Found A Peeta

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Sorry I haven't been updating I just lost hope but now I found it -(*^*)/ There is a new character coming in so yeah! SO HERE YOU GO!!!

Josh P.O.V

God damn she's cute when she cries, not to sound evil or anything..... just the way she acts when she feels sad that drives me nuts. I walked in on her once she had been depressed, she was in the corner of the room, facing the wall and she had Mr. Cuddles with her. Which she claims is a 'babies toy' even though one: she still keeps it no matter how defensive she gets and two: she still sleeps with it at night. NOT TO SOUND STALKERISH, while we where on a look out thing I let her sleep first and I really didn't pay attention much to my surroundings...I just watched her sleep and I mean she just looked so damn hot.

"Hey, were almost there" she said in a quiet voice. In just two minutes we were at rocky hillside. We used to call Mountain George because it was abnormal to have a big rocky hill in Tennessee. It has alot of caves and the further you go up the less caves.

"God damn, do we have to search the whole mountain?" Emma asked with a whiney voice.

"I don't know, its a possibility." I said back.

"Augh" she let out one of her cute rare grunts when she didn't want to do something.

I was about to say something when all the sudden....

"Please don't hurt me, I surrender!" A small weak voice came out of a small cave enough to fit Robbie's ego.

What emerged was a boy around Andrews height, he had blonde hair and big blue eyes. They were like oceans.

"My mom said to stay in the cave and she was going to get help for us." The small boy said.

"Yes, thats what are here for, to collect you." I said with an actual smile, that seemed to make him relax.

"But first we need to ask you questions." Josh spoke in a deep voice he usually used when threatening Robbie in a a whisper behind my back. Which made the boy tense up again. "Ok-okay."

"Alright, ASL." (Age, sex, location).

"16, male, and Hamsworth."

"Okay, any type of wounds? Any serious medical problems? Example inhaler and stuff like that. And any medical problems? Example: Cancer, disease, prosthetic leg?"

"No wounds, no serious medical problems, and yes prosthetic leg."

"Okay show me."


"I'll believe it when I see it."

"No its okay" he lifted up his left pant leg and it showed a prosthetic leg.

"Okay whats your name?"


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