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Credit to artist for the Fanart - I'd ask but I was in a rush to post this chapter) the song has no connection to the actual chapter but I love it so much.
Sorry about not posting, basically I've been sick for a week. Consisting of feeling extremely sick 24/7, terrible headaches, nearly fainting multiple times, feeling really really hot or really really cold, no appetite at all ect
So now I have to go to the doctors 🤒 I also have my exams coming up next week 🙄

•Marinette's POV•

One week.
It's been one week since they finished the tests I'm finally home again.
I'm honestly oblivious as to what happened, Alya said she got a call about me from the hospital but no one really knows what happened.

Chat didn't visit me once.

Everyone else had visited, just name them and I can bet you that they did.

•A Few Days Before•
"Attention all hospital dwellers, the person you've all been waiting for has arrived!" I hear a voice call down the hall and I immediately recognise it.
"The one. The almighty....KIM!" He announces before stepping into the room and taking a bow which straight away makes me laugh for the first time since I woke up. (Alya's visit mainly consisted of tears) Then a very embarrassed Alix walks in, obviously regretting her boyfriends announcement. Well..they aren't dating yet but trust me they will. "Oh and Alix is here too...." Kim trails off as he effortlessly gestures to the girl beside him; obviously wanting to keep all the attention on him. "Kim I thought we agreed you wouldn't do that." She gives him a menacing death stare, followed by Kim's nervous laughter.
I seriously do love these two, they know exactly how to make me smile. They only stop their arguing when another person walks into the room. "Hey Marinette, how are you?" Rose's sweet voice fills the room as the small girl walks over and sits on the chair beside me. "Apart from being highly confused, surprisingly good actually." I smile back at the girl who you can't help but to love. "That's good. Honestly, no one here knows what happened. We were in class one day and Alya gets a phone call so she walks out into the corridor to answer it. A few minutes she runs back in screaming bloody murder and grabs her things, but before she leaves she yelled 'ALYA'S ON HER WAY MARI!' And ran off!" The last part definitely makes me laugh, I have the best friends ever. "Oh and-" Rose begins before giggling sweetly and continuing, "you should've heard her when she got the call saying you'd regained consciousness! It was under the exact same circumstances. She went into the corridor to answer the door and the next thing we hear is-"
"HALLELUJAH!" Alix and Kim chime in, finishing the sentence for her before we all fall into a fit of laughter.

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