Another Update

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so I have no idea what I want to do with this story or how I'm going to continue/end it but some of you guys want me to. if you have any ideas/requests to help me with the story, feel free to let me know (I will give you credit, I'm not that mean lol). if I don't find a way to continue/finish the story, I'm either going to end it how it is of just add little cute, fluffy stuff in it. I know it's far from a full book but the story was supposed to be about Emma getting drunk and doing some crazy shit and Regina saving her. I know it wasn't very swen, I would have liked it to have more swanqueen moments but I guess I should have thought of that before.

on that note, let me know what you think I should do. sorry for not updating in a while (follow me or check out my 'conversations' thingy for more updates on what I'm up to). thank you so much for reading, I'm almost at 400 reads on this story!!! my goal for my birthday (3 weeks) is to get 500 reads so spread the word lol. have a good day/night. :)

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