Ep. 8- Mickayla's Dreams

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            Mickayla was startled awake as the TARDIS lurched, throwing her out of bed.  She hit the floor with an oof, dazed at the harsh wake-up call.  Grumbling, she got up and walked to her door, wincing against the bright lights of the corridor.  She made her way groggily to the main control room.

           "Sorry!"  The Doctor said from the control panel, "Had a bit of a stall, but she's alright, now-"  he did a double take as he saw her, pyjama-clad, her hair mused and sleep still in her eyes.

            "Blimey... although, kudos to you for cleaning up so well everyday."

            "Ha ha."  She said flatly.  She rubbed the dribble from the corners of her mouth and slumped down the few steps to the platform, "You know, you're not much better off."  She teased him.

           "I look fine in the mornings."  The Doctor said defiantly.

            "I dunno.  All that hair..."  She smiled in sleepy satisfaction as he ran his hand over his head.  She leaned on one of the twisty columns and slid to the floor.


            "Well, since you're up, I know of this place where, once a year, the sky lights up at night.  Sort of like the aurora borealis, but on a much bigger-"  he turned to Mickayla, who happened to have fallen asleep against a column.  He deflated a bit, "-scale.  Am I really that boring?"

            Suddenly, the Doctor had a thought that made him smile.  He walked up to his companion and looked down at her, watching the strands of her chocolaty hair sway gently under her light breaths.

            "I shouldn't..." he whispered to himself, as not to wake her, "... oh, but I want to.  A walk in the dreams of Mickayla Cumber."  He knelt in front of her, "What goes on inside your head, hm?"  The Doctor sighed and stood back up, turning to the console once again.

            "No, it wouldn't be right."  He cast one more quick glance back at her, the temptation pulling at him in the pit of his stomach.

            "Oh well."

            He sat down in front of her, crossing his legs.  With a feather-light touch, he placed the tips of his fingers on her temples and closed his eyes, letting his mind become fluid and meld with hers.  

             A soft wind, like the one that blows the long meadow grasses at midnight, breezed through the control room.  When the Doctor again opened his eyes, he was standing under a deep blue sky that twisted with purples and greens and oranges; like the aurora borealis, but on a much bigger scale, just like he told her as she'd fallen asleep.  The Doctor smiled at Mickayla's dream world.  It was just like Earth, but different- the grass was a light lavender, like the colour of her tattoos, and everything sparkled like starlight; even the silvery buildings.

            "Dream Earth."

            He smiled as he strolled around an empty street, lined with quaint flats.  He stopped in front of one he recognized- Mickey's- and sure enough, parked in the flower-bed, was that old blue box of his.  He walked up to it, running his hand up the side, feeling the grain of the wood- soft from years of wear, and as blue as the evening sky above his head.

            "Hello, old girl.  Of course she put you right here."  He cleaned a spot on the window and turned to resume his tour of Mickey's dream.

            "Funny, how dreams to that."

            The Doctor exclaimed as he began walking down the street again- not Mickey's street, as he had been on, but in an open-air market resembling the one from the Arashi system, where she'd been arrested.  He checked over his shoulder- yep, it was there, too.  He'd been moved.  Dreams were a bit of a lottery; you never knew where you'd end up, but that's why it was fun.  The Doctor hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his trench-coat and strolled the streets.

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