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*************HEY WHATS UP?!! this one of my new books ( its not fairy tail ) I came up with the idea while running cross country and so while I ran i thought about the book idea so here it is :))))*****

Hello my name is Emma and the world i live in you would never of dream of being in. ( sigh) I wish i was still at school with my friends and cross country, track and even band families. But no i have to be on this uncomfortable tree branch watching for crawlers.

Oh by the way there are this ginormous spiders this month and its the 17th I suppose so we have only like eight more days left. " Em your shift is done, get derrick and tell him its his turn at opening eight" said a tall dark figure. "Okay dad!" thats my dad he is tall with a cream color hair and has brown eyes. My mom has dark brown hair and green eyes that shine in the dark, she has been sick because she has weak joints. I have my dad's brown eyes and my mom's dark brown hair, my brother Derrick has blonde hair and our mom's green eyes. I walk around the corner and I see his bright blonde hair and i yell to him

" Hey Blondie dad says its your turn to watch for crawlers at opening eight."

"Knock it off do you want to let the obsess spiders know that we live here?!"

I giggle at the fat spider joke " No but serious," I say while laughing "Alright I'll be there in a couple minutes I have to give some water to Nelly, she said shes not feeling good." He says. " Oh no, I hope it doesn't affect the baby?!" I reply.

" I know that would be horrible!" I started to walk away, and say " Hi my name is Emma I live in grasshills, Tennessee with my family and friends in a fort with high walls and poor crops in a apocalypse.

(sigh) "Another day in wonder land." I said out loud. " You can say that again!" called Robbie from a couple feet away. He had black hair and very dark brown eyes and he was my best friend and I couldn't live without him, he looks shy but once you get to know him he can be really funny and a pervert at times if you give him the chance. As I started to walk towards him there was a horrible shriek, both of us started to run towards the sound and I grabbed a net and Robbie grabs a spear and Andrew jumped in and had a medical kit, Andrew is tall as Robbie and had blue eyes with dark grey hair. "Whats happening!?" shouted Andrew.

"Trisha was attacked by a crawler!" said Tim.

" What?!" yelled Emma. " You heard me!" said Tim " Darn it if only I was here earlier this wouldn't have happened." said Robbie, " Ah guys, theres nothing I can do, a lung was damaged and she lost too much blood there is nothing i can do." said Andrew "i'm rea-" (Andrew) " Save it Quarts we're all sorry there was nothing you could do about it."

The next day we had a small funeral for Trisha, and a little blonde girl can up to me and asked " Emma why are they burring mommy?! Mommy has to go to cook the pie and she has to read me my bed time story!!" she got louder and the she cried out... " MOMMY!" Said the little girl. She was only five and her father was murdered during a camp raid, surprisingly Andrew was the one to tackle him down , even though he is our medic but he is about as strong as Robbie. I sighed. "Well lets be hopeful that tomorrow will be better." " Yeah thanks Robbie, I'll see you at six."

Josh P.O.V


"Why does he have to be so loud

Robbie said with a groan. " Shut up crap for brains, we are all tired" said Josh. "Guys can we spend one harvest without you and Robbie fighting?" said Emma, Hi I'm Josh as you can tell Robbie and I don't get along well though for some odd reason Emma is the only one who can keep us from fighting I don't know but it seems i can get a good, positive vibe from her that sets me at ease. I have the same color hair as Emma, but i have blue eyes and Emma loves how they look like the glow when the moons rays hit the surface of a dark pond.

" Well tell him to worry more about our supplies than his ego." I said " You know you don't have to be such jerk about it!" Robbie said out loud and violently. " Well you act all tough and like your a sadist! Oh look at me i'm Robbie and don't wear shits, lift weights for a living, i can throw a damn crawler over the wall!" mockingly said Josh " SHUT UP SHORT STICK!!"

Robbie leaped and punched me in the jaw, i took a couple steps back...

"So thats how you want to play well so be it." teasly said Josh.

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