Chapter 11

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~Bucky's POV~
I was sitting in my temporary holding cell. Today was the day. The day I'd die. The day I finally got what I deserved. I was allowed visitors for the last day, so of course Steve took advantage of that. I still barely remembered him, but for some reason, he was still hopeful. He'd already come in at least 10 times telling me he'd get me out of this, and I'd be okay. Of course, I knew that to be false. He always stayed hopeful in the darkest of times. I was sitting in the silence when he came in yet again. "I can't do it. I can't lose you twice. I already did once. I can't do it again. I just can't." I debated whether or not it'd be best for me to say anything back. I softly said, "You can. And if you can't...well, that's not an option. Because you're going to have to." He looked down. "Stark didn't mean for this to happen. He's trying to-" This was so frustrating! "Trying to what? Find a way out of this? But why?! It's what I deserve! I've killed people for 70 years! Im not innocent. It was coming eventually. I'm going to die, Steve! And there's nothing you can do to stop it." I saw a tear slide down his cheek, and he stepped out of the room.
~Steve's POV~
I couldn't take it. To see him like this. At this point I wasn't even sure if he knew me. But he was wrong. He didn't deserve this. And I was going to stop this. Somehow. As I stepped into the hall, Stark approached me. "Look cap, I know this is hard. But you know me and the rest of the team are always here for you. We always will be." I laughed slightly. "Really? What about Nat? What happens when she gets her memories back and he's gone. What then? We have to stop it. She can't come back to that. I couldn't live with myself if it happened. I'm sorry Tony, but I can't just sit back and watch it happen."
~Natasha's POV~
Barnes. Bucky Barnes. My boyfriend. I loved him. A lot actually. We, together. The avengers. I am the black widow. And I have to find Bucky. I remembered. The treatment SHIELD gave me worked. I was with Barton now. "Where is he? Bucky. I need to find him." He sighed. "Nat, you know I can't." "Barton! You're my best friend! You know how much he means to me. You have to bring me to him." He sighed again and stood up. "Okay. But we have to hurry." And with that, we left.
~Bucky's POV~
I shut my eyes trying to remember some old memories. I'd remembered a lot already. But I still couldn't place the red headed woman. I shut my eyes. Natasha. Romanoff? Black something. Black spider. Black widow! She was the black widow! And she was my girlfriend. Before I could finish my thoughts, the officers came in my cell. "It's time." One said plainly. I looked down and nodded and followed them to the chair. The place I'd die. I saw Steve with tears in his eyes, not even able to look. Tony was looking down. There were some others. They seemed to be consoling Steve. I was escorted into the chair and strapped in. "We will begin the injection of James Buchanan Barnes. He is here today, because of his crimes, including murder and assassination of over 3 dozen people. At least. On my mark. 3. 2. 1." Then the red headed woman, Natasha Romanoff, walked into the room.

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