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3rd person POV

"W-where we... Going?" Serena pants as Kira pulls her hand. The older girl hadn't let the adults respond to her question, she'd simply sprinted out of the room, dragging Serena behind her. They'd been running through some woods besides the guild for a while, loosing the three people who had tried to follow them.

"You'll see!" Kira yells over her shoulder as she continues running. Serena trips up a bit, but doesn't let go of Kira's hand as she tries to match her speed. After a while the girls see a small peach colored home.

Kira races up the hill to the home, the only one to be seen in the area. Serena's hot on her heels, refusing to fall behind even though they've already let each other go so they could pump their arms to gather speed. The wind blows forcefully as to two girls surge forward. Kira's brown hair flails behind her, most of the leaves and sticks that she had had falling out. The two long pieces of Serena's hair flew behind her, flapping in the wind.

"I... Win..." Kira says tiredly, her hand on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. Serena stands beside her, but then decides to fall backwards to on to the soft grass that covers the hill. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she tries to get her heart beat back to normal.

"That... Was..." Serena hugs out between breaths. She closes her eyes, the bright sun making her see a pretty orange color because of her eyelids. She opens her eyes to reveal amber eyes brightened by joy and adrenaline, "Awesome!"

"I love running, it make me feel so free," Kira says, closing her eyes and throwing herself down next to Serena. She tilts her head and opens a single blue eye to peer at Serena. Sitting up, the brunet holds a hand out, "How about we get you something more comfortable?"

"Huh?" Serena asks even as she lets Kira pull her up. The younger girl is pulled into the peaches colored house, which has an equally cozy interior. Kira leads her up a couple of stairs and into a maroon colored room.

"Sit there," Kira says as she gestures towards her unmade bed. Serena does as she's told. Pulling herself onto the bed and letting her feet dangle of the side as Kira opens another door. The blue eyed girl scan the left side of her closet, most of the clothing there too small for her. She pulls out a pink dress that she never wore, the bandaid her father had on his cheek for a week was proof of it, and walked over to Serena, "Try this on."

Serena didn't like the color, she felt like pink was just... No. But she didn't want to be rude ether, so she took the dress and put it on as Kira went back to looking through the closet. After putting on the slightly too big dress she said, "Done."

"Awwww!" Kira squealed, jumping on the girl for the second time that day. She engulfed the small girl in a suffocating hug, proven by how Serena flailed her arms as her face turned red. Kira pulled away with a large grin stretched on her face, holding Serena by the shoulders, "Sorry, it's just that you look so cute!"

"Please no choke me again," Serena says calmly, an unconcerned look on her face. Kira giggles but doesn't promise anything as she make Serena try on more of her old clothing. Lucky for Serena there isn't more pink.

"I like your hair," Kira comments as she plays around with the longer green strands. The younger of the two had gotten tired after trying on so much clothing. Kira had even made her try on hats and jackets, even though the weather didn't seem fit for it. They ended up sitting on the bed, Serena sitting in front of Kira.

"I like yours more... It all long and color shiny in sun..." Serena says tiredly. Kira's own tiredness seems to disperse as Serena's hair shimmers before becoming long and brown. Kira opens her mouth to speak, but just as soon as it changed Serena's hair goes back to normal.

"Wow," Kira mumbles as she continues playing with the now green hair. Serena leans back, into Kira, causing the later to look curiously at the five year old's face. A small 'hm' leaves her smiling lips as she stares at Serena dozing off, "Hey Rena?"

"Yeah..." Serena answers with a yawn. The child can't stop her heavy lids from sliding over her eyes.

"Will you be my sister? I always wanted a sister," Kira says as she looks down hopefully at the green haired girl. A small smile forms on her lips as she mumbles a quiet 'okay'. A grin stretches over Kira's face, "I'll always protect my little sister."

"Free..." Serena mumbles in her sleep as Kira lays her down. Kira turns to look at her, but the sleeping girl says no more. The brunet pulls a blanket over the younger girl before crawling into bed with her.


"So here's where you ran off to," The brunet mumbles as he sees his daughter hugging the younger green haired girl protectively in her sleep. He sighs as a small smile makes its way onto his face. Closing the door of the maroon colored room he walks down the stairs.

He takes his jacket of the hanger besides the door. Looking up the stairs a final time, he opens the door and makes his way to the guild. The setting sun casts just enough light for him to walk down the dirt road, a short path compared to the wooded one his daughter prefers.

"I find it odd, sure she's a kid, but I've never seen anyone heal that quickly," Randle hears Alexander's voice even before waking through the main doors. He sees the white haired man leaning against the bar, talking with his twin sister.

"Did you find Kira?" Dixi asks, ignoring he brother as she sees Randle. Alexander follows his sister's sight, smiling at his life long friend. He orders another beer from the bartender, Tanaka, holding it out when Randle reaches them.

"Yeah, she's at home. Thanks Al," He answers Dixi's question and then receives the drink, taking a seat next to Alexander. He pops the bottle open on the end of the table, taking a good long swing of it.

"And where's Serena?!" Dixi exclaims angrily, causing Randle to choke as she punches his shoulder mid-gulp. Apparently she wanted him to answer her that question as well, he really needed to learn how to read minds.

"Geez, Dix..." He manages to choke the words out as he holds a hand to his burning throat. He goes into a fit of coughing as his lungs try and get rid of the beer he shouldn't have breathed in. His beer sits forgotten on the table as he tries to remember how to breath. Dixi seems to get increasingly angry with every second Randle tries to control his coughing.

"Dixi's not getting an answer, everyone find cover! Hurry before her patience runs out!" A guild member, Brax, yells from somewhere across the guild. Scuffling can be heard as people find a safe hiding spot. Alexander had already jumped over and behind the bar when Randle started coughing.

"H-home..." Randle manages to say as Dixi's left eye begins to twitch. The purple eyed woman raises an eyebrow, with a flick of her wrist she makes the alcohol shoot out of Randle's throat. The liquid falls somewhere behind the bar.

"Oh, gross." Alexander says as he stands up with slightly wet hair, making it clear where the alcohol went. He climbs over the bar and sits back in his seat.

"Home? As in, your home?" Dixi asks curiously. She raises an eyebrow and Randle doesn't know why, but this offends him just a bit.

"Yes, my home. What's wrong with my home?" He asks more defensively than he'd like to admit.

"Nothing. What she means is that after searching the woods for so long it's just a bit annoying that she was at your home this whole time," Alexander explained. Randle gave his friend a look at the 'annoying' part of his explanation. Alexander raised his hands in a surrendering pose, pointing at his sister, "Her thoughts, not mine. We might be twins but that doesn't mean we're the same."

The beginning (prequel to 'Freed's sister', a fairy tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now