Chapter Twenty-One

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**Hank's POV**

"Two words," she started. "Everything." The word left her mouth and my heart fell. She saw this moment to escape from my sight.

"Let's go," she murmured, pulling a brown haired girl with her. She tried to protest but Samantha had the better grip and pulled her away. And I just watched her leave.

I couldn't move. And it wasn't from all the kicks and the possible concussion. It was because of my heart. She was right. I should have stayed with Kathie. (H is silent so it's pronounced like Katie. Kate- E) I would have, if only I haven't acted so rational.

Eventually, the sun started to set behind me and I needed to leave. And there was only one place I could go. Actually, that was a lie. I could go to a million places, account of I'm kind of a big deal.

Shaking my head, I head off to my lightening blue Dodge Charger. See? Told you I'm a big deal. And that's nothing. I own hundreds of businesses/stores and thousands of houses/ apartments.

I drive was really long. Especially since I didn't know where I was going. I remembered the house but not the directions.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, and it probably was too, I was here. Slowly, I got out of my car and walked up the tiny driveway. It took me all of my courage to knock on the dark wooden door. What time was it? Would they even answer at this time of night?

It took a moment, but the door opened. And the person on the other side had only one emotion on their face: Anger.

"Hey," I started waving my hand. "May I come in?"

"Do you want to die?" They retorted back angrily.

"I'll take the risk," I said stepping into the cool house. The front was pained a mint green, with a staircase to the left, a hallway next to it, and a doorway to my right. If I remembered correctly, the doorway leads to the kitchen, the hallway leads to the bathroom, living room and dining room. And upstairs was another bathroom and two bedrooms.

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

"You can't stalk your own daughter. Nor your own house."

"This isn't your house anymore. It's mom's," Samantha snapped. I just shrugged and walked down the hallway. She followed.

It was different. Well, slightly. There was a couch and a love seat slightly against the further wall with a flat screen tv across from it. Now, there was just a couch and a regular sized tv. I sat down on the further end.

"Did she buy it?" I wondered out loud.

"Did you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.

Samantha reached behind her and grabbed a magazine. She tossed it to me after deciding whether or not she was actually going to pass it to me. But she did.

"Look on page 16," she ordered turning on the tv. I looked down and began flipping through the pages. There were some great pictures of women on here that I almost drooled. But I kept my cool and finally me it to the right page number. "Read the headline out loud."

I nodded. "'Evan's Incorporate Celebrates Their Millionth Building in California. Hank Evans, head of the company, will be traveling to San Francisco to celebrate for his success on March 18th.'"

"You were never here for me. And you'll never will be. You can sleep here on the couch. There's a spare blanket in the dryer which is the kitchen. Be gone before 6 am. I don't mom to know that I let you sleep over." As she said this she got up walking away. She lightly turns back. "And I also I don't want to see you ever again."

"You don't mean that," I start to argue.

"Prove it, she challenged. "Prove to me that I need, no want you in my life. You have until Monday."

"My daughter, I know everything about you."

"Oh yeah? Let's take a mini quiz. I'll ask you three questions. Get two out of three right, I'll welcome you back with warm arms and I'll apologize for everything I said. Get them wrong and you'll have till sunset to get to know me."

"That seems fair," I said nodding my head.

"Great. Here's a very easy question: When's my birthday?"

Crap. I had to think about this. So, Kathie told me she was a month pregnant around the first week of June. And usually, pregnancy takes about a month so... the first week of January.

"Do I have to get the exact date?"

"I'll tell you if your close enough. I'll give a day range," she allowed shrugging her shoulders, as if rule didn't. She was determined that I was wrong. And I was going to prove her wrong.

"January 6th or 7th?"

"Pick one," she commanded.


"You're lucky," was all she said before asking me another question. "What's my favorite color?"


"Ew no." A disgusted expression grew on her face. "It's sapphire."

"Sapphire. Noted."

"Better be careful. Get this wrong and your wrong," she warned thinking. I nodded. "When did I dye my hair?"

She dyed her hair?! Why would she do that? What was her original hair color then? It couldn't have been blonde like... like mine... My hair color was a pure-diamond blonde. It was pretty light. Samantha's was a just a shade or so darker, probably because Kathie's hair which was mocha brown. So to answer the question...

"You're lying," I accused.


"You never dyed your hair. That's your natural hair color."

"How did you know?"

"Look at my hair," I commanded this time. I saw her eyes go up and she gasped, but quickly covered it with her hands as tears started to form.

"Don't cry cupcake. Come here," I held my arms out wide for her to run into. And, surprisingly she did. I thought she was going to yell at me again. She cried in my arms softly.

The next three words that came out of her mouth were unexpected, yet expected at the same time. I was waiting for her to admit it but I thought she would never confess...

Yay. Another chapter. So, weird chapter right? A lot of stuff going on there... anyway

Fact: Sam's parents never got married and Hank never calls his daughter Sam. (But Kathie does. In fact, it was her who gave her the nickname. Samantha actually loved being called Samantha until that one time... Which you'll learn about on Chapter 25, ish.)

Comment: The three words that came out of Sam's mouth.

See ya and I luv ya! Always! <3


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