My Complicated Relationship

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Michael had the most beautiful eyes. They were emerald green and blazing with-
"Shoot shoot shoot, kill him godammit!" Michael screamed at me, barely able to contain the video game controller in his hands. He was flailing and spitting all over the place. Not exactly attractive, but he was rich & famous and had a big dick so I had my reasons.
"I'M TRYING." I yelled back, desperately trying to shoot the enemy on screen.
It was too much. Blood stained the screen and I died a bloody death.
"Darn." I said.
Michael looked devastated.
I looked closer. "Dude. Are you crying?"
He hastily wiped the tears away from his face. "DON'T LOOK AT ME."
"Oh my god, this is so stupid," I muttered.
Michael shot me a glare. "I was on LEVEL 58. Now I gotta start ALL OVER cuz you couldn't kill the one stupid guy."
"It was a stupid GAME, Michael."
"It was not just A GAME. TITAN SHOOTER IS MY LIFE." Michael retorted, looking like he wanted to strangle me. Well, bring it on bitch.
I stomped over to the PlayStation, picked it up, and threw it at his tv. The tv shattered into a million pieces and the PlayStation sputtered and whirred until it went silent.
Michael went BERSERK. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRAZY BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE" he ran to broken game device and cradled it. It was dead.
He stood up, looking at me right in the eye. An unspeakable rage flickered in his eyeballs and he stalked toward me. "Jealous bitch," he hissed.
"WHat? The fuck." I said cuz he was making absolutely no sense.
"You knew that I loved PlayStation more than I ever loved you."
What the actual fuck. This guy is deranged.
"I will ruin ur life," i said and swaggered out the door.
That was how we broke up.

So you know what I did next? I hooked up with Calum, Calum Hood. I thought I would be happy forever with Calum and completely forget about Michael. But nooooo Calum was LOYAL. He said, "I'm sorry Hana I can't do this again. I...I love Jamie." So I slapped him across the face and went to find Luke, Luke Hemmings.
I found him in a shed making out with Leonardo DiCaprio.
"Wassup, man whore." I said to Leonardo DiCaprio since he really is a man whore and he knows it. The legend winked at me.
Please don't tell, Breanna." Luke begged but since I am an evil person, I immediately told Bree, Luke's girlfriend. So Bree went on to date Luke's brother, Jack, Jack Hemmings.
Then I went searching for Ashton, Ashton Irwin. By this time, Ashton knew that I WANTED him. Terrified, he flew to a different continent and was never heard from again. Makenzie was left crying on his bed.
I realized that there was nobody left for me so I went back to Michael's place because it was the only place that felt like home. I ran into Michael arms. "I'm sorry I hooked up with ur best friend and ruined Luke's relationship and scared Ashton away to a remote island." I apologized, sobbing into his shirt. I embraced the familiar feel of him and vowed never to let go.
"It's okay, I forgive you." Michael said embracing me back. He smelled like pizza. "I'm feeling pretty guilty too."
"Why?" I asked, nestling myself into his chest.
"After you left, I hooked up with all ur friends."
Michael was never heard from or seen again.

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