The Dance

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The people arrived, one family after the other, crowding into the little town hall in the middle of no where.

"Your late" I cooed to the person who was now standing beside me with a beer in his hand "sorry, I had a few things to take care of" I looked at him one eye brow raised "don't worry, I didn't hurt your little filly" he tossed his head back laughing, obviously the beer was going to his head before the cowed all hushed. The sound of heals clacked across the wooded floor, her hair tied up in a weird plait that wrapped around her head, she walk confidently across the floor her dress flowing behind her "Ash" I breathed out, no surprise that she was so dolled up "ya right Robert" I looked to the back beside me who's eyes were popping out of his head "who- who is she" "oh" I chuckled "that's Ash she's stayin' over with Ada" we both looked back to the girl who was loving the attention which was no surprise, the boys were swarming to her like bee's to honey. Then little Katy came bounding through, like always full of energy, she kept bounding around the room but she away's went back to the door. She quickly came out holding the hand of the most beautiful person I had ever seen, she was perfect right down to the scar on her arm "is that-" "mmm" I nodded cutting Robert off, that definitely was-


Watpad is driving me crazy!!! this is the second update of this it cut off the end of the small chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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