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As predicted, Orion answered the door. The tall and quite intimidating man's grim expression turned into a bright smile. She noticed that his smile dimmed a bit when he noticed her purple hair, but then brightened when she quickly turned it back to her normal green. The narrator, Katelleyn, forgot to tell you that Adra was a metamorphus (sp?).

Orion held out a letter and Adra grinned.

Miss Adrastea Dione Black,

You have been invited to join your brothers at Hogwarts for your last 3 years. Don't forget our deal. The list of fifth year items are included in a separate letter. By the way, I know how you wish to be the assistant for Mistress Perl, so I included some books for that. She will be your 'teacher' for that.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledor


Charms and Spells for Young Minds; Year 5 (Miriam Charming)
Brews and Potions; Year 5 (Haedyn Slugley)
Healing Potions for Upper Years (Angelique la Varra)
Transfiguration and Animagi (Oliver Toad)
Defensive Spells For Year Five and Six (Lily d'fense)
Goblins, Wizards and Other Magical Beings from the 19th Century (John Wood)
Divination and Astronomy; Year 5 (Selene Grim)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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