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Andrea came to pick me up and thought that what I needed was a shopping spree. I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't like shopping, but I attempted to make it look like I was having a good time.

She bought me a phone and put her number in it immediately. I tried to tell her I had money but she insisted on buying me clothes. As we went through the different stores I allowed myself to relax and Andrea made me try on outfits I found I liked. By the time we left I had too many bags to carry and most of them were ones I told her I didn't need.

Andrea piled them into her car and drove me back home, chatting all the while and helping me to feel better about the day. I did return the conversation, which made her happy. When we got back Tyler was waiting and Victoria and Jake had gone home.

Tyler shuffled nervously as his mom got out to look him over. I didn't say anything but rather opened the back. Servants came over and gently told me it was okay, that they could handle it. So I went to stand by Tyler's whose head was getting chewed off.

"You set up the date. You are responsible for this. Your girl toy that you have has no respect for Jasmine and you are acting irresponsible. Can you imagine how hard this is for her? She thinks you hate her guts and that she's the reason for your anger." Andrea is angry.

"Well maybe that's true!" Tyler says just as heated. "Maybe she should catch a hint. It would be better if she weren't here."

"Well she is."

"Well I don't want her here." Tyler snaps. Andrea looks over at me and sighs.

"We don't always get what we want Tyler. This isn't ideal for anyone here but it has to happen." Andrea lowers her head.

"Why?" Tyler asks. Richard comes out.

"Because if I don't, my family is in jeopardy. Jasmine's father and I made mistakes when we were younger, got involved in the wrong crowd. We tried to get out, both of us unbeknownst to the other, as we were each enemies. In order to leave a payment must be made. Each of our firstborn children were payment, if that didn't stop us, we had to swear an oath to bind our blood. It was made to make us want to stay over leaving. We agreed anyways, and are still watched to this day to make sure we fulfill our oath. You two are that oath." Richard spills the story I already know.

"Are you telling me I'm being watched? That I- our family is in jeopardy because of you and now you put it on me to make sure we stay alive?" Tyler shouts. I put my head down. It seemed unfair, but I would do it to save my family.

"Jasmine's family is at risk too." Andrea reminds Tyler. He scoffs.

"Jasmine wouldn't care if her father died." Tyler snaps. I wouldn't have had a problem with his statement if he had said 'shouldn't care' but saying 'wouldn't care' was a judgement of my character that put me as a heartless creature.

"Please don't say that." I say quietly.

"Well you wouldn't. You'd be free." Tyler argues. I clench my jaw.

"I'd have killed my own father who gave birth to me, saved my life, and provided care for me."

"Your father abusing you was caring?" Tyler demands, stepping even closer to me and making my heart race increase in fear.

"I was supposed to be that child that was taken by those people." I snap at Tyler, feeling defense run through my system. "I had a twin. I was older. My sister was ill, and would only get worse so my parents made the decision to keep me." Tyler's face goes slack. "My mother and father fought over it for a long time and eventually I was the reason they split up. My mother took everything we had, and my father had to start over. He always gave me food, gave me shelter, even if he didn't have it. If that isn't caring I don't know what is." I felt my volume rise during my story, but now I was back to my quiet tone. "Excuse me." I leave them all standing in a shocked triangle on their front steps.

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