Chapter 23

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IM gonna make an epilogue,because this is the last chapter ill probably make a new fanfiction later. So enjoy everyone.

Spencer POV:
Tonight I'm definitely going to purpose to her,I've been wanting to do it for a long time. Wish me luck reiders.

"You almost ready?" I yelled,while adjusting my tie. "Yeah." Harmony said walking toward me with a red dress that fit her curves,and tiny baby bump perfectly. "You look so damn beautiful." I said pulling her into a kiss. "You don't look to bad yourself." Harmony said kissing back. "You to love birds ready to go?" Morgan yelled out the door. "Yeah." I yelled motioning Harmony to follow me. We finally made it to the restaurant,with time to spare. "Table for Reid." I said to the young lady at the frount desk. "Come this way." She said motioning for us to sit at the table in the back. "Thank you." Harmony said tipping the lady with a dollar bill. The lady nodded her head and went back to her job. "This is a really nice restaurant." Morgan said to his date,as they walked to another table. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom,ill be back in a little bit." Harmony said pecking me on the cheek. When I knew she was gone,I slipped the wedding ring in the wine she ordered and waited. She came back about 2 minutes later. "This is a really nice restaurant." She said taking a sip of her wine,she didn't even notice. "I picked it special,for you." I said holding her hand across from the table. "You shure know how to impress me." She said squeezing my hand and taking a sip of her wine. "What the?" She said pulling the dazzling ring out of her wine glass. "Harmony Radke,would you do me the honor of being Harmony Reid?" I said getting down on one knee. "Yes!" She exclaimed and hugged me tightly. "This ring is beautiful." She said as I slipped it on her petite hand. "The perfect ring for the perfect girl." I said kissing her. Everyone in the restaurant clapped,while Morgan recorded the whole thing. The rest of the night was eating and taking till we left the restaurant. "I love you." Harmony said holding her hand in mine as we walked to the car. "Ill see you tomorrow." Morgan yelled,while getting in the car with his date. I rolled my eyes and kept walking with Harmony. "I love you to,forever  and always."

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