Kirin Art School

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          On the middle of July in Seoul, South Korea, people are indeed happy of enjoying there summer vacation. The atmosphere is warm, but the wind blows a bit cold. Somehow they are free to wear their summer outfits although the wind brought a little cold. The end of summer is fast approaching as well. That is why teachers, and students are preparing for the enrollment before the summer ends. And for the parents at the same time, for they are the ones who pay the tuition fees on the designated schools of their children.            

However, there are some schools which are already preparing for the start of their classes; cleaning the rooms, in-ordered documents for the new students and everything which could make the teachers busier than ever. Which includes the school of arts for the talented students who dreamed to show the real them on top of a big dome. Kirin Art School is still the same, nothing had changed, still prestigious than to any other art schools in the whole South Korea. But unexpectedly, Mr. Joo Jong Wan the Art Director of the school resigned due to some reasons about his family and there is no any other person who could replace him. Yet he anointed Mr. Yang Jin Man the English teacher of the school having an oval shaped face and a weak eye look  to replace his position as the new Art Director. At that moment, Mr. Yang couldn't believe that the former Art Director anoint him to replace his place, who don't have any choice but to accept Mr. Joo's offer. And thus by now, Mr. Yang was so happy to take his place though he didn't expect it to happen.                   

The new President of the school called a meeting at the Meeting Hall inside the campus where Mr. Yang is naturally and is a must to attend on the said meeting. Everybody is already prepared while Mr. Yang is a bit nervous as he settled himself on his chair with a cushion on top.

"Alright. Now, everybody, what can you suggest about the new system of Kirin?" Joong Kyu Soo, the president spoke while fixing his eyeglasses with a black deep eyes and an average looking feature.

"New system, Mr. Joong?" Seo Eun Pyo, the new Assistant Director asked in a meditating tone with a mustache and having a fat-figured body. 

"Yes, Mr. Seo. Where are you, by the way when I called a meeting about this?"

"Oh! Erm... I' out on a vacation. My apology." 

"That is understandable, Mr. Seo. Alright. Moving on! Anybody?" Mr. Joong inquired once again. But it seems like everybody is so silent and speechless. So he called Mr. Yang instead without hesitating.

"Mr. Yang!" Mr. Yang was startled and gets even more nervous, "Oh! Mr. Joong!"

"Since you are the new Art Director, what can you suggest about the new system of our school before the classes starts?"

"Eh? Me?" he asked as his jaw dropped, pointing himself with hi pointer finger.

"Yes, you are." nodded he.

"Ah! Yes, me..." Mr. Yang chuckled. "... Well I suggest that---"                      

Categorically, Mr. Yang don't have any idea on what he is going to suggest. Still he is afraid to insist Mr. Joong's question for he thinks about his position moment by moment, because when he insist, people may think that he is a good-for-nothing Art Director.

"Well, ah..." pretended that he is fine as he is thinking so deep. But the truth is... he is sweating and shaking for he don't know what to do. "Na--Nationality?" without any words to think, only unexpected word suddenly spoke. 

"What's with 'Nationality', Mr. Yang?"                    

Same as Mr. Joong, Mr. Yang was shocked on what he said earlier for he didn't thought that word would came out from his mouth. 'You are so dumb, Yang!' The phrase that keeps on echoing inside Mr. Yang's mind. Still he let himself think again on what to say about 'Nationality'. 

"Nationality. Nationality! Yes. Nationality!" he repeated several times with his weird gesticulations. Everybody stared at him thinking like he's insane.

"Mr. Yang, are you eating your breakfast?" Mr. Seo questioned him seriously. Mr. Yang gaped for a moment in front of them, looking at them and sigh. Until an idea abruptly went inside his brain.

"Yes! Nationality!" a wide smile on his face showed with a sudden cheer.

"Eh?" They were all reacted as if they thought that Mr. Yang is playing around. 

"Mr. Joong, I suggest that we should proclaim an Open Audition again. Just like Song Sam Dong's time, Go Hye Mi, Yoon Baek Hee, Kim Pil Suk, Hyun Shi Hyuk, and Jason."

"And how is it related to 'Nationality', Mr. Yang?" Mr. Seo sarcastically asked.

"It only means... we should take the Kirin Art School into the next level, Mr. Seo." exclaimed Mr. Yang with a smirking reaction.

"I guess I know what you're trying to mean, Mr. Yang." smilingly Mr. Joong uttered in a back-leaned position.                    

As the officers and president had finally decided, the new system of Kirin Art School is cleared under the provision of the Seoul's President; whether local or foreigner, whatever your nationality is, you are preferably accepted at Kirin Art School.                  

Not just the president of the school was deeply happy, but the officers as well. Mr. Yang's idea is very brilliant for them, and no doubt that Mr. Joo anointed him to take his place. It is just that all he thinks is it is for the youths' dreams and future someday. That not all of the local ones are eligible to study at Kirin, but for the the different nationality as well is allowed to study and flourish their artistic talents and gifted skills and most importantly is to reach their dreams to become a one of a kind on stage in their generation.                     

Everything is settled and done. And only  new talented students await for them to conquer their dreams at Kirin. It may be hard for them, but their dreams would be worthless if they don't take the risk and strive harder. And they will all experience it  at --- Kirin art School.

"This is exciting. Different nationality in one school." Mr. Yang glumly said while looking at the poster for the Kirin's Open Audition on July 3rd year 2013.

"Isn't it hard, Mr. Yang?" Mr. Seo beside him asked.

"It is not, Mr. Seo, because it is their dream. And if a human dreams, nothing is impossible for them. They will take all the sufferings  to it."

"Even if things will turn out bad? And even if you will cheat. There are really some people like that. Blinded because of their own dreams, but changed into good ones because of their dreams as well."

"Whoah! I never thought of that before."

"I just learned it from a friend of mine." chuckled Mr. Yang.         



Whoahhhhhh~ Indeed, amazing school, right? Oh~ Aren't you that excited?! haha~  

Oh. Please keep in touch and I badly need your comments, chin-gus. T____T Please? *puppy eyes*

-Kim ^_^

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