Part 3

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One week passed by since Hitsugaya's arrival in the living world. During that time period, the heavenly guardian has managed to create about three or four attempts to get Hinamori and Kira together. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. Hinamori would always get nervous; she couldn't find the heart to get over this. But he's not giving up; his perfect record is on the line. Sitting on the ledge on the veranda, Hitsugaya reviewed his past works in the last few days by reading his notes in his notebook. "One week is already done," he said, scrolling through the pages. "What should I do next?"

Just then, he heard giggling and it is coming closer. Half turning his body, he watched Hinamori's two closest friends arrive to the Hinamori residence. Once they were at the door, the young guardian went inside to wake up the sleeping girl. "Oi Hinamori, it's time to wake up," Hitsugaya said, standing at her bedside.

In response to that, Hinamori stirred in bed and half turned away from the white haired boy. She didn't want to wake up. Today is a Saturday. Placing a hand on her shoulder, Hitsugaya attempted to nudge her awake. "Wake up already."

The second time around, Hinamori groaned and flicked his hand away with hers. "Five minutes..." she muttered.

It left him no other choice. Hitsugaya held onto the edge of her blanket and quickly pulled it away from the sleeping girl. "Get out of bed right now!"

Feeling the cold breeze rushing through her sleeping form, Hinamori curled herself into a ball. "Not now Shiro-chan. Let me sleep more."

"Your friends are at the door. Didn't you invite them here today to hang out with each other?"

"Hn, I did," she murmured.

"So get up and get changed Bed Wetter Momo!"

Upon hearing her nickname used to address her, Hinamori immediately opened her eyes, sat up, and pouted, "Mou, I don't wet the bed!"

"Finally she wakes up."

"And what's with that nickname? Why does it have to be Bed Wetter?"

Leaning towards the sixteen year old girl with a grin on his face, Hitsugaya replied, "That's an easy question. Since you were little, every night, you used to keep wetting your bed in your sleep. You didn't get out of that habit until you're about six years old."

Hinamori frowned at the comment. "What?! That part was in my profile as well?"



"Anyway, your grandmother is calling for you right about now. Your friends are waiting downstairs," Hitsugaya said as he began heading towards the open window.

"I know already! I don't need you to tell me that!" Hinamori said as she watched him fly through the open glass door. "Mou, sometimes I wished he isn't such a stalker."

"Rukia-san, Orihime-chan, I'm sorry I made you two wait for me," Hinamori apologized upon entering the living room. "I sort of overslept."

Taking a seat next to the orange haired girl, Rukia replied, "It's alright. We have plenty of time to hang around with one another."

"Yeah, we don't usually have private girl time together especially when we're constantly surrounded by boys," Orihime added, "not that they're annoying or anything."

"So what are we going to talk about today?" Hinamori asked.

"Let's talk about you."

"Huh, me?"

"Yeah, lately we noticed you've been trying so hard to confess your feelings to Kira," Rukia said.

Feeling her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, Hinamori replied, "Y-You noticed?"

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