The utter confusion of dreams and reality

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I've noticed that the reads on my chapters are really decreasing and I just don't know why. This chapter is quite confusing at times but don't worry about it been off bc of personal reasons but now im back sooooo...........yay?

a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
"I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights"

the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
"he refuses to face reality"
synonyms: the real world, real life, actuality;

Both such different things, so how is it so easy to confuse them.
The utter confusion of dreams and reality.

His felt so real, so haunting and present that it sent shivers down my spine.
But then I'd open my eyes
And everything's okay, or at least it used to be.
Now I find myself opening my eyes and my dreams have resulted to reality.
The two constantly merging and separating, emptying my understanding of this situation.
My sense of direction has failed me as I can't understand which way I'm facing. My vision is clouded over with darkness as I move my hands around in an attempt of finding something to grab onto.
"Shit." I whispered in pain as my hands gripped onto something sharp. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness I realised I'd grabbed a few shards of glass. I rubbed my hands on my jeans, leaving small blood stains.
I managed to stand up, for a second. I groaned in pain as I felt a kick to my stomach and I fell back down. I looked around but couldn't see anybody else here.
"Hello? I-I know that your here!" I yelled, still looking for any sign of a person.

I heard something drop onto the floor, I darted forwards to pick it up.
I squinted down at it before dropping it as if it was burning.
", no, no!" I yelled into the darkness as my eyes fell upon the object I'd dropped. "This can't be..I don't believe that this is happening..." I couldn't look at it for more that 5 seconds because every time I did I could feel my heart breaking.
Chat Noir's ring lay there in front of me.
"Quite a sight isn't it. Something I've been pinning over for years and finally I've got it!" The voice returned, this time sounding even more sadistic than before. The voice that's always lurking around in my brain. "What've you done with him?!" I attempt to talk with confidence but it comes out panicked and anxious. I feel the all to familiar sensation and I knew what was coming up, "ANSWER ME!" I scream into the never-ending darkness.
"Oh don't worry, I'm sure you'll see him soon enough."

And then the sensation floods over me.

"Marinette! Please wake up" I could hear the desperate voices calling me, it sounded so close yet so far at the same time. I could've sworn it was real...everything is so realistic I don't know what to trust... "Marinette, please...I know you can do this..." the desperateness in the voice was clear and it broke my heart.


I wanted to call out to him, more than anything but I couldn't form words.

"This can't be happening to me...not again. My lady I almost lost you once...I don't know if I can go through it again. I know you may not be hearing this but if you are...if by any chance my words are reaching you, just show me please" slowly I open my eyes but only for a second since the light is so blinding.

"Mari, oh thank god, I really though I'd lost you this time." Adrien gently wraps his arms around me and I burst into tears at the contact. "I-I had such a horrible dream," once I found the strength to talk I just couldn't stop the words from pouring out. "Hawkm-moth was there and he-" I stopped talking as the crying took over my whole body, Adrien stroked my back - not rushing me to talk and just letting me cry. "He had your ring..oh god I was so scared." The second those words came out of my mouth, the stroking stopped and I felt him stiffen.

"Marinette, I lost my ring. I haven't had it all day, I've got Alya and Nino searching for it now because I didn't want to leave you." By this point he'd moved so that I was facing him.

"Shit..." After all the times I've had this weird experience with the voice, this is first time anything has ever continued into reality.

This is reality...


"What's so important about this stupid ring?" I groaned, stopping my search to lie on his bed. "Maybe it was from his mum?" Nino thought out loud as he checked underneath the cushions.
We'd turned his whole bedroom upside down, which took a long time since his room is like, the size of my house. I'd given myself a break but Nino seemed determined to find this for Adrien.
"Maybe..that would make sense. But still, he knows this place better than us. Why's he so urgent?" I pondered, I had lost my hope that we'd find it - we can't go downstairs because we're both too scared of Gabriel being down there - we've turned this room upside down, inside out and everything but we haven't got anything to show for it.
"Don't worry about it, we tried our best," He came over and lay on the bed next to me, taking my hand in his.
And soon enough I felt sleep fall over me.
"This is impossible...they're just dreams, hallucinations. They're not real!" I panicked, pacing the room.
"Mari, calm down lets talk this through. You said he had m-my ring?" I could see the fear in his eyes, he was working so hard to hide. "Yes, there's no denying was right there."

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