Chapter 10

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~Bucky's POV~
I looked at the red headed woman sitting across from me in the van. She still looked so oddly familiar. "Have I met you?" I asked softly. She quietly replied, "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." She kept repeating that and shaking her head. My eyes widened. "She needs help! Help her!" The metal man rushed in. "Nat!" He managed to calm her down. Well...He sedated her. Then he turned around and did the same thing to me. I woke up in a small room that was nicer than the last cell I was in. Two people came in the room and escorted me, still in handcuffs, to what looked like a court? They sat me down in a bench in front of the judge. The metal man sat in the other bench. "James Barnes, correct?" The judge said. I looked up, confused. He repeated, this time more frustrated. " don't know. To be honest, I don't know how or why I'm here." The judge looked confused now. The metal man, Stark, spoke. "What's the last thing you remember?" I thought and all that came to mind was, " The men, in the white. And the one on the suit. They told me I had 24 hours to complete my mission. It was a S-Steve...Rogers. Steve Rogers?" The metal man sighed. "What'd you do to him?" I shrugged. I honestly didn't remember. "Today, Mr.Barnes were here because you've been accused of the murder of over 3 dozen people and the attacking or Captain Rogers. How do you plead?" I thought about it for a moment. Trying to run through the thoughts in my mind. Flashes of images came to mind. A train. A chamber. My missions. Death. The blonde man, Steve. The red head. Natasha? Hurting Steve. Pain. Lots of pain. I yelled in pain. "It remember." The judge looked angry. "How do you plead?" I said what I truly believed.
~Steve's POV~
I woke up to the beeping of hospital machines. Sam was in the chair beside me. "What happened?" He looked up. " He attacked you. Again. He's in court with Tony now. Nat's at SHIELD with Barton." I sat up. Maybe a little too quickly. Sam jumped up. "I'm okay. You gotta get me to him now. Before they lock him up." He looked down. "Steve..." "No! You know what will happen to him if he's there with Tony. Sam, you gotta get me to him." He sighed. "Alright. I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble for this." We arrived at the court about 10 minutes later. I walked in and what I heard made my stomach sink. I screamed. "No! You can't!"
~Natasha's POV~
"I told you. I don't know." The man sighed. "Nat, you gotta work with me. Try and remember something. Remember anything. Please." I closed my eyes and images began to flash through my mind, but the more images I saw, the more pain ran through my head. I winced. "It hurts!"
~Bucky's POV~
I softly said the thing I truly believed. "I plead guilty. I killed them. All of them. They were my missions. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. If I had a choice I never would even think of doing that. But I did it. So I plead guilty." After a few gasps and a few minutes of decision making. The judge said plainly. "James Buchanan Barnes, you've been sentenced to death by lethal injection." He slammed down the gavel. "Case closed." Then I heard a loud scream. Tony and I both turned around and we both looked at each other. Shocked to see the person in the doorway. Steve Rogers.
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter! Let me know what you thought about switching the POV's throughout. It was just something new I was trying out, so let me know what you guys thought! Thank you guys for all the support! I'll try and update the next chapter soon!

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