Introducing Luke

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Myla's POV:

My head shot up from my desk when i heard the fire alarms. "MYLA LETS GO" my english teacher, Mrs. Garret shouts from the door. i quickly grab my phone and exit. I ran out side very confused, because there was no fire drill today. "Oh, that boy is cute" Jay says, I look over and down, I hadn't considered how much I had grown over the summer. "Ha, yea his name is luke and he's in my theater class." she looked up at me and had that look that said 'why didn't you introduce us yet'. "do you want to meet him?" she squealed. "Hey Luke." he moved his eyes across us as if studying us. "Hi Myla." I smiled, "um, this is my very best friend ,Jay." "Hi!" she said with her charismatic attitude. A teacher came outside and gave the all clear sign to go back in. "Well I'll see you later I guess" Luke said to Jay. "Later Myla" he waved to me and went to his class.

"Hey mom" i shouted, walking in the door. "Isn't your mom always home" Jay asked. "Ya but, maybe she went to the store." I called her cell. "Myla, it's coming from her bedroom." Jay said "lets go" I said anxious to know what was going on. I knocked first, no answer, so I walked in. We gasped in shock. With mouths wide open we saw what looked like my mom beaten to death. A tear ran down my face as I rushed to her bloody corpse. Jay was standing there, processing what happended. She then screamed a peircing scream, I ran up to comfort her.

Luke's POV:

I walked along the narrow sidewalk passing big buildings. "Wow, Chicago is HUGE!" my brother, Jake, enthused. "yea" i said quietly. I walked into our building when there was a scream. "Did you hear that" Jake said frantically. I ran up the stairs and to the door, I knocked. No one. I knocked again and Myla answered. "Myla! is everything okay!" I asked, panicking. She didn't say anything. I looked her over, I stopped at her hands. I took her wrists and turned them to see her palms, blood. "What happened" I shouted catching my breath. Still no answer. She then broke down in tears. I pulled her in and held her close.

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