~~~Someone's In Love~~~

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Well Dib was out of the hospital you had a new loving family and a pretty cute boyfriend~ Your life was beginning to turn around and everything's going great!

Well for some of you.

Zim was still stressing out, he decided not to show it. He didn't want you to worry as much as he was. But he was fine when ever he was around you. You were like his stress free zone. You always knew what to say to calm him down. If it wasn't your smile that calmed him it was your calming voice.

He was so lucky to have you.

But now someone else might be falling in love. The one person that you've never thought would want to have a special person in their life actually was in love! Let's see who it is shall we~

(Your POV)

I texted Dib to see if he wanted to come over and hang with me Zim and the girls.

From: (Y/n)

'Hey do you want to come over and hang? I have someone I want you to meet. :)'

To: Dib

From: Dib

'Sure thing. Who are they?'

To: (Y/n)

From: (Y/n)

'It's a surprise! Meet us at the woods.'

To: Dib

From: Dib

'The woods? Uh sure be there in a few minutes.'

To: (Y/n)

From: (Y/n)

'K see then :)'

To: Dib


I see Dib a few feet away, I wave to get his attention. He saw me and started to run up the hill where I was standing.

"Hey. I'm glad to see you out the hospital and up on your feet!" I said hugging him. He hugs back and says. "Yep I glad to see you too. So who's that someone you wanted me to meet." "Follow me!" I grab his hand and lead him to my hidden place where I go when i'm bored. (I actually have one of these)

"Where are we going?" He asked. "My secret place! I go there when I'm felling bored or just need some alone time." I tell him.

A few minutes later we finally arrive.

"Alright wait here!" I waled over the a bunch of stacked branches and leaves and pulled them away. "Right through here!" I showed him the way in. "Oh and watch your head." I warned him. He ducks his head while we walk/crouch.

We finally made it. "Were here guys." Everyone looked over at us. "He nice to see you again Dib." Zim said smiling. "You too Zim" He smiled back. And I smiled just knowing that they don't hate each other anymore!

"Oh Dib these are the people wanted to show you! This Is Maria and Nichole. Maria and Nichole, this is Dib! My best friend!" I told them. "Excuse me best friend?" Nichole said with a hint of jealousy. "Oh! Wait no I mean 2nd best friend!" I told her.

"Um *Ahem* What am I, a roach?" Maria teased. "Guys you know what I mean!" I said laughing. Dib was laughing as well. Nichole and Maria looked over at him. "Well It's nice to meet you Dib." Maria held a hand out. He shook it. "Nice to meet you too." They continue to chat. I look over at Nichole and could tell that there was something wrong.

I walked over to her to see if she's alright. "You ok Nichole?" I ask. "U-um I uh. S-sure." She stuttered. I could tell she was blushing. "Are you blushing. That's a first." I chuckle. "Um yeah." She glanced back a Dib. I follow her eyes. Ohhh now I see~

"Nichole~ Are you crushing on Dib?" I tease. "What!? N-no I'm not!" She whisper yelled. Her face was really red. "Oh yeah? I think you are~" I say playfully nudging her arm. "Ok maybe I do. Just don't say anything please." She begs. "Alright I will. But you better be confessing soon 'k~" We walked back to the rest of the group.

"H-hi. I'm N-Nichole. Nice to meet y-you." She said with blushing a little. "Nice to meet you too." He said smiling. Witch made her blush more. "Hey are you alright?" He asked. "Um yeah. I'm just gonna...G-go over there." She said walking towards her sister.

They would be such a cute couple! Man never would I'd think that Nichole the biggest Tomboy I know would fall in love! She had always told be that she didn't have time for relationships. So she ignored boys and just focused on other things. 

But I guess everyone and everything changes huh?

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