Chapter 33

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~Hey!!! I will go ahead and say sorry now if there are tons of spelling mistakes or whatever. I worked on this while shopping last night and I'm just now going to bed. I will update later tonight as well but I need a few hours of sleep lol. The next chapter will be longer and better I promise but I wanted to give you beautiful people something before the weekend officially started :)~

Chapter 33

"I love you" Harry smiled before connecting our lips. His hands resting on my waist.

When he pulled away it was no longer Harry that held me close.

"No!" I screamed.

"I told you there was nowhere to go" Liam smirked. I felt the hard smack to my cheek, knocking me backwards on to the bed.

"No please not again" I begged.

He climbed over me but I fought him. I swung my fist hitting him in the mouth. He fell over holding his face as I crawled away..

"Charlie wake up! Please baby wake up!" My eyes shot open. Darting around the dimly lit room, until finally resting on dark green eyes. Harry was on his knees in front of me. Irregular breathes escaping his lips. I was sitting up clenching the blankets to my chest.

"I-I 'm sorry" I stammered.

"It's ok. Are you ok? You were screaming and-"

"What happen to your lip?"

"Well. Let's just say you have a mean right hook in your sleep" he half grinned. "I tried shaking you awake before turning on the light and you swung at me"

I covered my mouth shocked by my own actions.

"It's ok. I should of turned on the light first" he wiped the small amount of blood from the cut on his lip.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't -"

"It's ok" he smiled. "No harm done"

I returned it nervously. I didn't mean to hit him. I felt terrible.

"Baby I've been calling you hulk since I saw you trying to destroy the mailbox downstairs" he smirked. "I knew what I was getting into" he teased.

My cheeks instantly heated thinking back to that day in the hallway. He was good at catching me off guard. Making me smile had become his main goal since my last episode. It had resulted in my hair dismemberment. I still hadn't gotten it fixed. A pony tail and headband had become my go to hairstyle. It gave me a very sporty appearance. However Harry thought it was funny to pull the front of his hair into a tiny pony tail as well, claiming we were finally twins like he had originally suggested. The headband he wore made him look completely ridiculous but I loved it.

"Hello earth to Charlie" he waved his hand in my face.

"I'm sorry"

"You've said sorry at least three times" he laughed.

I smiled looking down at my hands.

"So since we are awake, and it is after midnight" I looked up at him confused.

He climbed off of the bed. Walking over to his closet he pulled the door open. A fairly large box was pulled from the top shelf. He tucked it under his arm and then reached back up pulling a considerably smaller box from the shelf as well.
I watched him walk back over to the bed. A huge grin on his face.

"Harry you did-" I started.

"Charlie I wanted to. Merry Christmas love" he placed the large box in front of me. "Go on open it" I eyed the perfectly wrapped box.

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