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It was 7 and time go to the party. I get ready in Nicks apartment.

"Kelsey, you ready?" Nicks saids from the living room.

"Uh..Yeah. Just give me a minute."

"You said that 20 mins ago."

"I promise this is my last minute."


As I put on some more lipstick I quickly put my makeup away. I head out of the bathroom.

"Alright I'm ready."  I say.

"Finally." Nick saids in relief .

"Geez....I'm sorry it takes a long time to be this good Lookin." I say flipping my hair.

"Kelsey you already are hot." Nick saids.

"Boy...Why you lyin? You know you wouldn't be dating me if I didn't show up at that party Lookin fly as hell.." I say being sassy.

"True..True." Nick saids.

As we arrive at Skates house I think of how Johnson and Skate are going to react when I walk in there with Nick. Oh shit they probably be given me dirty looks. Ugh great.

I get out of Nicks car and held his hand. I rang the doorbell. Some  random boy answered the door he invited us in. Nick and I walked in still holding hands. I looked around and saw Sammy with his girlfriend.

Then I seen Johnson with Nash and Skate. Johnson and I met eyes. I looked away immediately.

"Hey Nick !" Someone saids coming up to him and bro hugging him letting go of my hand.

"Ayee...what's up?" Nick saids.

"Just chilling."

"Oh ,by the way this is  my girlfriend Kelsey. Kelsey this my friend Ethan Dolan."

"Hey it's nice to meet you." I smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Ethan saids.

"Hey babe I'm going to get us drinks." Nick saids.

"Okay." I say seeing Nick walk with Ethan. I walk around and try to hide from the guys. As I walk I seen Johnson I backup very slowly then bumping into someone.

"Ah..I'm sorry." I say getting a little startled. Seeing that I spilled their drink on their shirt.

"It's okay Kels."
I look up and see Nash.

"Sorry I spilt your drink on you."

"It's fine..I needed a new shirt anyways."

"I haven't seen you in such a long time. It felt like we were departing." I say hugging him.

"I missed you too Kels." Nash saids giving a warm hug.

"So how have you been?" I ask.

"Good. I mean I have been really busy." Nash saids.

"Yeah everyone has been busy lately. I miss hanging with just the guys." I say feeling a little sad. Nick coming towards me and gives me my drink.

"Hey babe I'm going to hang with Ethan for a bit if that's okay."

"Yeah it's fine." I seen Nick walk over to Ethan.

"So who's that?" Nash ask. Nash hasn't been around for a while not as much as Sammy and Johnson and Skate. He hardly hung out with me mostly Johnson.

"He is my boyfriend."

"I see..I think Johnson talked about him once saying that he had a bad feeling about him."

"Johnson is wrong. People make mistakes."

"Yeah but after a couple of incidents shouldn't that person get rid of him."  Nash saids.

"Look I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want to see you get hurt over and over again." Nash adds. I sigh thinking that he might be right. Then Sammy and Skate walk over to us. They both greet Nash.  The Skate and I finally meets eyes.

"Hey Kels I thought you were going to be with lover boy." Skate saids

"I Came here with lover boy but he is hanging out with his friend right now ." I say .

"Wait he is here?" Skate saids.

"Uh..Yeah..." I say squinting my eyes. Skate rolls his eyes.

"Whatever man I ain't gunna deal with your bullshit." Skate saids.

"Woah, Skate what she do to you." Sammy ask.

"She's being stupid and stubborn." Skate saids walking away.

"I can tell you guys aren't on good terms." Sammy saids .

"Yeah.." I say.

"I'm sure you guys will get past it."Nash saids.

"I hope so." I sigh.

All through the rest of the night I hung out with Sammy and Nash. I introduced them to Nick. So far they both liked him. I just don't get why he has to be a bitch. Ugh I have to sort things out with Johnson. Great.

I'm such a liar. I said I was going to update a lot but nope. I think I'll start updating from now but like every other day.

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