A Birthday Party For Two

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Seventeen hours...

Hinamori woke up the next day feeling all light and unburdened. Sitting up in bed, she turned her attention to the sleeping white haired guardian laying next to her. "Shiro-chan, he did everything he can to make me happy again," she thought. "I must have really worried him."

Seeing him stir in his sleep, Hinamori couldn't help but feel content. "We're becoming pretty close friends, aren't we?"

"You're already awake," Hitsugaya said.

"Hitsugaya-kun!" she exclaimed as the boy sat up to ruffle through his white hair.

"Are...you feeling better?"

"Ah hai! I'm feeling great!" Hinamori replied joyfully. "You don't have to worry about me any longer."

"Souka? That's good to hear," he said, giving her a faint smile.


"At least I don't have to worry about you wetting the bed anymore."

She pouted. "Mou, Shiro-chan! Stop saying that!"

"For the last time, it's Hitsugaya!" Hitsugaya snapped back.

"Ah, by the way, when is your birthday?"

That comment left him a bit perplexed. "Huh, what's with that question all of a sudden?"

"Come on, I want to know."

"December 20th."


Wondering what the girl is planning to do, he asked, "Why did you want to know anyway?"

"Ah, it's nothing," Hinamori said.

"You're going to be late if you don't get out of bed anytime soon."

"Ah, you're right! I'm going to be late!" she exclaimed, scrambling out of bed, grabbed her uniform clothes, and dash out of the bedroom.

Once he is all alone, the heavenly guardian turned his attention to the scenery through the window. Remembering today is a special day to him, an almost forgotten thought resurfaced back into his thoughts. "It's almost time; I have less than twenty-four hours left to be with her. After that, this dream will end."

Fifteen hours...

The answer to her question is the only thing is on Hinamori's mind as she walked through the halls of Seireitei High. Something about that date seems to ring the bell. She then placed a fist on the palm of her other hand. "Today is December 20th! Today is his birthday!"

Opening the slide door to classroom 2-1, Hinamori entered to see her friends Renji and Kira at their desks, talking. "Ohayo minna-san!" Hinamori greeted as she approached the two boys.

Turning to the cheery girl, Renji replied, "Yo Hinamori."

"Hinamori-kun," Kira said. "Good morning."

She sat down next in her seat. "Ano, thank you for worrying about me. I know you all were concerned because I was acting strange yesterday. I'm alright now."

"S-Souka? That's good to hear."

Turning their attention to their sensei entering the room, the students settled down and went back to their seats to start the school day. With a short look at the girl, Kira smiled. "I'm glad she's feeling all better. Thank heavens for that."

Twelve hours...

"I will set up a birthday party for him," Hinamori thought as she is eating her lunch on the rooftop with her friends. "I must thank him for being at my side yesterday."

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