I Will Never Leave You

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"What?! No stop talking like that! Be serious here!" You told him trying to fight tears. "I am being serious (Y/n). If you stay with me then you'll end up dead. And I won't have that." He said avoiding your eyes. Now you were mad. 

"No." You said quietly. "Huh?" "I. Said. NO! THERE IS NO WAY I'M LEAVING YOU! I care too much about you dammit!" You shouted. His eyes widened. He had never heard you talk like this before. You weren't someone that would get angered like that.

 "If you think i'm scared of a bunch a dumb ass aliens then you must have some lodged in you brain! I'll take them on myself if I have to!" You yelled clenching your fist tight enough to draw blood. "Stop (Y/n). Your hands." "Your not even listening to me are you!" you began to tear up.

"Yes I am." He held you hand. "Am I more than grateful to have such an amazingly brave mate." He said as he kissed your hands. "I love you (Y/n). And one day when you bare our smeet. I will be the happiest Irken that has ever lived!" He said in a confident voice. 

You giggled. "What's a smeet?" You asked. "Hm? Oh it's we call as you humans prefer to call a baby." He smirked. You face turned red. "What! But Zim we are to young to start thinking about stuff like that!" "Oh don't worry (Y/n) I shall wait until you are ready." "Um how about when we are older, lets say 23 years?" (You guys are between the age of 13 and 14 in this story) 

"Alright right then it's decided! (Y/n) (L/n) will you bare out smeet when you are ready?" He asked. "I will. But that doesn't change the important matter here!" You told him. 

"Yes I know. And I will stay here on  Earth with you."  He smiled. "So you'll stay! Really!? I'm so happy!" You hugged him. "Hey careful you might reopen your wound. And yes I will stay but if thing get any worse I'll have to leave." He told you. "Alright. Then I'll just have to make ever second count! And i'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I've never snapped like that on anyone before." You laughed. 

"That's fine (Y/n) I'm just glad we have this sorted out." He smiled. 

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