☆*:.。.Chapter 3.。.:*☆

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Lee Hyorin POV

WHO ELSE HAD THE NERVE TO TOUCH ME!? I am done today. First the prince, now some random body guard of his? This is ridiculous........

I sigh super loud, and slowly breathe to control my anger. I concentrate my mind and ready my legs. 3.. 2.. 1......

I quickly turn around to face this guy and throw my leg back.

"This might hurt a bit." I say to the guy. He gasps as I take my leg and aim at his balls, but before I could actually hit him, another person stops me by grabbing my leg.

"It seems people are being very touchy today." Out of surprise he lets go of my leg and raises his hands to show that he is innocent. Then he speaks.

"I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, but the prince just wanted to have a small conversation with you."

"Just let it go Jin hyung. She was in a hurry, and moreover Suga hyung ruined her mood by stopping her." Prince V says to this so called 'Jin'.

"I didn't have to ruin her mood. She seems like she's always angry."

"Excuse me?" This boy sure has the nerve to pick a fight with me.

"Suga hyung. That's quite rude." The boy shrugs and smirks at me. I scoff.

"I'm very sorry for the delay we have caused you, and please forgive my hyungs for the rudeness. As an apology, I hope you will accept this invitation to a party I will be holding tomorrow at the castle. May I ask for your name?"

Huh!? He hands me a fancy ass card which looks sophisticated.

I really don't want to go, but I can't reject the prince. God Damnit!

I take the card and bow.

"Thank you for the invitation, and I'll be on my way. My name is Hyorin by the way. Lee Hyorin." I run out of there as fast as I can, and go to the bathroom where they can't find me. What the hell did I get myself into.............
Kim Taehyung POV

"That was rare of you to speak nicely to a women." Rap Mon hyung says as he walks towards me with Jungkook, J-hope, and Jimin.

"What are you trying to say hyung? I'm always a gentleman." I say as I give him a sly smirk. He smirks back at me.

"Sure. Say whatever you want to believe in. But I've known you for a pretty long time. You can't fool me."

"True. But if I wasn't nice, she wouldn't come to the party."

"I don't think she'll go regardless you being nice."

"Why do you think that?"

"You saw her attitude didn't you?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"She didn't seem very pleased."

"I'm sure she'll show up."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Her name was Lee Hyorin right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Her friend Park Jinhye seemed to be interested in me."

"You sneaky bastard...." Rap Mon hyung laughs.
Lee Hyorin POV

I quickly take out my phone, almost dropping it because I'm shaking like hell, and I dial Jinhye's number.

Pick up, pick up, pick up..........


"Jinhye!? Thank God!! Meet me at the car. We're leaving!!"

"Wtf!? Why?"

"It's a story you won't believe...."

"Ugh!! I just saw prince V, and now your telling me to leave!? I didn't even talk to him for very long!"

Ahhhh!!!! She is so persistent!!! What kind of friend is she!!!

But that's when an idea popped into my head.

"What if I told you that you have a chance to meet him tomorrow?"


"It's true."

"Run your ass to the car." She says and hangs up right away. Yes! Once I get to the car, I am surprised to see that Jinhye is already there.

"You have some explaining to do." She says containing her excitement.

"I know, I know. Just get in the car first." She unlocks the door and I buckle my seatbelt.

"Are you gonna talk now?"

"Not until you start driving."

"UGH. Your so complicated!"

"Look who's talking." She starts the car and starts to drive to school.

"Okay. What's he big deal? How are we going to see Prince V tomorrow?" I search my bag and pull out the card/invitation he gave me for the party.

"What is that?" She asks.

"It's an invitation to a party he is holding at the castle. I don't plan on going, so I'll jut give it to you since you like him so much."

"Woah woah woah. WHAT!? How did you even get this thing in the first place!?"

"I ran into him at the coffee shop. I didn't have money for my order, so he payed for me. I made a bit of a ruckus in there, and apparently he seemed sorry for wasting my time. So he gave this to me."

"You really are something." She sighs. "So? You're just gonna give this to me?"

"Yeah. I don't want it, so I'm giving it to you."

"I'll take it, but you're coming with me."

"WHAT!? No no no. There is no way I'm going. I don't plan on seeing that arrogant prince again."

"But that 'arrogant prince' invited you not me. I won't be able to face him if I just took this. Besides. He probably took interest in you considering the fact that he gave this to you. So the person he wants to see is you."

"You're making a point, but you can't force me to go."

"Oh really. Watch me." She smirks.

"Oh god. What are you planning this time?"

"Well, let's just say we aren't going to school just yet." I groan. Damnit. I should've known.

"Next time, I'm driving." I said angrily.

"Haha. Fine with me." She continue to drives in the direction of another mall. I'm guessing that she plans on buying dresses for the party. Should I just give up and go with her? Whatever. Skipping another day wouldn't hurt.


Author's note....
Hai guys!! Sorry for a short update!! But I needed to update since I didn't update in a long time. I lost my phone, and someone stole it. So I'm using my tablet to write my stories. But the good thing is, School is over for me!!! Yaaaassss!!! So now I have more time on my hands, so I'll update as fast as I can. But I can't do it without everyone's support. Please continue to support me with this story!! Luv u guys!! <3

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