{Chapter 7}- Day 3

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Hello lovelies!

I am so sorry for taking so long to update! I have just been swamped with exams =(

And I have been binge watching "Once Upon a Time" and obsessing over Captain Hook/Killian Jones =)

Anyways, I'll stop talking so that you can read in peace.


“Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better.” 
― Justina Chen, North of Beautiful

                “Did you aunt tell you about the Underground Concerts?” Will asked the next day as Leighton met up with him.

                “No,” Leighton replied. “Where is my coffee?”

                “Here,” Will said, rolling his eyes and handing over the thermos.

                “Thanks,” Leighton mumbled, inhaling the delicious smell of the coffee before taking a sip. “So what’s an underground concert? Don’t tell me it is literally a concert that is held underground.”

                “More or less.”

                “No way!” Leighton exclaimed.

                “Just kidding,” Will replied with a smirk.

                “So we are going to a concert today?” Leighton asked dubiously, quite sure she would be bored out of her mind.

                “You thought yesterday would be boring,” Will accused, picking up the tone of her voice. “Were you bored?”

                “Fine,” Leighton huffed. “Lead the way. Rest assured that if I get bored, I will be annoyingly vocal about it.”

                “Sure. And when you end up enjoying it, rest assured I’ll say ‘I told you so’,” Will added with a smirk as they made their way towards the concert grounds.


Leighton, to her great shock, found that she actually enjoyed the music. While some, such as the man with the bagpipes, were downright terrible, others were rather good. Regardless, the cheerful atmosphere of the concert was contagious, and in next to no time Leighton found herself swaying with the rest of the concert-goers with a huge smile on her face.

Half way through the concert, Leighton felt a tug on her shoulder and looked back to find Will.

“What?” she mouthed, the noise of the concert too loud for conversation.

Will pointed to her, then himself, and then away from the concert. After repeating the hand gestures once again, he turned around and walked off.

Leighton glanced once longingly at the current performer, whose songs she had become quite fond off, before following Will.

“What is it?” Leighton asked, rather irritated. For although she would never admit it to Will, he was right and she was truly enjoying herself. Not only were the music good and the people friendly, but she was also fairly certain that one of the rather handsome singers had winked and pointed directly at her during a song.  “I liked that song.”

“Oh, really?” Will smirked.

“Oh, shut it,” Leighton sighed, anticipating what was sure to come next. “You’re going to say ‘I told you so’.”

“You are absolutely correct. I told you so,” Will replied with a smug smile.

“So why did you drag me away?”

                “To tell you ‘I told you so’,” Will answered with a smirk.

                “Seriously?!” Leighton exclaimed. “You are such a child!”

                “That I am,” Will replied proudly causing Leighton to roll her eyes.

                Thus the pair playfully bickered with each other as they made their way towards the concert grounds, where a night of music and dancing awaited them.


Sorry it was fairly short, I'll try to make the next one longer.

Can't make any promises about the next update date (haha update date). I kind of have a bit writers block.

So lets just hope that goes away soon.

Until next time, eat loads of chocolate and have tons of fun =)

Amazingness xx

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