Part 4

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~Lloyd's POV~

I slowly became aware that I was lying in a bed. I noticed that my throat was burning with thirst. Memories of the attack came flooding back to me and I sat up with a yell. Kai came blurring into the room. I noticed that he had a bottle of dark red liquid in his right hand. A memory of me smiling up into his black eyes before he snapped my neck flashed through my mind. I looked down to myself and noticed that I wore only my bloodstained gi pants. I noticed that my chest was healed of the claw marks that had scraped against bone. I shuddered at the memory of the attack.

"Kai? Why does my throat burn?" I asked as I held a had to my throat, my eyes widening as I realized that my neck was fully healed.

"You're turning into a vampire. Drink that," Kai said as he gave me the bottle.

I opened the bottle and smelled of the liquid. I cautiously took a sip and made a face.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Jay's blood, or so Cole told me after Zane had brought you down here," Kai said.

"We're in your apartment?" I asked.

"Yeah. The sun had risen so I had to come down here right after I saved you. Zane carried you down here and put you in the bed," Kai said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Drink. You need it to finish the change."

I drank the blood, trying not to get sick at the taste. I finished the bottle and stood up. A wave of dizziness washed over me as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I rushed towards the one bathroom I knew of and emptied my stomach of the blood that I had just drank. I was hanging onto the toilet when Kai came into the room with a warm wet cloth. He helped me up and wiped my mouth for me. My mouth began to water as I smelled Kai.

"K-kai," I said with a faint hungered growl.

"Bite me," Kai said before I bit down on his arm.

The taste of blood was unlike anything I had ever tasted before. Kai's blood tasted like a rich deep chocolate with a slight spiciness that seems to fit his fiery attitude. I moaned softly at the taste as I drank. I felt Kai gently trying to pull me off of him. I released his arm and watched as he healed himself with his fire powers.

"Sorry. I couldn't control myself," I said sheepishly as I used the cloth to clean my mouth as Kai finished healing himself.

"It's fine," Kai said as Wu entered the bathroom.

"What is wrong, my students?" Wu asked.

"Lloyd had the blood that Jay gave him, but he threw it up less than a minute later. Then he drank from me and he's fine now," Kai said as Wu looked to me before leaving the room.

"Sensei!" I yelled as I ran after him and followed him into Kai's library.

"There is a prophecy about someone like you, Lloyd, and you as well Kai," Wu said as he grabbed a scroll and opened it.

"What is the prophecy about?" I asked as he turned the scroll to me and I was shocked by the image.

On the scroll was a picture of me framed by the moonlight. In the picture, I had orbs of white power in my hands and I was glowing with a bluish aura. The only problem with the picture was that I was a girl in the picture. I was wearing a dress that was green with a black material over it. I noticed that I wore a crown on my head. Below the picture of me was a picture of Kai surrounded by a halo of brilliant flames and a crown of dark flames upon his head. He was wearing a dark colored suit with a red vest.

"It is said that a vampire turned on a night when the moon is at its fullest shall be one of a kind, unable to feed from those bound by mortality, only able to feed from another vampire for a time, will be the heir of a great power gifted by the moon itself. This vampire is said to be the most beautiful and powerful of them all. It is said that this vampire and the one that turned her shall be the saviors of a nearly extinct race and claim their throne. Peace shall reign for eternity between all of the inhabitants of Ninjago," Wu said as I took the scroll.

"There is just one problem with that prophecy, Sensei," Kai said.

"And that would be?" Wu asked.

"That can't be true. That's a girl in the picture, not me. That Prophecy can't come to pass," I said with my arms crossed.

"As you know, Destiny works in mysterious ways," Wu said before he walked over to the door head upstairs. "I will send the others down here with your things, Lloyd."

"Thanks, Sensei," I said before the old man disappeared up the stairs.

"So what now?" Kai asked.

"You teach me all my new powers I just got by being a vampire?" I asked as I went to sit on the couch.

"Sure," Kai said as he sat beside me.


What's this about Lloyd turning into a girl? *evil grinning*

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