I Fall in love for the first time.

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"Today is another school day, but our class has a new student, and I hear its a girl!" I  said to Zane               "You just saying that because you do not have a girl friend?" Asked Zane.                                                      

LLOYD: " Yes I am, because, I feel so loanly." 

ZANE: " I know how you feel Lloyd, because I did not find out about my father for years." 

LLOYD: " I guess you really do know how I feel.'


LLOYD: " By Zane, see you after class!"

ZANE: " See you after class!"

When I got to class I sat by Cole and the New Girl then Cole started to say, " Lloyd! get a load of this her name is skylor, and she has a element of power! Its weather!" " That is very cool." said Lloyd as he blushed at her. 

LLOYD: " Hi! I'm Lloyd, the green ninja.

Skylor: " I'm Skylor, by the way I am such a big fun!"

LLOYD: " Why thank you!" 

Skylor: " meet me at the park after school."

LLOYD: " Okay." 

                                                                                     6 hours later............

Lloyd was waiting at the park for a few minutes for Skylor with ice cream.  When Skylor arived, Lloyd gave her ice cream. They talked for a while, It was starting to rain, but Skylor put a stop to that. 

                                                                                  Skylors p.o.v.

Okay Skylor, You have a crush on him, but how will I tell.... Oh! Tell him at school in a few days!

                                                                                Lloyd p.o.v.

Lloyd, you have a crush on her, but how will I tell her that I love her? Ah HA! meet her at the park in a few days! Perfect! 

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