Chapter 2

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The café^^^^^^

Author's Note: Hai guys! Im finally back and should be able to make more post! ^~^ I'll try to have a few chapters out before my vacation next month!

P.S.- Thank you sooooo much for still reading(if you still are) >~< I dunno how good of a writer I am tbh seeing I'm still new to writing stories and all. Also plz try and remember this is my first story so if I make a few spelling or grammar mistakes plz tell me so I can try and not have it happen again! Thanks again!!! \(^°^)/


Its been a week since Elizabeth had her little encounter with the new student, Vincent Chambers. She had luckily been able to avoid running into Angel as well as keeping their little conversation away from Maria's knowledge.

Elizabeth was currently sitting at one of the school library's computers. Her eyes were skimming through the article she found while trying to research that strange symbole she had found. She mumbled quietly to herself as she read through it thoroughly, not wanting to miss any key information. She scribbled down some notes in a small notepad she had so that she wouldn't forget them. "So the symbole means strength and courage....but what's its connection to my dad?" She mumbled before she felt a tap on her shoulder before yelping softly and jumping out of her chair. She turned quickly, blocking the computer screen as well as her notepad as she faced the person behind her.

"Scared aren't we?" Came his deep, soothing voice followed by a light chuckle. Vincent gave Elizabeth a cocky smile as he looked at her, "so what are you researching? I've noticed you spend every lunch and even after school here." He stated.

"Wh-have you been following me or something? Its none of your business ya know..." She said as she turned around, exiting out of the page and clearing the recent history before grabbing her things, notepad as well. She then stood up, "anyway excuse me" she said softly before brushing past him.

Vincent held back a small chuckle as he watched her walk out the library, a small grin on his face. "Someone's a little defensive it seems" he mumbled to himself before putting his hands in his pockets and walking out the library.

Elizabeth sighed softly once she knew she was away from Vincent,"why is he so interested in my business?" She wondered out loud.

"Hm? Who's interested in you Lizzie?" Came a familiar voice behind her. Elizabeth jumped as she turned around to see Maria.

"Jeezus why the hell are you sneaking up on me?" She questioned as soon as she had calmed down.

Maria stared at Elizabeth a bit confused, "I didn't sneak up on you though Lizzie...I saw you walk out the library and called to you a few times but it seemed you were deep in thought. Anyway who's interested in you? I heard 'he' so I wanna know what guys flirting with my best friend and if he's even worthy of you!" She said sounding like the overprotective friend she was.

Elizabeth giggled softly, "no ones interested in me like that M." She said but when she looked over at her friend and seen she was about to argue with her statement she quickly tried to change the subject. "Aaaanywaaaay ready to head home? We can stop at your favorite café shop on the way home. You know the one you love to go to." She asked.

Maria pouted at Lizzie knowing she was trying to change the subject. "Yea we can go there but, I'm not letting that other comment off the hook yet. We will get back to it."she said sternly

Elizabeth giggled as she linked her arm with Maria, "fine" she grumbled playfully as they grabbed their bags and left the school grounds.

The girls soon arrived at a small café that went by the name of La Joie de la Vie Café (life's delight café). It was a small little building, the outside was dull maroon colored bricks with windows on either side of the door. In front of the door stood a chalkboard stand that read, "Today's Special: Jasmine milk tea and strawberry cheese cake." in large, baby blue letters and at the bottom it read "Have a nice day to all. -staff of LA Joie de LA Vie Café". There were a few tables set up for people to enjoy their sweets or drinks outside in the sun. The inside was just as plain yet very modern. There were chairs set up at the bar with machines of every kind to make coffee, cappuccinos, milkshakes, and many other drinks and even desserts. There were booths set up along the walls that had the windows on them and tables in the remaining space. Small little lights hung from the ceiling just above each table lighting up the café but not making it too bright within the café. The walls were also decorated here and there with pictures of local tourist stops and popular places in the local area.

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