Next door neighbor (Jacob Sartorius) Part 3

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| Jacob's POV|

Wow! I can't believe that y/n actually said yes going to dinner w/ me. She even asked if it was a date and honestly, I wish it was. Anyways, time for me to sleep so that I could be energized for school and dinner tomorrow. 

| Next morning|

I woke up w/ the sun shining in my room. After 5 minutes of just laying in my bed, I finally decided to get out of bed and get ready w/ my day. It is currently 7:00 am and I am eating cereal while texting y/n. After I finished my cereal I brushed teeth then went over to y/n's. Once we left her place we decided to go Starbucks (YASSS). It was 7:25 am and school starts at 7:45 am so we started walking to school. We have arrived at the school and it was pretty crowded in the halls. 

| End of the day|

Finally! School is over for today. Time to meet y/n at her locker.  As I was walking towards y/n's locker, I saw y/n talking to Chase the #1 Varsity Football player also known as the f*ck boy in this school. I quickly went to the other side of the hall and stand in front of a classroom and see what y/n and Chase were doing. I saw y/n laughing at what Chase had said to her. Chase handed her a piece of paper then walked away. I went up to y/n and acted normal. "Hey y/n!" "Hey Jacob!" "I saw you talking to Chase a few seconds ago and he gave you a piece of paper. What was on the paper?" I asked not sounding pissed or anything. "Oh he invited me to go the party he was throwing at his house tomorrow night and he just gave me his number so we could like keep in touch." "Oh. Anyways, are you ready to go?" "Yup! Let's go!" she said pulling me out of school. 

A/n: Sorry for the short story. I'll make a longer one soon.

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Twitter: 1738_dolantwins

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