Chapter 7

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Lunch was going much smoother than I thought. I didn't say much. I think I was still in shock that my dad and Harry were getting along so well. I even noticed my mom laughing at a few of his jokes. This was strange to me. I mean any guy in the past friend or boyfriend, my dad found something to hate about them. My mom never gave an opinion one way or the other. But here they both sat dying laughing at every other word that came out of his unpredictable mouth.

Oh that mouth.

What am I doing. He was getting into my head without even trying. He noticed me starring at him and smirked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Charlie why didn't you bring this kid around sooner" My dad choked with laughter.

"Oh I don't know dad. Maybe because I just met him a week ago?" I stated sarcastically.

"She's a little feisty. You taught her well Tom." Harry grinned at my dad.

"Had to make sure she wasn't a push over. Head strong runs in our family" My dad stated proudly.

"Excuse me." I stood up from the table walking in the direction of the bathroom.

After splashing some water on my face, I dried it with paper towel. I can't believe this. After Alex I swore I was done with guys until college was over. He broke me. I needed to stay focused and Harry was making that impossible. He was very persistent and dare I say addicting. It had only been a week and he had managed to not only get me in his bed but mine. He even had my parents under his spell.

I sighed before exiting the bathroom. When I stepped out I was startled as a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"You ok love?" He breathed into my ear.

"Fine. You just scared me" I relaxed a little.

"You are always so jumpy" he laughed.

"You are always so sneaky" I shot back, making him laugh.

I started to pull away but he pulled me back, slowly backing me into the wall. Long arms snaked around my waist. His head dipped down and soft kisses were planted on my jawline.

"Harry my parents are right around the corner. This is what got us into this mess in the first place" I whined.

He continued to trace my jawline with warm kisses.

"Harry" I drew out his name forgetting what he told me earlier about my whining.

A deep groan escaping his warm mouth as he took both of my hands in one of his, pinning them above my head. He pushed his hips into mine and I could feel his prominent excitement against my thigh. I gasped at the sudden change in contact.

"You feel that? That's what you do to me. So unless you want me to shag you in the broom closet I suggest you stop whining like that." His voice was thick and low, his eyes dark.

I didn't know how to respond. I had no idea I affected him that way. He had mentioned taking me in my room while our roommates were down the hall, but never did it cross my mind he would do it in public.

His soft lips pressed to mine. It was different than the other times. He needed this kiss. When I felt his excitement growing I pulled away. Leaving us both panting. His forehead rested against mine before he tried to reconnect our eager mouths.

"I need to get back...we need to get back ..before they think something" My unsteady words gave away just how much I didn't want this to stop.

He smiled seeming to read my mind as he pecked my lips one more time, before backing away.

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