing my chair back grabbing my purse of the table and throw on my coat.

“I’ll call you tomorrow” I call back as I walk out the door taking my drink with me.

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