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My father wouldn't look at me. He had made sure my bruise was covered up on my face, but when I talked you could tell that something was wrong. So I didn't speak, and he didn't look at me.

As we pulled up into the long driveway once more my stomach dropped. I was wearing the stretchable pants, and the comfortable maroon polo shirt. Tyler was wearing a similar outfit but his shirt was blue and made me notice his eyes even more than the day before. Tyler wasn't happy.

Richard personally opened my door and I thanked him with a nod. He smiled back. Tyler nodded curtly at me but kept his heated gaze on my father. I stood beside him as our fathers exchanged words and then my father left with a nod my way. So much was said with all of these small head movements.

Tyler turned to me once my fathers car was gone and I relaxed slightly once it was out of sight. "If you'll follow me, you can come pick the horse you want to ride." He says briskly. I swallow and do as he asks.

Tyler keeps his back to me the whole time we are on his property. He tells me which horse he thinks I should ride, which is then the one I pick. He saddles my horse, puts the bridle on, and leads my horse the whole time. I don't have the heart to tell him I know how to do this. He gets his own horse ready and then, only then, will he look at me.

I take the reins, getting easily onto the large horse, stroking it's neck as I wait for Tyler. He slips on and looks at me once again, as if wanting to ask me something but never asking. Tyler turns his horse and starts walking. I follow without question. He once more remains silent and won't look at me until we are past the view of the house.

"Does your father love you?" Tyler asks me finally. I don't want to respond. Tyler glances at me and rolls his eyes. "Okay, correction, do you think your father loves you?"

"I already told you what I think is-"

"Irrelevant yeah yeah yeah." He huffs in his seat, annoyed with me. "But I want your opinion."

"What is my opinion to you?"

"Do you mean why do I want your opinion?" He asks. I nod. "Because I do, now give it to me." Tyler demands. I frown.

"I think my father loves his daughter." I reply. Tyler makes a disgruntled noise. My mind is reeling and I don't like where this is going.

"Stop speaking in riddles." Tyler grumbles. I didn't think I was. Instead of responding I look around me, seeing the beautiful scenery. The green grass sways in the wind making the sound of an ocean. As the sun gently warms the earth I feel the cool breeze across my cheeks and understand why Tyler rides horses every morning.

"Jasmine." Tyler says my name and I look at him. He's moved his horse so that he was even with me again. I look him over, noticing the tousled hair, the strong jaw, and his still turned down lips. "I don't want to marry you."

"I understand." I nod, not showing any emotion.

"But I have to."

"It would seem that way." I look down at my horse and Tyler scoffs.

"So I'm not going to." He finishes and kicks his horse into a fast gallop. I frown, the road isn't smooth here and these horses aren't really warmed up. But, perhaps he's done this every day.

I lead my horse into a trot, then I push her into a canter and find Tyler a mile down the road next to the river. He throws rocks in angrily and I wait patiently on my horse, allowing it to drink. Tyler doesn't move.

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