part 9

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~Kineta's POV~

Kai and I had been dating for a year. That time had passed in peace for Ninjago. The peace only served to make me suspicious. I fed from Kai twice a week. We now shared a bedroom though we all we did was cuddle and make out. I was meditating in our basement apartment with a few lit candles surrounding me while Kai was out hunting in the forested mountains surrounding the monastery. I was in a deep meditation before I felt the flames of the candles around me grow hotter. I looked to see Kai fall from the flames and my still heart froze in fear. I caught him just before he hit the ground. I turned him over and let out a scream at the sight of several wooden stakes in his chest but all of them missing his heart. His mouth was smeared in blood, both his own and the blood of whatever he had been hunting.

"Who did this to you?!" I screamed as I clutched him close and tears began rolling down my cheeks.

"Hunters," Kai managed to say before he passed out as the others came running into the meditation room.

"What happened to my brother?!" Nya yelled as she took Kai from me and ripped his shirt off and yanked out the stakes.

"He just pyroported in like this. He said hunters and then passed out," I said frantically as I began using my lunar powers to heal Kai.

"I'll take him to his room. You go put up a barrier around the monastery," Nya said quietly before Kai unconsciously reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"I think he wants me to stay here," I said as I took Kai from Nya and held him close.

"I'll clean up in here. You be ready to get out in case they come here," Nya said as I stood up with Kai in my arms and laid him on the couch.

"I'll be in my old room," I said before quickly packing up a couple sets of clothes and gis into a large backpack along with a first aid kit.

Once I had the backpack on my chest, I rushed back over to Kai and picked him up and laid him on my back with Nya's help so I could piggy back him out of the area. I rushed up to my old room and waited. It seemed like an hour had passed before a group of hunters came up to the monastery. I used my powers to teleport Kai and myself out of the monastery and to the top of one of the surrounding mountains. I watched as the hunters forced their way in before I turned and ran towards Hiroshi's labyrinth. I was several miles into the forest when I decided to stop. I began constructing a small shelter before covering it with palm fronds to keep out the sunlight. I noticed that Kai's wounds were slowly healing as I worked. I was just fashioning a door when Kai woke up.

"Kineta? Where are we?" Kai asked as he sat up.

"Hunters came to the monastery. I got us out just as they got there," I explained as I tied off the palm fronds.

"How will we know when to go back?" Kai asked as he pushed himself up.

"I'm sure the others will send us a sign," I said as I helped him into the hut.

"I need to hunt," Kai said as he tried to stand up.

"You relax. I'll go get a couple of animals for you," I said before I kissed him softly.

"Be safe," Kai said before I ran out of the hut, blurring with speed.


Sorry it's short. I finally got a chance to update my stories so i'm taking it. Anyway, it's short because it will lead into the first big arc i have planned for this story. Can we say "brainwashed ninja in badass armor"?

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