Ep. 14- Worth of a Chance

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     The Doctor and Mickayla wandered the back streets of an alien town; the kind of back streets where the windows that weren't boarded had bars, and trainers hung by their laces from the power lines. She stuck close to the Doctor.

     "Just admit it- we're lost."

     "We're not lost." He stubbornly defended.

     "What is it with men and asking directions?"

     "I did ask! The man said "to the right and a left"."

     "No, he said "two rights and a left"! We'll never find the TARDIS."

     "Don't be so dramatic. Fine, if you want me to ask again, I'll ask. Look- we'll stop at that mechanic's there, okay?" He said sarcastically, motioning ahead of them to the repair garage that sat with it's doors wide open, looking like it was abandoned.  They went in.

     "Hello? Anybody home?" The Doctor knocked on a cluttered desk top.

     "Doctor, does this look more like a chop shop to you?" There were a few spaceships lying about the shop, looking as if they were beyond repair, and parts lay strewn everywhere. There was also a substantial amount of oil, pooling in the cracks of the concrete floor.

     "We're looking for our ship..." he called out to somebody that obviously wasn't here.

     "I don't think anyone's here. Let's go-" 

     At that moment, one of the larger ships creaked as a very large bald man stepped out. The next moment seemed to stretch out for a minute, as they stared between each other.  Then, the man started towards them. Mickayla drew in a breath and recoiled as he drew nearer, and in her peripheral vision she saw Doctor preparing for a narrow escape. The man gabbed them by their upper arms and pulled them inside the ship he had been in. It wasn't as bad on the inside as the outside, and as the doors closed behind them, the ship rumbled to life and swiftly lifted off, nearly knocking Mickayla over as she fell against the piping behind her.

     "You two came just on time. We run a tight schedule."  The man's voice was just as gruff as he looked.

     "On time for what? Where are you taking us?" The Doctor stopped him as he tried to walk away. "I demand to speak to the pilot."

     "If you'd like." He said with a laugh. "The name's Brute, by the way."

     "Seriously?" Mickayla said in amusement at the coincidence. They were led only a short way to the front of the ship where the cockpit would be. Brute knocked twice, the metal door ringing from it, before pushing it open.

     "Boss, people to see you." He let them in. Up in the cockpit were two young men, who were obviously twins. They weren't identical, but they were similar, with their long faces and shaggy brown hair. They even had similar stubble on their chin and jaw.  They turned in their seats to face their passengers.  The one brother introduced himself.

     "I'm Jesse, and this is my co-pilot and brother, Max."

     "Maximum." The second brother said. 

     "Yeah, I'm the Doctor and this is Mickey. Nice to meetcha." The Doctor said with obvious annoyance. "What's going on here? We were just looking for our ship when we were dragged into this tin can." Mickayla nudged him.

     "Hey, don't dis the ship. The outside is just a disguise. She purrs like a kitten, and she's the most reliable ship you can find." Jesse defended his craft dearly.

     "Yeah, yeah, that's great, but we're not supposed to be here."

     "Then I'm sorry about that, but there's nothing we can do now, I'm afraid. We're already outside the atmosphere, and there's nowhere to land between Tro and our destination. Hey, Grace!" Jesse pressed the intercom button, calling through it.  A few moments later, a petite blonde girl who was around Mickayla's age bounced in.

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