Chapter 6

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The bell rang and I bolted to the door, I need to leave my last hour as quickly as I can to get past the stampede of kids so I don't get trampled. I walked quickly down the hall and pushed open the heavy front door, wincing because I didn't bend my elbow while I opened it causing a jolt of pain to run through my arms. When I reached outside I saw a boy standing against the side of the school.

He has an unbuttoned navy blue Field jacket on with a grey shirt underneath it and has spiky brown hair. I looked at him wondering who he is, probably the brother of one of the kids at this school. He saw me looking and gave me a toothy grin, I smile back and give him a wave even though I don't know him, It's the kind part of me pulling at my conscious. I shrugged it off and kept walking down the sidewalk in front of the school. Daniel's grade level is on the other side of the street, in a separate building, He's still in 6th grade and started early when it came to school, that's why he's the youngest in his class.

With the ground firm beneath my feet I kicked stones across the pavement, the walk is short of course but I tend to get bored easily, not all the time though. After cars passed, I walked across the road. The grass is still wet from the sprinklers that had been on earlier but the bright sun above seems to be evaporating the water. Daniel could probably do that, I thought. He likes helping people even if he has a temper but what we don't like is getting seen with our powers on and being taken to some lab or something.

Daniel ran out of the building with Jason not far behind him and smiled when he saw me.

"IZZY!" He screamed from across the wide lawn. He ran towards me nearly slipping on the grass, unfortunately Jason slipped but was quick to his feet. Almost being tackled by Daniel, I gave him a big hug.

"Have a good day?" I asked while walking with him and Jason back to my school, Olivia must be talking to a teacher.

Daniel shrugged, "It was ok."

"Dude you should've seen the look on Mary Fulton's face when I put that worm in her desk!" Jason laughed, he slapped his knee while Daniel nearly knocked me over while leaning on me. I stiffened and had to hold on to Daniel to keep from slipping on the wet grass. I looked at Jason judgingly and rolled my eyes.

"Leave that girl alone, you're only messing with her because you like her," I taunted. Jason's face reddened and Daniel laughed at his friend.

"W-what? What are you talking about?" Jason stammered. Daniel slapped the back of his head as I continued to walk forward. Off in the distance I saw Olivia exiting the school entrance with a smile on her face. She always smiles.

"Oli!" Jason yelled to her, she smiled wider and waved at the young boy. Jason, being the 10 year old he was, ran in the street oblivious to the cars that were speeding by. Panic spread through the atmosphere. Everyone held their breath, gasped, looked away, or screamed. I, on the other hand, stared straight at Olivia.

Her face, frozen in fear, mouth ajar, eyes wide with a piercing scream prepared to be released from her lungs, I feel helpless. I want to do something but everything is so quick.

As I'm about to grab Daniel in fear, everything stops. The cars stop. The people stop. Dust from the cement road rises in the air along with loose leaves from trees that landed on the ground. The dust cleared and reveals Jason curled into a ball on the ground. Olivia runs to her brother, calling his name. People stepped out of their cars, dazed, and called the police. After a moment of shock, I ran towards the duo of siblings gathered in the middle of the road.

"JASON!" I yelled. We finally reached them and Daniel spoke.

"You would have gotten hit by those cars, how didn't you get hit?!" Jason looked up slowly and looked him straight in the eye, then looked away.

"You wouldn't believe me," He muttered, still being held on the ground by Olivia.

"What?" Daniel asked, he hadn't heard him. Olivia talked over his question, repeatedly asking Jason if he was ok or hurt but he kept denying. The police arrived, their sirens filling the air and the lights flashing. I looked up and around, people had gathered around the commotion and murmured to each other.

But back at the entrance of my school, I see that boy. He's still leaning there, like nothing had happened.

Cliffhangers suck and so do I. If you enjoy this story please vote for the chapters and share this story (if you want lol). Thanks for reading so far! 😊😊😋

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