Mind games

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I woke up with a start, my head was pounding but I couldn't place why.
That dream...it felt so real, as if I had been forced to experience it..like it was a message. A warning. (Adrien left last night)

I shook me head as I got out of bed. What am I thinking? I'm sure it's nothing, just a dream...
But why did Hawkmoth look so......real?
I've never properly seen his face (apart from a bunch of Akumas huddled up to resemble him on my first sat being mladybug) so how did I know what he'd look like..?

I still have so many questions...like why was I in hospital?
No matter how hard I try to remember, I just can't. No one else seems to know either, the whole thing worries me. I don't even know who took me to hospital! I shook my head, dismissing all thoughts as I got up and walked to my bathroom.

I splashed water on my face to wake me up and bring me back to reality.
After I'd dried myself with a towel I looked in the mirror, i can probably survive another day without a shower. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Yesterday was my last day of suspension so I was meant to go back to school. But, after that hospital business I've been given more time off. Thankfully it's the weekend though and me and Adrien are going to hang out.

My parents aren't going to be home until about 1pm - Its my cousins birthday so they've gone to celebrate it. They didn't make me go though, mainly because my cousin is much older than me so I'm there's just going to be a bunch of adults there. At first they insisted on staying and looking after me, even though it's been a while after the 'incident' they still feel like I'm in constant need to assistance. In the end I managed to persuade them to go and have fun, I'm pretty sure it was after I told them I had plans with Adrien they were fine with leaving.
I got a few looks from them that I couldn't read but apart from that they didn't mention it, and thankfully they didn't ask any embarrassing questions.

At first I got into my usual outfit, but quickly changed my mind. I know Adrien won't mind what I'm wearing but it'd be nice to wear something new.
I hunted around in my wardrobe until I fished out a loose lilac jumper with some white jeans. I tied my hair into a pointy tail, (I'm going to sort it out later) and went to get breakfast.

I made the dedication to eat my food in the lounge so I picked up my bowl and walked over to the sofa. My legs started to ache and so did my arms, but I ignored it until I got into the lounge.

Faces,suffering,blood,tears. One after the other getting faster each time, haunting images played on a constant repeat in my mind as my whole body felt paralysed. I couldn't move, it was as if all breath had escaped my body and I was surviving on nothing but fear. Smash my bowl fell out of my hands and onto the floor, the whole thing just a background noise to my screaming mind.
No...no, no, no, no..." I grabbed my head in my hands as I stood there whispering to myself. I couldn't think straight, my thoughts were consumed by those images that I couldn't escape. It felt as if I was going to explode, my head was racing and showing no sign of stopping. Darkness was consuming my vision until the bright sunshine was no more.


•Adrien's POV•

"Are you ever going to explain why you knew about Mari and Chat? Don't think I've forgotten Agreste, you never told me." Alya continued. I was hanging out with her and Nino before I was going to go to Marinette's. "I-I..." I stuttered, after all this time I still haven't managed to think of a good enough excuse. It's a very hard thing to do, especially in this situation. I looked over to my best friend for help but he just looked equally as curious.
Betrayed by my own best friend. How devastating.
"You know what? Since your still not giving me an answer I'll just call Marinette and ask her." The blogger looks all smug as she whips out her phone and calls Mari. This isn't good, Marinette's going to be just as stuck for answers as I am! I admit my defeat and put my hope in the fact that Mari might be an amazing liar...
"That's strange, she's not picking up. Let me call Tom and ask him if he knows where she is."
Alya selects another contact and presses call, "Hi Tom, it's me Alya. I was just wondering if you knew where Mari is, she's not answering my calls."
I hear some mumbled words that I can't make out before Alya replies "that'd be great! That you, bye."
"He said that she should be home and would tell her I called when her when he and Sabine get home from the shops. Then we'll have our answers." My blogger friend looked smugly at me as if saying 'soon I'll know everything' and I honestly believe she will.

•Mari's POV•

"Poor, poor girl I know your curious. All the questions spinning around in your head and you just don't know the answers. Oh how you must feel...oh wait, I know! Because miss clever clogs I don't know if you've managed to figure it out but It was me who sent you to that hospital, my plan was well thought out.
We all know that stray is terrible without you," I felt anger boil inside as the voice in my head talked about Chat that way, "so I thought what better war would I get his miraculous than to send you to the hospital with an 'undiagnosable condition' and allow an akuma to rampage while you were...unavailable.
And I was winning, oh you shouldn't have seen you weak boyfriend..oh wait you can! You see to you I'm just a voice in your head, but I can read and see everything ! Which also means I can do this.." Instead of pure darkness covering up my vision I could see a scene, there was water...oh so much water. The menacing voice was replaced by the sounds of screams, glass smashing and water gushing.
I could see multiple glass boxes dotted around Paris with helpless civilians in. Oh how I wanted to help, but this was in the past and there was nothing I could do. Now I saw what I feared the most, Adrian. He was unconscious and also in one of ten glass boxes that slowly was filling up with water. He looked weak and worn, I couldn't bare to watch. But I had no choice, my eyes were closed and I couldn't open them, I couldn't stop seeing him. "Oh but before he got trapped the poor guy was so determined, but without you by his side he just couldn't manage." Suddenly I was, yet again, engulfed in darkness. "Poor guy put up such a fight, but just was y strong enough. I had this cat in the palm of my hand...until this foxy little lady came in.
Volpina they called her," a faint image of a brunette entered my vision, she was wearing an orange and white suit with a flute in her hand, "Master Fu, that scheming bastard sent her in. Of course with a partner by his side Chat Noir managed to fight well and whoopty-fucking-do they beat my precious akuma. But don't worry, I'm sure with you in my clutches that kitty will do anything I want."

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